NDTi ( and NMHDU are working together to explore different approaches to achieving age equality and addressing age discrimination in mental health services. As part of this work NDTi are asking for information about local examples and approaches that you are aware of or involved in, relating to the following key areas and issues.

We would love to hear from you using the attached template which can be returned by email () or post (The Older People and Ageing Programme, NDTi, Magnolia House, 21a Stour Road, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 1PL). If you would prefer to tell us about your work, please ring Sarah on 01202 471423 to arrange a convenient time.


  • Commissioning and resourcing‘age equal mental health services’
  • Approaches to populationneeds assessments/communityprofiling relating to mental health at different life stages and ages
  • Methods of reviewing existing provision and identifying gaps, including diversity and equality impact assessments i.e. to determine how well the mental health needs and support needs of older people are met
  • Examples of indicators and outcome measures used to determine whether services are age equal or discriminatory – and how these are used to improve local delivery
  • Examples of standards, guidance & protocols used or developed locally to ensure age equality or address age discrimination in mental health services.
  • Examples relating to delivery and provision of services:
  • How mental health services are organised, managedand delivered to meet the needs of individuals and communities across all ages
  • How integration across health and social care, and between adult and older age services, has helped to reduce age discrimination and achieve age equality
  • Increasing/enabling access to diagnosis, treatments/interventions, services and support (e.g. talking therapies, assertive outreach, crisis teams, home treatment teams, occupational therapy, drug and alcohol services, hospital liaison)
  • Ensuring the continuity of staff, services and support across ages and at times where life events can impact on mental health and wellbeing, or where traditional services and models move people on (e.g. transition protocols, person centred support plans)
  • Improving awareness and addressing stigma and misconceptions regarding mental health and ageing/older people
  • Best practice in enabling the voices of older people and those of carers to be heard in their own support/treatment and in wider mental health service developments

Area covered (please indicate which – and use one sheet per example)
  1. Commissioning
  2. Delivery
  3. Voices
  4. Anti-stigma
/ Is this :
-Existing local/best practice
-A new development or project
-Initiated by services/staff
-Initiated by service users/carers
-Initiated by community / Is this:
-Locally based i.e. happening in one area/locality/neighbourhood
-Happening in one service/team
-Common practice in all areas/services/teams
-Not known
A simple description about what you want to share with us, and why / How long has this been happening? / How did it begin/start?
Who is involved? / How is it resourced? / How is it measured/monitored? (How do you know it helps combat discrimination/achieve age equality?) Can you provide (e.g. as attachments or over the phone/email) data, stories, other information that demonstrates what works?