Minute of the Building Stronger Communities Group
held on Thursday, 23rd August 2012
Committee Room 3, 14 City Square, Dundee
Present: Alice Bovill - Strathmartine Regeneration Forum
Arline Easson - Maryfield Regeneration Forum
Gladys Ramsay - Lochee Regeneration Forum
Gordon Reid - City Development, DCC
John Hosie - Community Regeneration and Health, DCC
Joy Watson - Hillcrest Group
Morna Wilson - Dundee Voluntary Action
Nancy Farquharson - Housing Department, DCC
Paul Davies - Dundee Partnership Team, DCC
Peter Allan - Community Planning, DCC (Chair)
Rena Smith - East End Regeneration Forum
Ron Neave - North East Regeneration Forum
Susan Smith - Dundee Social Enterprise Network
Wilma Duncan - Coldside Regeneration Forum
In Attendance: Natalie Mackland - Communities & Policy, DCC
Neil Gunn - Communities & Policy, DCC
Apologies: Bryan Harris - Community Planning, DCC
Ray Wilson - Social Work, DCC
Peter welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made for the benefit of new attendees.
Apologies from Bryan Harris and Ray Wilson.
2. / MINUTE OF PREVIOUS MEETING – 21st June 2012
The Minute was agreed as accurate.
Natalie gave a presentation on the West End covering key achievements in the past year, community involvement, community capacity, key challenges and future priorities. (copy of slides attached with this minute). In particular it was noted that:
· People are getting more involved informally between LCPP meetings
· There are a growing number of active community groups in the area
· There are a range of challenges and future priorities, much like any other part of the city
· One challenge highlighted is the issue of parking for residents, especially in the southern part of the Ward, and a consultation is planned to look at potential solutions
4.1 / RSL Attendance at LCPPs (July BSC ref 4.2)
This was raised as discussed last month and a copy of Communities Officers contacts and timetable of local meetings was circulated to attendees.
4.2 / Feedback on Lochee Bypass / Underpass (ref 7.1)
A crossing has been put in place which should address the concerns raised previously
4.3 / Community Empowerment Bill Consultation (ref 8.1)
See discussion at 8: Community Planning
5.1 / Grant Applications
Following some comment and discussion, all 14 grants were approved. A grant for ‘Sports, Dance and Fashion’ at Braeview Academy (NEY009) was approved pending overdue reports being received from Braeview Academy for their 2011-12 Leadership Programme.
Other comment / discussion included:
· CP002 – Footway etc. at Provost Road: The traffic situation needs to be looked at as crossing can be dangerous. Gordon to contact Nigel in order that he liaise with Neil Gellatly over any plans for a new crossing and how that might impact on this project
· EE018 – Wii and associated equipment for Age Concern: A number of Wii are available at Number Ten for loan to groups. They also have indoor curling, with a full list of equipment available on their website
o Suggested that information could be circulated via regular e-newsletters and to Sheltered Housing
· CP003 – landscaping at Butterburn Square: Nancy has liaised with Nigel regarding security work being carried out by Housing to coordinate work, which will minimise disruption to local residents
· MP007 – Painting Industrial Units, Dundee Museum of Transport Trust: Comment made that B&Q have a Community Grants Scheme that could be applied to for projects like this one / GR
5.2 / Projects Failing to Report
No projects have failed to report this month.
DIWC have now reported on their database and are eligible for funding. Braeview remain ineligible at present as no report has been received for their 2011-12 Leadership Programme
5.3 / Core Project Annual Summary Report
Paul stated that the Annual Summary Report on Core Projects was almost complete and with the agreement of the group would be circulated with the minute*. Any queries arising to be addressed at a future meeting.
* Note that this will be tabled at the September meeting / PAD
6.1 / Energy Efficient Housing & Rent Costs
At last months meeting Nancy referred to the principle of higher rents for those renting new-build fuel-efficient homes. The Chairs group felt that this would be unfair to those actually paying full rent.
