FEBRUARY 17, 2010

Members Present: Alderpersons Shinners, Darling, Kassis and Mayor Brandt

Members Absent: Alderpersons Noskowiak and Turnbull

Others Present: Dale Soumis, Director of Administrative Services; Jon Petroskey, Fire Chief; Jim Pike, Communication and Technology Supervisor; Eric Roller, Police Chief; Sarah Young, Park, Recreation and Cemetery Supervisor; James Krueger, Infrastructure Alternatives; Brian Baginski, Rick Wild, and Ron Pizl, Antigo Fire Department; Rusty Mehlberg, WACD/WATK; Alderpersons Balcerzak and Kapusta, Steve Martyn, Strictly Billiards; and Jaime Brown, Administrative Clerical.

This meeting of the Finance, Personnel & Legislative Committee was called to order on the above date at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall. Mayor Brandt served as Chairperson and Jaime Brown recorded the minutes thereof.

1.  Approval of Minutes from the January 20, 2010 Meeting

Shinners moved, Darling seconded, to approve the minutes from the January 20, 2010 meeting as previously distributed. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


2.  Update on Strictly Billiards Activity

Chief Roller advised that nothing new has occurred and activity at this location does not seem to be an issue.

Darling moved, Shinners seconded, to take this item off of the agenda and allow it to return if any further issues arise. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


3.  Approval of Sewer Credit for Property at 1810 Brandon Court

A resident at 1810 Brandon Court is requesting a sewer credit of $297.39 for 94 units. The resident claimed a leak occurred and was soaked up in boxes, etc. Dale Soumis, Director of Administrative Services, noted that this would total 9,324 cubic feet of water that would have resulted in a 5.2 foot depth.

Kassis moved, Shinners seconded, to deny the sewer credit request as there is no way of showing what went down the drain. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


4.  Approval of 2010 Infrastructure Alternatives Budget

Mr. Soumis noted that the current agreement with Infrastructure Alternatives allows for the budget to be presented in February as the City is eligible for a credit on the savings from the previous year’s budget. This year, it resulted in a savings of $9,615.

Alderperson Kassis inquired to the savings if the water is not softened to which Mr. Soumis estimated a savings of approximately $300,000.

Kassis moved, Darling seconded, to approve the 2010 Infrastructure Alternatives budget as presented in Attachment D. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


5.  Fair Market Value for Health Insurance

Kaye Matucheski, Clerk-Treasurer, provided a memo noting that it has been determined by WPS Health Insurance actuaries that 70% of the single health insurance premium is the fair market value for employees’ children up to age 27 that would be covered under the City’s health insurance. The Internal Revenue Service has indicated the City could use 100% of the single health insurance premium.

Kassis moved, Darling seconded, to tax at 70% of the single premium and determine that to be the fair market value as recommended by Ms. Matucheski. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


6.  Electronic Distribution of Council and Committee Agendas and Packets

Jim Pike, Communications and Technology Supervisor, showed a mini laptop to the committee. Using this type of equipment would eliminate personal equipment to be subject to open records law. This would be utilized for City use only and individuals would be responsible for any costs associated with printing of the material. The cost is approximately $277.00 per unit. Mr. Pike further noted that there is no current funding source for this.

Alderperson Shinners inquired as to the life expectancy of the laptop, to which Mr. Pike estimated it to be approximately five years.

Alderperson Shinners suggested waiting until the next budget cycle.


7.  Approval of Write Off of Ambulance Service Call

Chief Petroskey is requesting the write off of a call from August 6, 2008 in the amount of $1,222. The patient is deceased and there is no estate to submit the claim to.

Kassis moved, Shinners seconded, to approve the write off of ambulance service call in the amount of $1,222. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


8.  Funding Assistance Request for Detention Pond at Fairgrounds

Mr. Soumis provided the committee with a copy of an e-mail received from Robin Stowe, Langlade County Corporation Council, requesting help with funding to purchase necessary equipment to drain the pond which retains water run-off from the racetrack.

Mr. Soumis noted that there has been nothing budgeted for this request.

