T&D System Operations Manual-Volume 4: The PDRD System
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
June 2010
T&D System Operations Manual: Volume 2: Establishing and Maintaining the TDNA System Page 1
T&D System Operations Manual-Volume 4: The PDRD System
Table of ContentsSection 1.0.
Overview of the Training and Development (T&D) System Framework ………………………..…..………1
1.1. Rationale, p1
1.2. Vision, p2
1.3. Goal, p2
1.4. Objectives, p2
1.5. Standards and Guiding Principles, p2
1.6. The Training and Development System and Major Components, p4
Section 2:The Program Designing and Resource Development PDRD) System Design ……………...5
2.1. Program Designing , p5
2.2. Development of T&D Resource Packages, p8
Section 3Structure, Functions, Roles and Responsibilities ………………………………………………...…..10
3.1. Regional Level, p10
3.2. Division Level, p11
3.3. School Level, p12
Section 4:The Program Designing Critical Processes……………………………………………………………..… 13
4.1 Preliminary Activities , p13
4.2. Reviewing Existing Programs, p13
4.3 Adopting Existing Program Designs, p13
4.4. Adapting Existing Program Designs, p14
4.5. Developing New Program Designs, p14
4.6. Quality Assurance and Monitoring and Evaluation for Program Designing, p14
4.7. Approval of Program Designs, p14
Section 5: The Resource Development Critical Processes………………………………………………………..15
5.1. Preliminary Steps in Preparing the T&D Resource Package, p15
5.2 Steps in Adopting, Adapting Existing Resource Materials or Developing a
New Resource Package, p15
5.3. Technical Enhancement of the Instructional Design of the Resource Package, p16
5.4. Quality Assurance and Monitoring and Evaluation for Resource Development, p16
5.5. Further Refinement of T&D Resource Packages, p16
Section 6: Monitoring and Evaluationand Quality Assurance of Outputs ……………………………..…17
Section 7: The PDRD System Guides and Tools…………………………………………………………………………20
7.1 Training and Development Program Designing Guide and Tools, p21
7.2. The Training and Development Resource Development Guide and Tools, p58
GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMSAIP / Annual Implementation Plan
BEAM / Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao
BESRA / Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda
CBTS / Competency Based Teacher Standards
CO / Central Office
COT / Center of Training
DEDP / Division Education Development Plan
DepED / Department of Education
DO / Division Office
ELMP / Education Leadership and Management Program
EDPITAF / Educational Development Project Implementing Task Force
EBEIS / Enhanced Basic Education Information System
ES / Education Supervisor
F3 / Formal Face-to-Face
FGD / Focus Group Discussion
GCA / Group Consensual Assessment
HRD-SDD / Human Resource Development – Staff Development Division
HRM / Human Resources Management
HRTD / Human Resource Training and Development
ICT / Information Communication Technology
ICT4E / Information Communication Technology for Education
INSET / In-Service Education and Training
IRR / Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9155, December 2007
IPPD / Individual Plan for Professional Development
JEL / Job-embedded Learning
KRT / Key Results Thrust
KSA / Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes
LAC / Learning Action Cells
LEAP / Learning Enhancement Action Program
LGU or LGA / Local Government Unit or Local Government Authority
LOC / Level of Competency
LOI / Level of Importance
LRMDS / Learning Resource Management and Development System
MOOE / Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
MPPD / Master Plan for Professional Development
M&E / Monitoring and Evaluation
NCBS-SH / National Competency Based Standards for School Heads
NCBTS / National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
NEAP / National Educators Academy of the Philippines
NGO / Non-Government Organization
NSHPI / National School Heads Performance Indicators
OPS / Office of Planning Service
PCR / Program Completion Report
PDM / Professional Development Materials
PDP / Professional Development Planning
PDRD / Program Designing and Resource Development
PDy / Program Delivery
PSDS / Public School District Supervisor
PTCA / Parents and Teachers Community Association
QA / Quality Assurance
QAA-M&E / Quality Assurance an Accountability and Monitoring and Evaluation
RA 9155 / Republic Act 9155: Governance Act for Basic Education, 11 Aug 2001
REDP / Regional Education Development Plan
RO / Regional Office
RMSPP / Resource Mobilization and Special Programs and Projects
SBM / School-Based Management
SEDIP / Secondary Education Development Improvement Project
SH / School Head
SIP / School Improvement Plan
SLE / Structured Learning Episode
SLEL / School Leadership Experience Level
SLEP / School Leadership Experience Portfolio
SPPD / School Plan for Professional Development
STRIVE / Strengthening the Implementation of Basic Education in Selected Provinces in the Visayas
T&D / Training and Development
TDIS / Training and Development Information System
TEC / Teacher Education Council
TEDP / Teacher Education Development Program
TEI / Teacher Education Institute
TDNA / Training and Development Needs Assessment
TOT / Training of Trainers
TSNA / Teachers Strengths and Needs Assessment
UIS / Unified Information System
WG / Working Group
Meaning of Symbols/Shapes Used in the Systems Designs
/ Trigger (if put at the beginning): This indicates what prompts the conduct of an activity or process.
