Student Learning Outcomes: Rubric Worksheet

Course Name and Number: Biological Anthropology V01 Date: Aug. 13, 2010

Faculty Participating in Meeting: Cari Lange, Gigi Fiumerodo

Student Learning Outcome: Evaluate the scientific evidence for evolution.

Component / A / Excellent / B / Good / C / Satisfactory / D / Below Satisfactory
Evaluate scientific evidence for evolution / Student can accurately apply the scientific method to evaluate the process of evolution in at least 90% of cases presented. / Student can accurately apply the scientific method to evaluate the process of evolution in at least 80% of cases presented. / Student can accurately apply most aspects of the scientific method to evaluate the process of evolution in at least 70% of cases presented. / Student can accurately apply some aspects of the scientific method to evaluate the process of evolution in at least 60% of cases presented.

Course Name and Number: Biological Anthropology V01 Date: Aug. 13, 2010

Faculty Participating in Meeting: Cari Lange, Gigi Fiumerodo

Student Learning Outcome: Compare and contrast behavior of the different non-human primates in the context of their different environments.

Component / A / Excellent / B / Good / C / Satisfactory / D / Below Satisfactory
Compare and contrast primate behavior. / Student can identify and describe at least four behavior patterns for each of the three major primate groups. / Student can identify and describe at least three behavior patterns for each of the three major primate groups. / Student can identify and describe at least two behavior patterns for each of the three major primate groups. / Student can identify and describe at least two behavior patterns for two of the three major primate groups.
Influence of environment on behavior. / Student is able to give several detailed examples of how the environmental context influences primate behavior. / Student is able to give a couple of detailed examples of how the environmental context influences primate behavior. / Student is able to give at least one example of how the environmental context influences primate behavior. / Student has difficulty describing how environmental context influences behavior patterns.

Course Name and Number: Biological Anthropology V01 Date: Aug. 13, 2010

Faculty Participating in Meeting: Cari Lange, Gigi Fiumerodo

Student Learning Outcome: Evaluate the contemporary models of human evolution.

Component / A / Excellent / B / Good / C / Satisfactory / D / Below Satisfactory
Evaluate models of human evolution / Student can accurately apply the scientific method to evaluate the process of human evolution in at least 90% of cases presented. / Student can accurately apply the scientific method to evaluate the process of human evolution in at least 80% of cases presented. / Student can accurately apply most aspects of the scientific method to evaluate the process of human evolution in at least 70% of cases presented. / Student can accurately apply some aspects of the scientific method to evaluate the process of human evolution in at least 60% of cases presented.

Course Name and Number: Biological Anthropology V01 Date: Aug. 13, 2010

Faculty Participating in Meeting: Cari Lange, Gigi Fiumerodo

Student Learning Outcome: Characterize the importance of bio-cultural interactions in human evolution.

Component / A / Excellent / B / Good / C / Satisfactory / D / Below Satisfactory
Understanding of Natural Selection in human evolution / Student is able to fully describe the detailed process of natural selection and apply it to human evolution. / Student is able to describe most details of the process of natural selection and apply it to human evolution. / Student is able to somewhat describe the general process of natural selection and apply it to human evolution. / Student has difficulty describing the process of natural selection as it pertains to human evolution.
Understanding role of culture in human evolution / Student is able to fully describe how culture has influenced human biological evolution using at least three examples. / Student is able to fully describe how culture has influenced human biological evolution using at least two examples. / Student is able to describe how culture has influenced human biological evolution using at least one example. / Student has difficulty describing how culture has influenced human biological evolution.