Darling moved, Kassis seconded, to deny the request for funding assistance for the detention pond at the fairgrounds. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


9.  Approval of Most Advantageous Mat and Towel Bid

Ms. Young advised that the Mat and Towel bid is done every three years. Cintas is the current provider, however Aramark’s bid is believed to be the most advantageous bid.

Darling moved, Shinners seconded, to approve the mat and towel bid from Aramark in the amount of $51.18. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


10.  Approval of Snow and Ice Ordinance Revision

Mr. Soumis provided a copy of the proposed ordinance revision which basically notes you cannot take your snow and put it on someone else’s property.

Shinners moved, Darling seconded, to approve the snow and ice ordinance revision as presented. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


11. Approval of Sidewalk Ordinance Revision

Mr. Soumis provided a copy of the proposed ordinance revision and noted that the Planning Commission would like to review this further. This ordinance revision would require sidewalks along all primary routes and school routes.

Mayor Brandt indicated that the Planning Commission is waiting for a map with specific primary streets and routes to schools.


12. Approval of Plat Ordinance

Mr. Soumis provided a copy of the proposed ordinance revision and noted that the Planning Commission is also holding this for further review as they felt this ordinance and the sidewalk ordinance go hand in hand.


13. Approval of Grant Applications for Extension of Deleglise Street to Saratoga Street

and Construction of Storm and Sanitary Intercepts

Mr. Soumis noted that there is a problem with the storm and sanitary intercepts on the north side of the City by Amron. He is speaking with the Regional Planning and Economic Development agencies. He further noted it would be another month of two before any more information will be available regarding this and he will bring this agenda item back to the committee when more information is available.


14. Approval of Purchase of New Camouflage for Special Response Officers

Chief Roller indicated that the Special Response Team is in need of new camouflage noting that it is often hard to determine who is on the team and who is not. The County has already switched to the new style.

Shinners moved, Darling seconded, to approve the purchase of new camouflage for the Special Response Officers with funding to be derived from the forfeit seizure fund. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


15. Approval of Replacement of Benelli Shotguns for AR-15 Riffles

Chief Roller noted that this is a liability issue. Currently the Police Department has three

different guns that they are trained on, which by trading the Benelli shotguns in for AR-15

riffles can be reduced to two. The AR-15 guns are easier to shoot and have a better

containment of rounds, which would also increase from 6 to 60. In speaking with the arms

dealer, he can trade in six Benelli shotguns for two AR-15 riffles.

Shinners moved, Darling seconded, to approve the replacement of Benelli shotguns for AR-15 riffles. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


16. Authorizing Replacement of Police Officer

Chief Roller advised that Corporal Jeremy Wolfe will be leaving the Antigo Police Department for a position in Dodge County, leaving the City short one police officer. Since the restructuring of the Police Department, Officer Wolfe was the last Corporal. By hiring a new patrolman this would save the department $5,200 a year as the Corporal position has a higher pay rate. Chief Roller advised that he has one person that is currently working part time and is willing to move to the full time position right away.

Kassis moved, Shinners seconded, to authorize the filling of the open position at the Police Department. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


Before the Closed Session Agenda Item, Mayor Brandt allowed Rick Wild, Antigo Fire Department, to speak regarding the grievance. Mr. Wild advised that the department received a directive from Mr. Soumis regarding removal of the snow. This was assigned before. There was a brief conflict and the union members do not feel this is a reasonable request as there are people hired by the City to do snow removal. When these employees do the snow removal it only takes minutes. The union is not disputing someone telling them to do it, but there are other people that could do it.

17. Closed Session:

Pursuant to S19.85(1)(c), Wisconsin Statutes, moved by Darling, second by Kassis, to

convene into closed session to discuss hearing on Fire Department grievance at 6:51 p.m., Carried 4 – 0, Absent 2.

Upon completion of discussion in closed session, the committee convened into open session to act of matters discussed in closed session and proceed with the regular order of business.

Kassis moved, Darling seconded, to deny grievance. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


18. Any Other Matters


19. Adjournment

Darling moved, Kassis seconded, to adjourn at 7:18 p.m. Carried 4-0, Absent 2.


Mayor Bill Brandt, Chairperson Date

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