New Graduate Programs
New Undergraduate Programs except Combined Majors
1. Complete this form electronically. Paper copy will not be accepted.
2. Save the completed form to your hard drive and send it as an e-mail attachment to the college undergraduate curriculum committee chairperson or associate dean (or formally appointed delegate) appropriate for your college. Also send any ancillary information or forms your college may require.
3. After the program has been approved by the college, the associate dean (or formally appointed delegate) should send this form as an
e-mail attachment to the Provost's Office. The Provost's Office will oversee the remainder of approval process.
Program information
College/school Department
Program type
Undergraduate: Major Minor Concentration Certificate
Graduate: Doctoral Masters Certificate
Degree(s) (if applicable, such as BS, BA, BSN, BFA, MS, MA, PhD)
Complete formal program title
Total credit for degree (if applicable) 128 (undergraduate) 30 (graduate) Other—specify
General remarks
Contact person for this program
Phone E-mail
Continued on next page.
Please indicate below the program requirements. You can start a new line by pressing the Enter key.
1a. NU Core 2007 requirements—for undergraduate major programs (except CPS)
Indicate how each NU Core 2007 requirement will be satisfied.
· If the requirement is satisfied by completing any course approved for that requirement, check the box "Any approved course."
· If the requirement is satisfied by completing specific course work, check the box "Specific course(s) listed below" and list the course number(s), title(s), and credit(s); place an asterisk beside each new course to be added to support this program.
Capstone (list courses below)
Comparative study of cultures Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Experiential learning Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Knowledge domains
Arts/humanities level 1 Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Social science level 1 Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Science/technology level 1 Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Knowledge domains level 2 Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Mathematical/analytical thinking
Level 1 Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Level 2 Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
First-year writing—satisfied by ENGW 1111 (College Writing, 4 SH) or ENGW 1102 (College Writing—SOL, 4 SH)
Two writing-intensive courses in major (note that the capstone often serves as one of these two courses)
Advanced writing in disciplines Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Total credits for this section
Explanatory remarks
1b. NU Core 2016 requirements—for undergraduate major programs
Indicate how each NU Core 2016 requirement will be satisfied.
· If the requirement is satisfied by completing any course approved for that requirement, check the box "Any approved course."
· If the requirement is satisfied by completing specific course work, check the box "Specific course(s) listed below" and list the course number(s), title(s), and credit(s); place an asterisk beside each new course to be added to support this program.
Engaging with the natural and designed world Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Exploring creative expression and innovation Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Interpreting culture Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Conducting formal and quantitative reasoning Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Understanding societies and institutions Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Analyzing and using data Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Engaging difference and diversity Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Employing ethical reasoning Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Writing across audiences and genres
First-year writing—satisfied by ENGW 1111 (College Writing, 4 SH) or ENGW 1102 (College Writing—SOL, 4 SH)
Two writing-intensive courses in major (note that the capstone often serves as one of these two courses)
Advanced writing in disciplines Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Integrating knowledge and skills through experience Any approved course Specific course(s) listed below
Capstone experience (list courses below)
Total credits for this section
Explanatory remarks
2. College-wide requirements—for undergraduate major programs (except CPS)
If this program uses one of the following established core requirements, indicate below
Requirements for BA (4 courses, 16 SH)
D’Amore-McKim School of Business BSBA Core (13 courses, 52–54 SH)
D’Amore-McKim School of Business BSIB Core (14 courses, 56–58 SH)
Otherwise, list course numbers, titles, and credits; place an asterisk beside each new course to be added to support this program.
Total credits for this section
Explanatory remarks
3. Major Requirements
Requirement #1
Title of requirement
List course numbers, titles, and credits; place an asterisk beside each new course to be added to support this program
Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)
Requirement #2
Title of requirement
List course numbers, titles, and credits; place an asterisk beside each new course to be added to support this program
Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)
Requirement #3
Title of requirement
List course numbers, titles, and credits; place an asterisk beside each new course to be added to support this program
Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)
Requirement #4
Title of requirement
List course numbers, titles, and credits; place an asterisk beside each new course to be added to support this program
Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)
Total credits for this section
Explanatory remarks
4. Other requirements
Requirement #1
Title of requirement
List course numbers, titles, and credits; place an asterisk beside each new course to be added to support this program
Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)
Requirement #2
Title of requirement
List course numbers, titles, and credits; place an asterisk beside each new course to be added to support this program
Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)
Requirement #3
Title of requirement
List course numbers, titles, and credits; place an asterisk beside each new course to be added to support this program
Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)
Requirement #4
Title of requirement
List course numbers, titles, and credits; place an asterisk beside each new course to be added to support this program
Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)
Total credits for this section
Explanatory remarks
5. Electives
Number of elective courses to be taken
Specific elective courses
List course numbers, titles, and credits; place an asterisk beside each new course to be added to support this program
Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)
Groups of elective courses
Indicate by subject code (e.g., “any JRNL course”) or by subject code and number range (e.g., “any CIVE course numbered 3000 or above”)
Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)
Total credits for this section
Explanatory remarks
6. Major credit/GPA requirements
Total credit required in the major (undergraduate programs only)
Overall GPA requirement
Major GPA requirement (if applicable)
Explanatory remarks
7. Requirements other than GPA (e.g., qualifying exam, thesis)
Explanatory remarks
Curriculum Requirements—Page 4 of 6