Minutes of the Unite Glasgow Retired Members Branch 6th October 2016
Chair Jake Mcleod welcomed 32 members to the meeting and apologised for the venue and the stairs, but JSH was fully occupied. He also welcomed new member John Roger to meeting.
1. Apologies – Jane Stevens, Jim Docherty, Ralph Meschersmidt, Gerry Convery, Alan McKenzie, Jim Friel , Sammy Morris and Susanna Rice.
2. Minutes of previous meeting agreed
3. Matters arising not itemised on agenda – none
4. Correspondence – Copies of Age Scotland magazine “Advantage” put on table. Also notice of Regional meeting on 25th October in Renfield Centre, Bath St from 10.00am to 1.00pm. M. Gardner and J. Mcleod to attend.
5. Xmas Lunch Arrangements – Secretary would circulate the lunch menu and asked those attending to mark their choice of courses. Mick also asked that ticket money be paid to treasurer at end of meeting, £10 for members and £15 for guest.
6. Reports
a) Action sub-committee. David Paterson mentioned several issues from the minutes. Dave Sherry would take names and numbers of those wishing to be part of the “Quick Response Team” to help out in disputes. He also highlighted the up-coming course for retired members, running from 9.30 – 4.30 every Wednesday for 5 weeks commencing 19th October. He also referred to his own course for trainers and stated that “pole dancing” was discussed as a training issue. Irene Graham thought that this subject was inappropriate and moved that a letter of protest be written to Jim Aitken, Head of Learning and this was seconded by Bernie Beagan and accepted by the Branch. Next meeting 20th October at 10.30 (because of Song Club at 12.30.)
At this point the chair suspended Standing orders so that we could hear the speaker Kevin Black, Dementia Advisor of Alzheimer Scotland. He explained that his role was to provide support, information and give advice to those who need help in putting their point of view. He is a point of contact and works in the Glasgow region, but each local authority works differently. He explained that there are about 100 different types of dementia, but Alzheimers is the most common. They are a service provider with a resource centre at Bridgeton Cross. At the Day Centre it is a one to one support and the minimum time spent with anyone is 2 hours unlike Cordia. They do not duplicate the work of others and they organise various groups, such as a cinema group and support family, friends and neighbours as well as the individual. They also have a 24 hour help line, and help people claim benefits such as attendance allowance, and they try to get respite care but this is more difficult to come by. Kevin circulated cards to the members with appropriate phone numbers and left informative literature on the table for members to pick up. After a few questions, the chair thanked Kevin for his contribution and presented him with a check for £50 as a donation to Alzheimer Scotland.
b) Area Activists – Charles Buchanan reported on the problems that the Council workers are facing – including cuts in staff, regarding problems. The issue of blacklisting was also discussed.
c) United Nations Day of Older Persons. Maureen Gardner reported on the Lobby of the Scottish Parliament, on 29th October when 10 of our members joined with others from the SPF. We had produced a branch leaflet which was distributed on the day, and which Sheena Glass of the Glasgow Old Peoples Welfare Association said she would distribute within her organisation and contacts. Several MSPs did come and talk to us and Bill Kidd put a motion to the Parliament.
d) NPC Report from Ian Findlay- Ian had produced a written report to supplement the one already received, but his at least had a sense of humour.
e) Anti-Austerity Day – Dave Sherry reported on this highlighting the need to develop a strategy for local authorities and calling on the Scottish Government not to pass on cuts to them. The STUC is calling for an all Scotland Conference on thios issue in October. He recommended members to see the ken Loach Film “I, Daniel Blake”. Jake stated that it was an excellent conference and he had been very impressed with the lawyer from the Govan Law Centre who explained that the private landlords seeking rent increases were modern day Rachmans.
f) Dave followed this with a brief report from the “Stand Up to Racism” conference – 200 delegates from T.U.s, university groups and refugee group. He was elected on to Committee.
g) Trades Council – Dave Sherry reported on several disputes , including one concerning PCS and massive cut backs and cuts in redundancy payments; also number of disputes in Glasgow City Council involving Janitors, Security Camera personnel and the privatisation of IT services to be run by a Canadian Company. He also raised the issue of May Day and the fact that the Trades Council is under severe financial pressure. They need to raise £2,500 for the organisation of this event. Treasurer said it should be discussed next year.
h) Regional Retired members Co-ordinating Committee – Anita Shelton reported on the two speakers, one from Light House Finance and one from our legal services. Mary Alexander spoke on work she is involved with and the fact that Edinburgh Council are still giving work to blacklisted companies. The Committee supported the view that our delegates to the National Committee should support the position that a % of retired members’ funds should be put towards the union’s strike fund, the same as other branches. There was also an issue at National level of whether delegates can be substituted.
7. Any other business
a) A new member raised the issue of a recent strike at Wishaw and District Housing Association. There is a short fall in the staff pension scheme and it was proposed that a premium should be put on tenants’ rents to cover the shortfall. Dave Sherry stated that there had been previous problems with this housing association and it was agreed that Dave would consult with the member.
b) Bernie Beagan informed us of the exhibition in JSH regarding the Wapping and Kinning Park dispute which would run until the 28th October. He also stated that they were trying to get the Scottish parliament to set up an enquiry into the police role in this dispute following from the Miners’ dispute.
c) Jim Cloughley reminded us that we had agreed to have a speaker from the Action on Asbestos Group to talk to us on the issue of Pleural Plaques.
d) Chair asked if it was possible would the Branch Support us having a Burns Supper as a fund raising event and this was agreed.
Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the chair.