Judith Judson

Judith Judson was appointed as Commissioner of the Department of Energy Resources in April 2015. Prior to joining the DOER, Judith worked at Customized Energy Solutions as Director of Emerging Technologies for the U.S. She previously served as Vice President of Asset Management and Market Development at Beacon Power LLC. As a nationally recognized expert on energy storage, Judith has participated in numerous hearings and technical conferences at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy.

Judith chairs the Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Advisory Council and represents Massachusetts on the Boards of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Inc.; and Massachusetts Clean Energy Center.

Previously Judith served as Chairman and Commissioner of the Massachusetts Public Utilities Commission during the Romney Administration. She holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kettering University.

Tilak Subrahmanian

As Vice President, Energy Efficiency for Eversource, Tilak Subrahmanian oversees one of the largest energy efficiency portfolios in the industry, serving more than 3.5 million electric and natural gas customers in three New England states.

He leads a team that is focused on scaling energy efficiency to drive aggressive reductions in energy use. In support of the scaling efforts,Tilak led discussions with Massachusetts banks and credit unions resulting inroughly $250 million of private financing capital being invested in energy efficiency in the state in just the last three years. Tilak has also been a judge of the MIT Clean Energy Prize (CEP), a business plan competition focused on significantly accelerating the pace of energy innovation and entrepreneurship.

Previously, Tilak was at Arthur D. Little and at Thomson Reuters.

Tilak earned an MBA from the University of Michigan, an MS in Engineering from the University of Washington, and B.Tech Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.

Carol White

As Director of Program Strategy for MA, Carol White oversees National Grid’s Massachusetts electric and gas energy efficiency program planning and evaluation efforts. In addition, Carol serves as National Grid’s representative on the Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Advisory Council.

Prior to joining National Grid, Carol was the Manager of C&LM Services at Eastern Utilities. She has over 30 years of experience in the energy business.

Carol is actively involved in many professional and trade associations including the International Energy Program Evaluation Conference (IEPEC), the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE), and the Association of Energy Services Professionals.

Carol has a B.A., Economics and Mathematics from Boston University, an M.A. in Economics from Boston University and an MBA from Northeastern University.

Sue Coakley

Since founding NEEP almost 20 years ago, Sue Coakley has served as Executive Director and a member of the Board of Directors.

Prior to establishing NEEP, Sue was the lead staff on energy efficiency at the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. She has also served as an expert witness and directed collaborative efforts to develop, implement and evaluate ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs. She began her career in clean energy solutions in the early 1980's when she helped to bring online one of the first commercial landfill gas to energy facilities in the country.

Sue holds a master's degree in natural resource management and administration from Antioch/New England Graduate School and a bachelor's degree in environmental science from Windham College.

Richard Sedano

Richard Sedano is director of RAP's U.S. programs. He advises state commissions and other decision-makers on energy efficiency, demand response, renewable energy, pricing, smart grid, transmission, and wholesale electric market issues. He is also an elected member of RAP's board of directors.

Prior to joining RAP,Rich served as commissioner for nine years and held various engineering staff positions with the Vermont Department of Public Service (VDPS). He also worked as an engineer in power generation for Philadelphia Electric Company.

Rich received his bachelor’s in engineering from Brown University and his master’s degree in engineering management from Drexel University.

Dr. Ahmad Faruqui

Dr. Ahmad Faruqui is a principal with The Brattle Group. He leads the firm’s practice in understanding and managing the changing needs of energy consumers,encompassing rate design, distributed generation, energy efficiency, demand response, demand forecasting and cost-benefit analysis of emerging technologies such as advanced metering, energy storage, rooftop solar, smart thermostats and electric vehicles.

Ahmad has advised utilities, system operators, and regulatory commissions, in the US and internationally. He has filed testimony or appeared before state commissions, government agencies, or legislative bodies in across the US and Canada, and has spoken at conferences worldwide.

His work has been cited inThe Economist,The New York Times, The Wall Street Journaland theWashington Post among other publications. Ahmad has authored or co-authored four books andover 100articles dealing with energy issues. He holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Karachi, and Master’s and Doctoral degrees from the University of California, Davis.

Shaun Chapman

Shaun isDeputy Director of Government Affairsat SolarCitya national leader in renewable energy and energy efficiency development and installation. He has worked in both the private and non-profit sectors in renewable energy and energy efficiency. He was a lead author for the nationally recognized Feeding the Grid; a survey of best practices around the nation in net metering and interconnection.

Shaun was an early leader of the effort to get a comprehensive energy bill passed in the Connecticut Legislature. He has been recognized by the Alliance for Clean Energy NY for outstanding leadership and is the chair of the state policy committee for SEIA in New York.
John Howat

John Howat is a Senior Energy Analystat the National Consumer Law Center, where he manages projects in support of low-income consumers' access to affordable utility services, working with clients in 30 states on design and implementation of low income energy affordability and efficiency programs, utility consumer protections, and rate design. He has testified as an expert witness in 13 states.

Previously, he served as Research Director of the Massachusetts Joint Legislative Committee on Energy, Economist with the Electric Power Division of the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, and Director of the Association of Massachusetts Local Energy Officials.

John has a Master's Degree from Tufts University's Graduate Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and a BA from The Evergreen State College.