The British Anglican CURSILLO® Council
BACC President: Trevor King
123 Scalby Road, Scarborough, YO12 5QL
TEL: 01723 375852 EMAIL:
Job description for Area Representatives on BACC’s Standing Committee
Standing Committee is made up of the Officers (President, National Spiritual Director, Secretary and Treasurer) and up to twelve other elected members. The Standing Committee is responsible for the management of British Anglican Cursillo nationally.
Since 2012 members of Standing Committee have been designated areas of responsibility as shown below. These areas of responsibility may be subject to change in order to ensure that every Diocese is represented on SC.
An area representative sitting on BACC’s Standing Committee is expected to attend the four SC meetings each year. These are held the day before each national meeting i.e. in May before the National AGM or biennial Conference with the AGM; in late August/September prior to the National Ultreya; in November prior to the annual British Anglican Cursillo full council meeting and in addition, for the full day Standing Committee meeting held in February.
The Area Reps responsibilities are:
- to keep the President aware of what is happening within their area at all times and to also report back at SC meetings
- to provide an annual written report of the state of Cursillo in their area for submission to SC and to keep this up to date so that there is a continual overview of the state of Cursillo nationally
- to link neighbouring Dioceses as and when needed or practicable and to encourage sharing of events, e.g. Days of Deeper Understanding, Clergy Taster Days, Ultreyas
- to assist with organising a national event e.g. National Ultreya, BACC meeting, AGM, or the conference
- to keep Diocesan BACC Reps in touch with each other for mutual support and help
- to enable the sharing of team members for a weekend if needed
- to help any Gifting Liaison Officer where this is in progress in their area, if asked to do so
- to help and advise on BACC matters if requested to do so.
Updated April 2017
Cursillo is a movement of the Church, providing a method by which Christians are empowered to grow through prayer, study and action and enabled to share God’s love with everyone.