FrenchI Class Syllabus

Contact information for the teacher

Name: Ms. Meagan McCaw

Email: (Best way to contact!)

Phone: 601-825-2261 (call number to schedule parent or student conferences)

Description of the course

This class is part of a four-year planoffered at Brandon High School and earns high school credits. This course is designed to help students build reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in the French language while also providing exposure to the cultures of different French- speaking countries.


1. Summative Assessments 60%

(Such as projects, tests)
2. Formative Assessments 40%
(Such as homework, classwork, daily/weekly work, quizzes) /

Students are allowed to retake/revise one summative assessment if they score 60% or less and may earn up to a 75% onceper semester. Grades will not be averaged; the higher of the two grades will determine the final grade for the assignment.

Formative assignments must be submitted according to the classroom procedures handout. “Late” begins as soon as the assignment is submitted in class. Assignments submitted later in the class period, or school day, are considered late. Assignments should be prepared in advance and brought to class on time.

NOTE: Not ALL Quizzes are announced.

Classroom Expectations

Learning a new language requires time and attention. You are expected to work hard, study hard, and come to class prepared to learn. In class, you will be expected to participate fully in all speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities.

Have all your supplies and assignments with you when you come to class.

Stay in your assigned area at all times.

Keep your hands and feet to yourself; keep your voice at a reasonable volume level.

Respect your fellow classmates and the teacher.

Respect and follow all rules set by Brandon High School

Student Responsibilities

1. Come to class prepared! “Prepared” means that you have all of your supplies with you and that any homework assignments are completed and with you in your folder.

2. Give 100% effort in all you do.

3. If you do not understand, ask for help!

4. If you are absent talk to the teacher to see what you missed. You are responsible for obtaining any work missed when you are absent.

5. Study for 10 minutes every night.

Daily Classroom Supplies
Notebook paper

Tentative schedule of assignments for the French I school year is as follows:

(Subject to change)

Unit 1- Salut, les Copains
Numbers 0–30
Subjects and verbs
Subject pronouns
Culture appliquée: Les gestes
Comparaisons et Communauté
Classroom objects and expressions
Accents and special characters
Indefinite articles and plural of nouns
The verbavoirand negations / Unit 2- Qu’est qui teplait?
Likes and dislikes
Definite articles
Un peu plus:Irregular plurals
Culture appliquée: Dansestraditionnelles
Comparaisons et Communauté
Leisure activities
Contractions withà
Unit 3- Comment est ta famille?
Physical descriptions and personality traits
The verbêtre
Adjective agreement
Un peu plus:More irregular adjectives
Culture appliquée: Le blason familial
Comparaisons et Communauté
Family and pets
Possessive adjectives
Contractions withde / Unit 4- Mon AnneeScolaire
School subjects
Days of the week
Un peu plus: lewith days of the week
Culture appliquée: Les jours de la semaine
Comparaisons et Communauté
School supplies
Colors and numbers 31–201
The verbspréférerandacheter
Adjectives as nouns
Unit 5- French Revolution
Intro to French Civilization
French Involvement in the Americas
The Old Regime
Bastille Day
The Reign of Terror
The Coalition Wars
La Marseillaise
French Revolution Research Paper
Napoleon Debate / Unit 6- Le temps Libre
Sports and activities
Seasons and months of the year
The verbfaire
Question words
Un peu plus:Adverbs
Culture appliquée: La pétanque
Comparaisons et Communauté
Places in town
Allerand thefuturproche
Venirand thepassé récent
Unit 7- Bon Appetit
Breakfast foods and drinks
Place settings
The partitive
Un peu plus:The verbvouloir
Culture appliquée: La tarte
Comparaisons et Communauté
Café foods
The verbprendre
The imperative / Unit 8- On fait les magasins
Clothing and accessories
Demonstrative adjectives
Interrogative adjectives
Un peu plus:The verbmettre
Cultureappliquée: Le boubou
Comparaisons et Communauté
Sports equipment, leather goods, and jewelry
Numbers 1000–1,000,000
Thepassé composéof-erverbs
Thepassé composéof irregular verb
Unit 9- A La Maison
The verbspouvoiranddevoir
Thepassé composéof-irand-reverbs
Un peu plus:Negative expressions
Culture appliquée: La cérémonie du thé
Comparaisons et Communauté
House and furniture
The verbsdormir, sortir,andpartir
Thepassé composéwithêtre
Un peu plus: -yerverbs / Unit 10- Canada and Other French Colonies
North Africa
Western Africa
Other colonies
Colonies Research Paper
Colonies Debate