· Nancy clarified that this comment referred to a project in Fife. Dundee is not looking at charging higher rents, and would discuss this with Tenants & Residents Association’s prior to any decisions if it were to be considered in future
6.2 / The Gathering
Comment was made on the lack of organisation at the previous Gathering and that a sub-group of the Chairs Group, with support from Community Workers, would organise the next one.
6.3 / Ring Fencing Within Forum Allocations
Question asked as to why the amendment to ring-fencing within the allocation was only applied to Physical / Environmental and Youth Diversionary grants. Why was Small Grants left with a ring-fence?
· Peter will look into whether Small Grants can be included in the removal of ring fencing, or perhaps the £25,000 limit raised
· Comment made in discussion that Physical / Environmental projects give longer term impacts and are more visible when compared to Small Grants
Discussion also touched on the issue of the same beneficiaries being part of several groups and so receiving a range of benefits via Small grants.
· Peter asked if forums require any assistance in broadening out the range of people benefiting
· Chairs Group to discuss at their next meeting / PAD
7.1 / Fairness
Peter stated that Lead Managers for each of the actions in the plan have now been identified. Indicators relating to the action plan have been input into a council database and require those responsible to update them six monthly.
A Poverty Alliance project, EPIC, is to carry out training for a range of organisations (identified via Communities Officers), employed 2 days per week for 8 months, with a view to showing them how to look at policies and how to influence them. The postholder is Laura Darling and will be based at Mitchell Street. For more information, see the Poverty Alliance website: http://povertyalliance.org/epic
· Nancy commented that it would be useful for some of the teams in Housing to be included
· If any organisations are interested in the training, details should be passed to Peter who will liaise with Laura / PA
7.2 / Social Enterprise
Susan Smith introduced herself as the Development Officer for the Dundee Social Enterprise Network. Her role is to promote the work of members to each other and other organisations and grow the Dundee SEN.
· At present there are 19 members with a combined income of £10.5m (75% of which is ‘traded income’)
· Social enterprises use any profits to expand their services or for benefit to society, and are community owned and run
· The Network meets 6-weekly to discuss relevant issues which will help members to grow and also assist new enterprises
· There are several different structures that can be used for a Social Enterprise
· Training courses are run locally e.g. to assist with start up
· A website and newsletter are used to collate and disseminate information
· Examples of local social enterprises include; The Clean Close Company, transform and the Factory Skatepark
Peter commented that the Chief Executive is supportive of the development of Social Enterprises.
7.3 / Community Facilities
Neil gave an update on the current position in relation to development and improvements being planned at Community Centres across the city.
Menzieshill & Coldside were both included in a report to Committee in June seeking to carry out an options appraisal for each centre.
· In Coldside, two Primary Schools and a Nursery are moving to a single site, with location of the Community Centre connected to, or alongside this being options for consideration. Informal consultation will take place up to December followed by formal consultation by the Education Department in early 2013. A community facility specification will be drafted based on what is needed.
o Wilma commented that at the recent LCPP meeting Michael Wood gave the impression that decisions were already made. Neil confirmed that this was not the case and asked for a minute of the LCPP meeting for information
· In Menzieshill, options being looked at include upgrading the current facility or co-location with a school. The budget for this has already been allocated which will determine what is possible. Views of centre users has been sought and a strong connection with the current building noted.
o Michael Wood also attended the Lochee LCPP, and it was clear that changes to schools still needed to be consulted on / PAD
For Community Centres in general, Condition Surveys are being looked at to help with planning, which has led to a delay in working with Local Management Groups
· Finmill: Heating system needs to be upgraded at a cost of approximately £89,000 and options for the car park are being looked at
· Ardler: Leaks in the roof need to be fixed and a lift installation is being considered
· Kirkton: Boiler needs to be replaced and work done on the toilets and windows
· Douglas: Heating systems needs to be replaced and ventilation improved in the games hall and changing rooms
· Arthurstone Library: looking at how the library can be adapted for more community use, including use of space upstairs and in the basement and the possibility of installing a lift
· Broughty Ferry: looking at an options appraisal to make best use of the available funding
· Lochee: A budget of £200,000 is available and could be used as part of the Phase 2 Regeneration of the area. An options appraisal is to be carried out
· Blackness Library: Upgrade to the library is progressing
Overall, the aim is for most of the work done in Community Centres during this financial year
Two queries were raised:
· What is being done to improve access to centres during weekends?