Outcome (if put at the end): This indicates to what subsequent process or activity (which may be to a different system) the present output is forwarded.
/ Document or Report: This document is required in doing a process. It could also be an output of a process.
/ Process or Activity: This is a critical process or a step in a series of activities showing the flow of the system
/ Process/Data Flow: This shows the direction of the process flow from one activity to another.
/ Data Repository: This stores the data gathered that would be analysed and generated by the system’s processes.
/ Computer-Based System: This may be an e-tool or report of e-data analysis.
/ On-Page Connector: This connects one process to or from another process on the same page. It indicates the number of the process is connects to. This is used to avoid messy lines that may cut across other symbols in between.
/ Off-Page Connector: This connects one process to or from another process in a different page. It indicates the number of the process is connects to. This is used to avoid messy lines that may cut across other symbols in between.
/ Decision Box: This indicates the need for a decision as to what direction or process flow to follow depending on required condition.
T&D System Operations Manual-Volume 4: The PDRD SystemPage 1
T&D System Operations Manual-Volume 4: The PDRD System
Section 1.0.Overview of the Training and Development (T&D) System Framework
(Volume 1 contains the details of the Framework)1.1.Rationale
The Department of Education (DepED) is presently active in implementing fundamental reforms that include efforts for human resource development at all levels to support quality performance of schools and learners. The Department’s package of policy reforms known as the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) seeks “to systematically improve critical regulatory, institutional, structural, financial, cultural, physical and informational conditions affecting basic education provision, access and delivery on the ground. These policy reforms are expected to create critical changes necessary to further accelerate, broaden, deepen and sustain the improved education effort already being started” (BESRA PIP, 2006).
BESRA’s vision for human resource development propels a unified system that provides for the continuing quality professional development for in-service education personnel at all levels of the educational system. Two of the major policy reforms under BESRA serve as the core of this present initiative for training and development. The first policy is the National School-Based Management Framework and Standards, which is the decentralization of decision-making authority to individual schools allowing various stakeholders to plan and implement goals to improve school performance and student achievement. The second policy is the Teacher Education and Development Program (TEDP), which saw the establishment of the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS). This is a framework that contains “a set of competency standards for teacher performance so that teachers, pupils and parents are able to appreciate the complex set of behaviors, attitudes and skills that each teacher must possess in order to carry out a satisfactory performance of their roles and responsibilities”(TEDP Final Report, 2006). Necessarily, training and development for teachers and school heads, for instance, must be based on accepted standards of the profession such as the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) and the National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads (NCBS-SH).
Training and Development (T&D) is defined for the purpose of this framework as the process of providing professional development for the personnel of the Department of Education. The process is aimed at improving competencies and work performance through the provision of a wide variety of opportunities for individual growth in knowledge, attitudes, and skills. It is a personal and professional growth process, which necessarily integrates the goals of the individual professional with the development goals of the school, division and region for better student outcomes. The ultimate beneficiaries of T&D are the learners whose rights to quality education shall be the system’s foremost consideration.
Professional Development activities range from independent study such as personal or structured professional reading; to supported learning such as mentoring and coaching; to collective action such as getting involved in a professional organization or conducting group research and to formal programs such as on site face-to-face training, distance or on-line course study, and continuing formal education.
Training and Development in the education system is most successful in a learning community, which promotes the goals of school-based management with strong leadership and support systems. It is most likely to succeed when it is embedded in the vision, strategic plan and organizational structure of the school, division and region. Moreover, it must be conducted through a functional and integrated system guided by sets of standards, structures, processes, methodologies and tools for effective outcomes.
1.2. Vision
Professional Development for all, within a culture of collaborative and continuous learning, nurtured by transformative leadership, for the achievement of educational goals
The T&D System’s goal is to establish a transforming and integrated set of operations that includes standards, structures, processes, and tools for the provision of quality professional development for educational leaders, teachers and non-teaching personnel that is functional at the regional, division and school levels.
The objectives of the T&D System are to:
1.identify priority development and learning needs of the various Human Resource through a systematic process of competency-based needs assessment for professional development/training
2.develop needs-based Master Plans, training designs and resource packages for identified priority needs to support continuing professional development
3.conduct priority programs including post-training activities for professional development of educational leaders, school heads, teachers and non-teaching staff
4.provide the information Communication Technology (ICT) and the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) support operations through the T&D Information System (TDIS) for the T&D system at the central, regional, division and school levels.
1.5. Standards and Guiding Principles
To support the effective operations of a transformative and integrated T&D system, general standards and guiding principles are set:
Equity and Access
-All educational personnel, regardless of age, gender, creed, position, and physical abilities, have equal access to professional development
-Effective strategies are utilized to increase participation and involvement of education personnel for professional learning.
-Professional development endeavours, individual or collective, result to empowerment and improved well-being across diverse groups of clientele
Sustained culture of a learning organization
- Involvement and support are maximized if both internal and external stakeholders have shared aspirations, jointly make decisions and continuously support professional learning.
