Meeting Minutes–October 9th, 2012 – 6:30 pm - Alma Public Library

6:30 pmWelcome and introductions of members,visitors/guests – Diane Clise, President

Nancy Stringer joined, Skip Traynor resigned from publicity chair.

17 members attended

6:45 pmProgram –“Effects of Different Kinds of Lighting on Artwork” – Bob Downs

Bob designed a box with compartments which displayed various light bulb types.

He shared how the highest temperature is the coolest light and coolest temperature

is the higher light. His display showed which bulb was closest to outdoor sunlight and

how regular fluorescent has a green cast. GE reveal bulbs were white approximate

Several paintings were placed under various light compartments and we could see which

portions were accented in the foreground/background and which colors were highlighted-

There were observable differences. Bob pointed out that when folks display their work they

need to pay attention to the lighting conditions and may need to alter them.

7:30pmSharing of our Artwork… several brought works to share with group.

7:45 pmRefreshments and time for “checkin’ out” the art work –Thanks to Shirley, Lois, Nancy

8:00 pmBusiness Meeting–

  1. President’s Report – Diane Clise

Art Center (ACAC) Update

  • Holiday Artists’ Sale – ArtCenter from October 24th thru December 22nd

Please bring any work you would like to SELL to the AlmaCommunityArtCenter

the week before to log in. It will remain on display for 2 months.

Work will be displayed for Come Home to Alma—Friday –Dec. 14th

  • Volunteers for Art Center Instructors and Docents needed.

Art Center closed Mon/Tues. Open Wed/Thurs 11-7 Friday 11-5, Sunday 10-3.

  • Possibly need to vacate ArtCenter by Jan 1st—looking for a new HOME??

Center is environmentally safe and structurally sound. Crew will be working on the ground floor after the first of the year.

II.Vice President’s Report – Ken Bruza—unable to attend

-Mentoring will continue to be an area for discussion

III. Secretary’s Report – Kate Sandow

-Member Information-update e-mails-phone

IV. Treasurer’s Report– Helen Potter

-Annual Membership Dues: $30.00 due by Dec. 31st

-2012-13 Annual CAG Budget presentation – Diane Clise

Bona moved to accept the budget—seconded by Deb/Bob—motion carried

V. Programs Report –Chairperson needed!

-Monthly Member Programs–Lori Vermeesch/Diane will be facilitators.

Fractured pictures is the theme—specific steps will be explained but will

NEED :* 1 or 2 paintings that you can CUT/work-on/modify-- to paste on to a

* piece of foam core—any color choice –may need to cut

or piece of mat board-any color which will be cut to fit

VI. PublicityReport– Chairperson needed!

-WebsiteUpdate—members unable to access it. Deb will contact Skip and John Bradley will becontacted to give us status on the site.

VII.Exhibitions Report –Deb Rutkowski

-Sumner Art Show – Wed., October 17th - artwork request for 1 day. Deb will transport

pictures in her trailer. Can be for sale or not for sale.

Looking for community coordinators for city/town events: Sign up with Deb

Dates for upcoming Exhibitions:

• Alma Symphony—Sun-Feb 10th—1:00/2:00 painting drop off—4:00 symphony--????

  • Art Reach in Mt.P.–possibly Feb/March
  • Flint Institute of Arts –next year
  • CAGSpring Show–April 23rd-28th???
  • Paint-out in St. Louis—summer of 2013—July??

VIII. Old Business:

-A few members attended a Helga Flower’s workshop in Okemos

IX. New Business:

Big Brother’s/Big Sister’s auction. Looking for donation of art work/print.

Date: Oct 27th???

X. Adjournment – need to be finished by 8:45 pm…

Upcoming Meetings - (regular Guild meetings are the 2nd Tuesdays of the month – Sept. thru May)

Tuesday, November 13th-6:30 pm at Alma Public Library

Tuesday, December 11th- 6:30 pm– Annual Pot-Luck at First Presbyterian Church,Alma–Diane will

reserve room. Need to discuss if white elephant gifts---Food???