o This is to be looked at and targets set as part of the Performance Indicators, with the aim of encouraging use and developing a better operating model
o There are possibilities for community members to become key holders, perhaps with access to parts of a facility to minimise responsibilities
· Last year, a survey of non-centre users was mentioned by Doug Rennie. What progressed has been made on this to date?
o This will be looked at as part of the Community Engagement Plan and could be discussed at a future BSC meeting if desired
7.4 / Strategic / Local Developments
Gordon informed the group that part of the Tayplan Strategic development Plan has been challenged, but that this relates to activity in Fife. Actions planned for Dundee will be going ahead as planned
The Local Development Plan (covering activity in the city for the next 5-10 years) is scheduled to go out for consultation in November after going to committee in October. Comments will be sought on what people would like changed in the plan, and what they would suggest it changed to.
8.1 / Community Empowerment Bill
John reminded the group that the deadline for comments to be received by the Scottish Government is the 26th September. For a collated response from Dundee City Council, John / Peter need to receive comments by the 18th September.
Some discussions have already taken place in local areas, with more upcoming. An event was also held at DVA on 8th August along with a representative form the Scottish Government
· Wilma commented that it would have been very useful to have received information on this much earlier in order to be able to make sense of the complex, technical document and associated questions.
· Peter assured the group that in future, important items such as this would be circulated as early as possible
The Bill is in three main parts;
· Making it easier for communities to take part and have their say
· Helping communities to own buildings and land in their area
· Making the best use of buildings and land
Communities Officers are organising local discussions and feedback from these to John.
Given the importance of the topic, Peter offered the suggestion that much of the next BSC meeting be used to discuss the Bill. This was agreed by the group. Peter and John to discuss how to best provide a format for discussion.
Paul to ensure that all Community BSC representatives receive a printed copy of the Summary of the Bill circulated prior to this meeting. / PA / JH
8.2 / Community Festivals
John was happy to report that a range of Community Festivals and Fun Days have been held in recent months and that good attendances helped to ensure successful events across the city.
Peter stated that the Delivery Plan for the SOA needs to be developed by December. This will be drafted for discussion at the October BSC meeting in relation to Outcomes 8, 9 and 10. / PA
10. / AOCB
10.1 / Housing & DP Community Conference
As part of discussion earlier in the meeting, Housing was raised as a possible topic for a DP Community Conference in 2013. Given the very broad range of the subject, specific topics within it would need to be looked at.
A query was also raised regarding who we consult on topics for the DP Community Conferences. These are generally decided on based on feedback from the previous conference, with some of the detail regarding specific content being put before the Chairs Group as part of the planning
10.2 / Maintenance of Physical Improvements
Wilma stated that the situation regarding maintenance has once again worsened in Coldside, despite a representative from the Environment Department being on a recent walkabout
· Peter to speak again to the Environment Department regarding representation at BSC
· John Hosie will discuss at the next Communities Officers meeting on the 7th September / PA
10.3 / Dundee Partnership Awards
Peter reminded the group that nominations close on 24th August, adding that any received over the weekend would be accepted too.
10.4 / Housing Department Validation Survey
Independent surveyors will be carrying out a validation survey at some properties to ensure that Housing Standards are being met by the Housing Department. Participation is voluntary and letters are due to go out to residents in the next week explaining the process.
Thursday, 20th September 2012, Douglas Community Centre, Balmoral Avenue