-Each member of the learning community possesses a deep sense of individual accountability for improving self and regards professional development as a way of life.
Effective and Efficient Use of Resources
-Efficiency and effectiveness of the system are ensured through the proper utilization of resources such as financial, physical, capital and human
-Collaboration is a built-in value with opportunities provided for educators to work together on a regular basis.
-Increased student learning as the focus of collaboration facilitates attainment of professional development goals.
-Collaborative mechanisms engage joint efforts with training and development institutions and other educational partners for advancement programs.
Continuing and cyclical process
-Professional Development to be effective is provided with sufficient ongoing follow-up and technical assistance.
-The entire cyclical process of Professional Development is informed by data and research findings that incorporate innovations and new knowledge.
Sustained by Transformative Leadership
-Professional Development is nurtured by transformative leaders who are competent and skilful, open to change and results-oriented, and have a deep sense of integrity and accountability.
Integrative of individual and institutional development goals directed to better learners’ outcome
-Decisions are driven not only by individual professional aspirations but also by the development priorities of the school, division and region.
-Professional development is always directed to learners’ quality education and welfare bearing in mind the promotion of healthy and protective learning environment as well as fostering equality, respect for human rights, and participation of children
Quality training content and strategies
- The quality of training and learning is dependent largely on relevance of training and learning content and methodologies to intended professional development goals
- The utilization of research- based content and strategies ensures effectiveness of training in improving targeted competencies.
-Professional development programs must be based on development needs of the clientele identified through a systematic process and based on competency standards set for the profession.
-An information management system is integral in the efficient delivery of a quality professional development program.
-The information management system and M&E mechanism that provide disaggregated data, e.g. sex of its clientele are essential inputs for integrating needs and experiences in planning and development of the systems.
Quality Assured
-An effective T&D system has direct connectivity to the SBM’s active quality assurance (QA) and effective monitoring and evaluation systems to ensure that priority learning needs inform planning and that the DepED personnel in the field apply gains and benefits from the training.
Integrated and unified:
-T&D System that operates as a unified system that integrates professional development efforts at the central, regional, division and school levels.
1.6. The Training and Development (T&D) System and Major Components
The T&D System, as presented in the Functional diagram below, is an integrated system for the provision of continuing quality professional development for in-service educational personnel. It operates as a unified system at the central, regional, division and school levels. It is envisioned that the T&D system will engage teachers, school heads, educational leaders and non-teaching personnel in the continuous conduct and progressive provision of training and development programs through various modalities. It defines the inter-relationships of the different aspects of human resource development from needs assessment, program planning, designing and resource development, and the delivery of in-service professional development programs at the regional, division (including districts or clusters), and school levels. In effect, the T&D System is a support mechanism to the central, region, division and school’s demand for quality capability building to ensure best practice and outcome in the workplace.
The T&D System is composed of four major interrelated subsystems namely: the TDNA System, the Professional Development Planning (PDP) System, Program Designing and Resource Development System (PDRD), and the Program Delivery (PDy) System. The Program Delivery (PDy) System is the main intervention that directly effects change in the knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) of the education personnel. The PDP system is responsible for the completion of the Individual Plan for Professional Development (IPPD), School Plan for Professional Development (SPPD) as well as the Master Plans for Professional Development (MPPD) of the Region and the Division. The PDRD System generates appropriate T&D program designs and resource packages that would address the priority needs of the target personnel.
The Training and Development Needs Assessment (TDNA) system is very significant for the reason that it informs program planning, designing and resource development. It establishes a match between the trainees’ needs and the training programs to be conducted. The TDNA instruments and processes of the system are guided by the current national standards and list of competencies for various educational personnel such as the NCBTS, which articulates the essential parameters that characterize effective teaching. The system is supported by a TDNA Consolidation Database that is the repository of results of needs assessment done at the school, district/division and regional levels. It analyses uploaded data and generates reports.
The T&D System has its Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) mechanism embedded across the four subsystems. The internal M&E mechanism of the TDNA, PDP, PDRD and the PDy Systems includes specific processes and tools that support the overall goal and objectives of the entire system. The Quality Assurance scheme sees to it that the outputs at the different levels are achieved based on set standards and specifications. Moreover, the M&E results provide information on the strengths and/or weaknesses of the Training & Development System itself and of the different sub-systems to support sustainability and improvement.
The T&D System is ICT-enabled through the T&D Information System (TDIS). and can be accessed through the EBEIS (Enhanced Basic Education Information System) at .The TDIS is one of the components of the Unified Integration System (UIS) that includes the enhanced BEIS and the LRMDS among others (See Attachment C). The TDIS is incorporated as a module of the enhanced BEIS, taking advantage of the BEIS personnel data, which has been represented in the HR module of BEIS. The TDIS is responsible for collecting and processing data as well as creating the databases required for the analysis of results produced by the systems. It is also responsible for storing data obtained from the Training and Development Needs Assessment (TDNA), as well as consolidation and analysis of TDNA results based on identified variables.