September 6, 2013

PUBLIC PROPERTY MEMBERS PRESENT: Randy Young, Milt Marquardt, Ron Kupper, Jerry Erdmann, and Bob Krause


ALSO PRESENT: Julie Harland, Steve Dreher, Jim Benishek, Stephanie Angst, Lee Pulaski, Tom Madsen

CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chairman Young at 8:00 a.m.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: No Public Comments

MEETING MINUTES: Motion by Erdmann, seconded on Krause to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. All yes. Motion carried

MOTION TO DEVIATE: Motion by Kupper, seconded by Marquardt to deviate from the posted agenda if necessary. All yes. Motion carried.


Hurkman Mechanical - $7,250

Johnson and Jonet - $10,760

Motion by Krause, seconded by Marquardt to award bid to install an intratank circulator in the water tower at Maple Lane to Hurkman Mechanical in the amount of $7,250. All yes. Motion carried.

ALCOHOL AT CRAWFORD: Hockey League would like to have a wine tasting type event at the Crawford Center as a fundraiser. This would be a one-time occurrence. Motion by Krause, seconded by Erdmann to allow a one-time use of alcohol at the Crawford Center by the Hockey League. All yes. Motion carried.

ANNUAL REPORT: Motion by Marquardt, seconded by Kupper to forward the Maintenance Department Annual Report to the County Board as submitted. All yes. Motion carried.

PORTFOLIO MANAGER: Motion by Krause, seconded by Erdmann to discontinue entering information into portfolio manager. All yes. Motion carried.

COUNTY FORESTRY MANAGEMENT PLAN: Informational only. No action necessary

COUNTY AUCTION: The Committee received a listing of items at Maple Lane to be disposed of. Motion by Marquardt, seconded by Kupper to dispose of the items on the list in the appropriate way. All yes. Motion carried.

EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK: Dreher stated that the employee handbook does not include several elements that were included in the union contracts. Those items include: on call pay, pay progression.

DEPARTMENTAL UPDATE: Mielke Park Shelter: Completed, turned out nice

Rental Properties: Had a break in at one of the rental properties, during the day

Mielke Expansion: Not happy with exterior paint, shower draining, several other small issues

Mielke Theater: Been having some issues with the plumbing drainage, running to the main. This has been an issue prior to the expansion project. With the demolition of the old restroom building will be putting in a check valve so that the force main will not impact the facility if there is a stoppage.

Courthouse Security: Researching upgrades / additions to the Courthouse security systems

Utilities: Working on storage tank issues.

Jail Water Heater Replacement: Having issues with the new water heaters, just working out the bugs

Crawford Center: Training and Start up of dehumidifier completed on 08/20/2013

Grinder pump needed to be replaced at Mielke Shelter covered under warranty.

Someone wants to put a ladder stand on some hunting land in Wittenberg. Temporary stands are fine, but not permanent ones. County hunting land is operated the same as other public hunting land.

Next meeting a policy on hunting use on County property will be addressed.

Storm damage: A neighbor’s tree fell on 211 3rd Street rental property.

Coping damage at the Crawford Center.

Tree broken at the County cemetery in the city Discovered that the tree is county owned and the county is willing to take care of the tree; however, the adjacent property owner has a shed on county property that impedes easy removal of the tree.

Lost roof panels and broken trusses on the pole barn at Maple Lane.

Cap Wallrich from WRBA advised home show week of April 10-14. Would like to establish rental rates.

CLOSED SESSION: Motion by Erdmann, seconded by Kupper to go into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 1985(1)(e), to deliberate or negotiate the sale of public properties specifically a parcel of land located near the fairgrounds, the investing of public funds, or conducting other public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. Roll call vote. All yes. Motion carried. The committee convened in closed session. Also present: Steve Dreher, Tom Madsen and Julie Harland. Motion by Erdmann, seconded by Marquardt to come out of closed session. Roll call vote. All yes. Motion carried. The Committee reconvened in open session.

Motion by Krause, seconded by Marquardt to continue to explore options for land near the fairgrounds. All yes. Motion carried.

MEETING DATES: The next meeting of the Public Property Committee will be held Friday, October 4, at 8 a.m.

Motion by Marquardt, seconded by Krause to adjourn. All yes. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:44 a.m.

Submitted by:

Julie Harland

Recording Secretary