HUSR 315-01

Research and Data Management

General Research Methods

Meeting time:

Location: EC 125 - Computer Lab


Prerequisites: Completion of General Education category III.A.1 & Human Services 201

Course Description

This course provides an overview of basic research and assessment skills appropriate to the delivery of human services. This course focuses on introductory skills relating to library search techniques, introductory statistics, computer based data analysis, tracking of client progress and implications for human services.

Course Objectives

At the conclusion of the course students will:

  1. Gain an understanding of the nature of scientific thinking, methodology and analysis, and its usefulness in addressing individual, family, community and social problems in human services field.

CSHSE Standard 11.1.g. Skills to analyze and interpret historical data for application in advocacy and social change.

CSHSE Standard 12.f. Emphasis on context and the role of diversity in determining and meeting human needs.

CSHSE Standard 13.a. The range and characteristics of human serves delivery systems and organizations.

CSHSE Standard 19.d. The worth and uniqueness of individuals including culture, ethnicity, race, class, gender religion, ability, sexual orientation, and other expressions of diversity.

CSHSE Standard 19.3. Belief that individuals, service systems, and society can change.

  1. Increase problem solving and professional communication skills in the delivery of human services programs.

CSHSE Standard 14.d. Disseminating routine and critical information to clients, colleagues, or other members of the related services system that is:

14.d. (1) provided in written or oral form

14.d. (2) Provided in a timely manner

CSHSE Standard 14.e. Applying maintenance of client confidentiality and appropriately using client data.

CSHSE Standard 14.i.Utilizing research and other information for community education and public relations.

CSHSE Standard 19.c. Confidentiality of information.

  1. Critically analyze research in human services utilizing computerized databases and electronic information.

CSHSE Standard 14.a. Obtaining information through interviewing, active listening, consultation with others, library or other research, and the observation of clients and systems.

CSHSE Standard 14.f. Using technology for word processing, sending email, and locating and evaluating information.

CSHSE Standard 14.j. Using technology to create and manage spreadsheets and databases.

  1. Be able to conduct a well controlled research project and understand basic statistics.

CSHSE Standard 14.b. Recording, organizing, and assessing the relevance, adequacy, accuracy, and validity of information provided by others.

CSHSE Standard 14.c Compiling, synthesizing, and categorizing information.

CSHSE Standard 14.g Performing an elementary community-needs assessment.

CSHSE Standard 15.a. Analysis and assessment of the needs of clients or client groups.

CSHSE Standard 15.c. Evaluation of the outcomes of the plan and the impact on the client or client group.

Required Text:

Cozby, P.C. & Bates, S.C. (2012). Methods in Behavioral Research, 11thed .New York, NY:

McGraw-HillHigher Education.

NOTE: The textbook is on course reserve at the library (3 hour limit per


*Note: additional articles will be posted to Titanium. Students are responsible for these readings. Please check Titanium regularly (several times a week) for updates.


I use Titanium to provide students with pertinent course information. Titanium may be accessed through your student portal found at the following link: Please check the announcements weekly to be sure you are up to date on any changes or updates to course information and assignments. Please make sure the email address associated with your profile in Titanium is an email address you regularly check.


Your course grade will be based on in-class participation and activities, homework assignments, quizzes, a midterm and final exam, a group research project and oral presentation. Guidelines and grading rubrics for the assignments will be posted well in advance of the due date so that students know the requirements and expectations for each assignment. If you have questions or are not clear as to what is expected, please contact me or visit my office hour sooner rather than later for clarification.

Class participation (10% of the final grade)

The class relies heavily on application and comprehension of the material. Students are required to have completed assigned readings prior to class and to be present to participate in the in-class activities. As in the field of human services, there is a strong emphasis on collaboration and group work; students will work together in small groups and will complete an overall class project.

Participation Activity Assignment: Bio and Photo Assignment

The goal of this assignment is to help us learn each other’s names and continue to get to know each other. Instructions are posted in Titanium. See due date below.

Notebook. You are required to keep a notebook for the course. Notes are to be hand written in a paperbound notebook (e.g., composition book). Randomly throughout the semester I will collect and review students’ notebooks during class. Students will receive participation points if their notebook contains detailed course related notes that are up to date. Please note that you may use copies of the lecture slides to guide your notes but you will not receive credit for including just the printed slides.

