Context Sensitive Design Workshop: Curriculum Overview May 19-20, 2004

Day One

Activity / Objective /
1 / 8:30 - 9:15
Intro/Welcome / Participants understand workshop goals and expectations for workshop. Introductions. / Jim Grothaus, CTS
Harold Peaks, FHWA (invited)
Doug Differt, Mn/DOT (invited)
2 / 9:15 -10:15
Principles of CSD / Identification of physical, environmental, social, cultural, land use, and transportation-related context elements. Discuss overall principles of Context Sensitive Design and role of transportation in place-making. / Charleen Zimmer, Zan Associates
3 / 10:15 - 10:30
Introduction to Design Workshop / Participants understand design workshop activity and are introduced to case studies. / Charleen Zimmer, Zan
10:30 – 10:45
4 / 10:45- 12:00
Design Workshop Session A: Defining the Context / Participants develop a clear understanding of project context elements and their relationship to project purpose and project design. Discuss involving the public and identify key stakeholders. / Mark Benson, S.E.H.
Ken Holte, SRF
Dan Meyers, URS-BRW
Beth Bartz, SRF
12:00 – 12:45
5 / 12:45 – 1:45
The “Think” Method of Design / Introduce concept of flexibility in standards and the “think” method of design. Determining appropriate horizontal and vertical alignments; relationships to functional class and design speed. / Howard Preston, CH2MHill
6 / 1:45 – 2:45
Design Workshop Session B: Alignment / Identify possible alignment and cross section alternatives and choose a design concept for the project. Begin discussion of design flexibility issues. / Mark Benson, S.E.H.
Ken Holte, SRF
Dan Meyers, URS-BRW
Beth Bartz, SRF
2:45 – 3:00
7 / 3:00 – 4:15
Public Involvement / Involving community in defining the problem, assessing the trade-offs and design the solution. / Charleen Zimmer, Zan
4:15-4:20 / Complete Evaluation

Context Sensitive Design Workshop: Curriculum OverviewMay 19-20, 2004

Day Two

Topic / Objective /
8:00-8:15 / Restatement of CSD principles. / Charleen Zimmer, Zan
8 / 8:15 – 9:15
Creative Engineering / Discuss concepts related to driver and vehicle behavior. Understanding the role of intersections in context-sensitive design and their impact on pedestrians. / Denny Eyler, SRF
9 / 9:15 – 10:15
Design Workshop
Session C: Cross-Section / Refine alignment and cross-section selected in Session B paying close attention to edge and system relationships. Identify need and justification for design deviations and exceptions. / Mark Benson, S.E.H.
Ken Holte, SRF
Dan Meyers, URS-BRW
Beth Bartz, SRF
10:15 -10:30
10 / 10:30-11:30
Aesthetics and Landscape Architecture / Video presentation on the Mn/DOT visual impact assessment process. Discussion of concepts related to materials, architectural treatments and landscaping, and maintenance. / Scott Bradley, Mn/DOT
11 / 11:30 – 12:45
Getting It Built / Question and Answer discussion with experienced Project Managers and key Central Office staff on implementation issues affecting CSD. / Kimberly Sannes, Mn/DOT District 1
Mike Scott, Mn/DOT - Cost Participation
Jim Rosenow, Mn/DOT CO – Geometrics
Rick Kjonaas, Mn/DOT - State Aid
Peter Harff, Mn/DOT District 7
Dave Kopacz, FHWA Safety (invited)
12 / 12:45 – 1:45
Integrating Design with Community / Discuss interrelationships between roadway, networks, access, land use and alternative modes of transportation. Address pedestrian, bicycle and transit needs. Recap of CSD principles. / Charleen Zimmer, Zan
13 / 1:45 – 2:40
Design Workshop
Session D: Aesthetics / Teams identify materials, aesthetic details, and landscape treatments. Revisit consideration of alignment, section and edge. / Mark Benson, S.E.H.
Ken Holte, SRF
Dan Meyers, URS-BRW
Beth Bartz, SRF
2:40 – 2:45 / Complete Evaluation for Case Studies
2:45 - 3:00
14 / 3:00 – 4:00
Presentation of Working Case Studies / Charleen Zimmer (moderator)
Mark Benson, S.E.H.
Ken Holte, SRF
Dan Meyers, BRW
Beth Bartz, SRF
15 / 4:00-4:25
Closing Comments and Presentation of Certificates / Jim Grothaus, CTS
Cheryl Martin, FHWA
Scott Bradley, Mn/DOT
4:25 - 4:30 / Complete Evaluation