Intensive Reading
Dr. V. WilsonFlorida A&M University Developmental Research School
2014-2015 Course Syllabus“Be the change you wish to see in the world…” Ghandi!
Teacher: Mrs. Wilson Phone: 850-778-6991
Subject: Intensive Reading E-mail:
Room: 603 Planning: Period 7
Course Description
Intensive Reading is required by FLDOE for those students who need additional support with explicit instruction and reading practice. Competenciesinclude fluency, word study, critical thinking, analyzing, synthesizing information, and comprehending a variety of texts and genres accurately. Reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening, and test-taking strategies are integrated into this coursework to cover all of the Common Core/ FCAT standards. The class requires active participation in reading practice, thinking out loud, cooperative learning, and strategy use. Students are expected to practice independent reading for a minimum of 20 minutes a day. Books from the classroom or library will be on hand if desired.
Required materials every day of class
- Pen
- Notebook paper
- 2 Inch 3 ring binder/ Portfolio
- Independent Reading Book (Student Selected)
- Composition tablet for journaling
Students can assess the teacher Web site as a daily resource for assignments and homework due dates, handouts, make-up work, and teacher contact. The site can be accessed at
Late work is NOT ENCOURAGED! A student who fails to turn in assignments and/or homework on assigned days will be given one lower grade each day after the assigned date. After three days the grade will become a “O”. PROJECTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE DUE DATE—NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!
Projects must be typed and must follow all rules governing completion.
Quality work is required and expected on all completed work. Students turning in sloppy or incomplete assignments will receive an opportunity to revise work or receive a zero.
The nine weeks exam will cover all content taught during the nine weeks. Exams will consist of multiple choice, essay questions, and reading samples in FCAT format that require the use of higher order thinking skills.
All school and classroom policies will be followed as per the FAMU DRS Code of Conduct.
Material in this syllabus is subject to modification by instructor if deemed necessary.
Classroom Policies:
- All students have the right to learn in a safe, comfortable environment. Therefore, disruptive students will be removed.
- Cell phones, Ipods, or any electronics are not to be used during class time without teacher consent. Any students found using a cell phone during a test, quiz, or timed writing assignment will receive an automatic zero.
- Copying another student’s homework, classwork, exam or writings are forms of cheating. Cheating WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and will result in a zero for ALL parties involved.
- Be in your assigned seat and ready to work when the bell rings or you will be considered tardy.
- First tardy receives a warning, second tardy phone call home, and each additional tardy receives an administrative referral. When the tardy bell rings, you should be in your seats.
- Bring all required materials to class.
- The bell does not dismiss you, I do! Students should not be standing at the door.
- No sleeping in class.
- Restroom passes are not permitted during lectures, presentations, or the first and last 10 minutes of class.
- Please keep the room clean and orderly. Straighten desks, throw away trash, and return all materials to their proper location BEFORE leaving class.
First Nine Weeks: Zoey by Steven Wright ($10.07 paperback, 5.05 Kindle)
Second Nine Weeks: If I should Die Before I Wake by Han Nolan ($7.19)
Third Nine Weeks: To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee ($5.09 paperback, $3.95 Kindle)
Fourth Nine Weeks: Animal Farm by George Orwell ($6.49 paperback)
Note: To get all four paperback novels will cost less than $30.00 per student. Some of these titles may be obtained from the public library. Your best option for Zoey is the Kindle version for $5.05. We will do an author study and have an author book signing for Zoey.
Donations of copy paper, hand sanitizer, and/or Kleenex are heartily appreciated but certainly not mandatory.
I understand and acknowledge the expectations to be successful in my Intensive Reading Class, and I agree to adhere to all stipulations.
Student Name (Print)______
Student Email Address______
Parent Name (Print)______
Parent Phone (Home)______(Cell) ______
Parent Email Address______