Minutes of Meeting held on 12 August2014 at 6pm

at the Woombye Pub

Attendees:John Griffiths, Julia Jones-Walker, Bruce Jones-Walker, Terry Clark, Kylie Ely, Bill Canty, Jason & Marcia Harris, Wayne Knetter

Apologies:Gary De Paoli, Pauline Healey, Alison Kruger, Neil Turner, Kerry Brown

1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Community updates:

Terry Clark representing Light Horse and Community Garden.

  • Community garden has 5 new associate members for WCBA.
  • Next community garden working bee to be held on 14th Sept at 9am to put up sleeper walls and pavers. Post hole shovel and battery operated drills needed.
  • Light Horse meet in park on 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.
  • Sunday 2nd November at 11am - Beersheba Day commemoration bigger this year - boosted by Nambour Brass Band. Aiming for 500 people - inviting local schools

James Kasmer– representing resident association.

  • Response received from TMR on Rail Stabling proposal. Proposal seems to be going ahead but keen to hold TMR to account on a number of issues re feasibility that not getting answers to. Hoping to minimise impact on some issues. Project is currently at design development stage before going out to tender.

Note: Brood - new cafe owners (taken over from Black Myrtle).

ACTION: Julia to send welcome letter on behalf of the Association.

Community Day Care –Kylie reported they are considering organizing a Father's Day event in September.

2. Motion that the minutes of the July meeting are approved as a true and accurate record. Moved: John Seconded: Bruce Motion Carried.

3. Motion that the financial report is accepted as tabled.

Moved: JohnSeconded: TerryMotion Carried.

4. Correspondence in:

  • An invitation to attend a Council workshop on 14 August for Not For Profit groups re grants and running events on Council land.
  • An email from Bryan Palmer notifying that the domain name for is due to expire on 4/11/14. Renewal cost is $36 for 2 years.

Motion to renew the domain name for woombye.com.au.

Moved: JuliaSeconded: JohnMotion carried.

5. Draft strategic plan for Woombye – carried over to next meeting due to Kerry’s absence.

6. Events

  • Planning for all events is on hold pending decisions about the future direction of the Association.
  • Christmas event –it was discussed that WCBA has always organized events at this time and it would be very sad to lose the momentum we have built up. There would be a community expectation for something to be organized.
  • John suggested that we discuss plans for a carols event, possibly in the park or School of Arts (as wet weather plan), in conjunction with Coast Church and WoombyeChildcare Centre.

ACTION: John agreed to talk to BendigoBank, Childcare Centre, School and Hall and present ideas for discussion at the next meeting.

7. Any other business

  • It was proposed that we move next month’s meeting to the small hall to try this out as a possible new venue.

ACTION: Julia to check availability and notify members.

  • John thanked members for attending tonight.

8.Next meeting Tuesday 9th September at 6pm