Homework assignments. There are a number of assignments that students are required to complete outside of class time. These assignments are necessary for activities and/or discussionscheduled for the next class session, thus late assignments will not receive credit. Due dates are noted on the syllabus; if you know you are going to miss a class, then it is your responsible to contact me prior to the assignment due date. Please note that notifying the instructor does not guarantee that you can complete the assignment for credit.

Quizzes (10% of the final grade): There will be several in-class quizzes throughout the semester. These quizzes will be based on the study terms and review questions provided at the end of each chapter of the course textbook. You may use your notebooks for the quizzes (another reason to ensure your notebook is complete and up to date). However, you can not use copies of lectures slides…your notebook must have handwritten notes only (see the research on why this is the case…again, science at work!)Quiz dates for the respective chapters are noted on the syllabus. There are no make-up opportunities for missed exams but I will drop students’ lowest score from their final grade.

Midterm Exam (25% of the final grade): There will a midterm exam covering statistics and basic concepts in research methods. The date of the exam is scheduled below.

Final Exam (25% of the final grade): Exam format includes multiple choice/short answer questions on material covered over the semester. In addition, students will be given data in an excel file and will be asked to generate basic descriptive information, run analyses, and create a table and/or bar graph.

Reflection Paper (5% of your final grade)

Students will write a reflection paper, 2-3 pages (minimum 1,000 words, maximum 1,250 words), double-spaced, 1” margins, on their experiences working on their group project. This is an individual assignment. More details of this assignment and a grading rubric is available on Titanium. You must upload this paper by the date noted below.

Final paper: Group research project and paper (20% of the final grade)

Depending on class size, there will be either three or four groups that will work collaboratively on a research topic. The purpose of this assignment is to acquaint you with the procedures involved in turning a research question into an actual study. The assignment allows you the opportunity to address a research topic related to issues confronting students here on campus or an issues in the community. You must receive approval from the instructor before you initiate your study. Your group will; a mini-review of the literature on the topic; formulate a research question; design the methods to address the research question; collect and analyze data; report the findings; and discuss their implications in the final paper (6-8pages in length, APA format).The final paper is a group assignment and thus only one paper will be uploaded to titanium.

Section Drafts: Drafts are required for each section of the final research paper by the date indicated on the schedule below. I will provide feedback and return the drafts to your group. My edits and comments must be reflected in your final paper to receive full credit. You will attach a copy of each section draft, with my comments, to a hard copy of your final paper. Drafts constitute 5% of the final paper (see above). You must turn in the drafts on the due date to receive credit.

Oral Presentation (5% of your final grade)

Your group will present the findings of your survey to the class using Power Point. More information on this assignment and a grading rubric are provided on Titanium.

Guidelines and grading rubric for the final paper (150 points total):

General requirements

Use of research literature (20 points total)

Comprehensive coverage (Minimum 5 empirical references from academic, peer reviewed journals within the last 5 years) (10 points)

Appropriate APA Citations (5 points)

Direct quotations Avoided (5 points)

Writing quality (15 points total)

Clear and concise language (5 points)

Statements supported with evidence (5 points)

Free of grammatical errors/typos/etc (5 points)

Specific requirements for the paper

Introduction (30 points total):

Introducing the problem (10 points)

Topic that you want to study

Why this topic is important

Background (10 points)

What is currently known about the topic (include information from the

Articles, using your own words)

What is missing from the literature

Purpose and rationale of your study (10 points)

what you plan to do (briefly, in a sentence or two…more detail on the

specific steps you will undertake are reported in method section)

what you plan to answer (research question(s) and, if available, hypotheses)

Method (20 points total)

Who (participants’ ages, gender, educational level, etc).

What (measures used, questions asked)

How (procedures, how did you recruit participants, what did you ask them to do,


Plan of Analyses (5points total)

Type of statistical analysis you will use.

Results (25 points total)

Provide a table with demographics of your sample (10 points)

Report on measures in aTable that includes N, Mean, Range, (5 points)

Research question answered or Hypothesis supported or not supported – report

specific statistics used (5 points)

Correct use and reporting of statistics/tables using APA format (5 points)

Discussion (5 points each, 15 points total)

Overview of the study results

Implications of the findings

Strengths/limitations of the study

Reference page (15 points total)

Proper APA format (10 points)

All citations included in the reference page (5 points)

Peer Evaluation (up to 5 points)

You will be evaluated by your group members on your degree of involvement in the project. Scores range from 0 = did not fulfill duties assigned to 5 = completed all duties required. A mean score, based on the total scores of your group members, will be calculated and added individually to your overall paper score. Please note that you may not receive credit for the final paper if there is a consensus among your group members that you were not involved with the project on any level. You should keep all documentation related to your work on the project. Group issues should be dealt with by its members and as a last resort, brought to the attention of the instructor. Please do not wait until the end of the semester to address any issues(s) that prevent your group from completing the project.

Assignment / % of final grade
Classroom participation / 10%
Quizzes / 10%
Midterm exam / 25%
Group research project and paper / 20%
Reflection paper on final project / 5%
Group oral presentation on final project / 5%
Final exam / 25%
TOTAL / 100%


The grade scale for the course is as follows:

A =94 – 100%C=74 – 76%
A-=90 – 93%C-=70 – 72%
B+ =87 – 89%D+=67 – 69%
B=83 – 86%D=63 – 66%
B-=80 – 82%D- = 60 – 62%
C+=77 – 79% F = < 60%


This is a college-level class at California State University, Fullerton; thus, I expect you to take responsibility for your own learning, including keeping up with assignments, learning the materials presented during lectures, readings, checking the course websites for announcements, and seeking help when you have questions about the material.

Please make sure your CSUF email account is working so that you will receive any notes sent to the class as a whole or that I send you as an individual.

You are also responsible to hand in your class assignments on time and to be present at the time of each quiz and exams. There will be no rescheduling of exam time/date unless there is an emergency that can be verified. If there is an emergency, it is advisable to email me as soon as possible about it.

Academic Accommodations

Please inform the instructor during the first week of classes about any disability or special needs that you may have that require specific arrangements related to class participation, carrying out class assignments, or completing papers or examinations. According to the California State University Policy, students with disabilities must document their disabilities at the Disabled Student Center. (657-278-3117)

Academic Integrity

Academic honesty and integrity are the expectations of the instructors here at CSUF. Refer to University policy in the course catalogue.Academic dishonesty will be handled in accordance with the procedures established by the University, which is stated in the CSUF catalog. See the CSUF Judicial Affairs website for additional information and to read, “Student guide to avoiding plagiarism”: ( )

Class Conduct

Classroom expectations have been established to promote a sense of community and to ensure an environment of cooperative effort allowing for a community of scholars and learners to occur. Students are expected to be considerate and respectful, be on time or early to class, avoid distracting others while in class, and to use common sense (e.g., turn off cell phones, do not text, search internet, etc.). One of the most reliable ways to annoy any college instructor is to send texts or emails during class or surf the web when you are pretending to take notes. Cell phones must either remain off or on silent during class sessions. Just as students are expected to refrain from taking calls during class, students are also expected to refrain from texting during class. Should you receive an urgent call or text that needs an immediate reply, please step into the hall to do so and then rejoin class, with as little disruption as possible. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in taking away your cell phone for the duration of the class and a reduction of 5 participation points per occurrence.

Behavior that persistently or grossly interferes with classroom activities, including disruption to student learning or to instructor performance, is considered disruptive and may, as a result, be subject to disciplinary action. This can include being asked to leave class, failing an assignment and/or class, and/or being reported to the Associate Dean of Students, Judicial Affairs.

Further, student may not digitally record any portion of the class without prior consent of the instructor. Consent is given with the clear understanding that the recording will be used explicitly for the individual’s own learning and will not be distributed, in any form, publically. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in the administrative action following University policy.

Attendance and Tardiness: Regular class attendance and active participation are expected. Failure to attend and actively participate in class will impact your grade severely. Frequent (more than twice during the semester) late attendance will result in ½ an absence. Two absences are allowed without penalty. If you have three (3) absences, your final grade will be lowered by one letter grade. If you have four (4) absences, your final grade will be lowered by two letter grades. If you have five (5) absences, you will receive a failing grade for the course. The instructor must approve all absences in advance. In the event of an emergency, documented absences will be accepted and make-up work permitted. Faculty members do not initiate course withdrawals.

When you attend class, be sure to come on time, prepared to learn and with the necessary materials. Failure to be on time to class will result in the lowering of your course grade in participation. Leaving class early can be disruptive to the learning environment thus I encourage students to minimize the need to do so. If you must leave the class early, please notify me prior to the start of class. Penalties for leaving class early as the same as the penalties for late attendance and missed classes.