Terms of Reference for the Common Procurement Team / 2012


It is a good practice to have Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Common Procurement Team (CPT)[1] in place and endorsed by the OMT/UNCT.
The CPT will develop ToR setting out the scope of its activities and specifying deliverables, including development of a work plan for compiling, reviewing and undertaking the spend analysis to identify the potential for common procurement activities and identifying the appropriate strategies.
In Part 3 of the training materials, we recommend to use this document as a template in order to support the workshop participants to either develop new Terms of Reference or to enhance the existing ones. It is based on a good practice identified at the UNCT Mozambique and further input from other good practice field level examples.
The template contains [placeholders] which have to be replaced by country specific values.

DRAFT (to be finalized and endorsed by the OMT)

Purpose of the Common Procurement Team

The purpose of the Common Procurement Team (CPT) is to identify, develop and implement strategies to further common UN procurement in [NAME OF COUNTRY]. The CPT promotes the harmonization of business practices and contributes to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of UN procurement activities.

Membership of the CPT

The OMT appoints the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the regular members, the alternates, the Secretary and the Rapporteur(s) of the CPT. The Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson roles will be assigned on a rotating basis. If possible, it is beneficial if the members of the CPT have a professional certification in procurement.

All UN agencies represented in [NAME OF COUNTRY] nominate members to the CPT. A quorum consists of the Chairperson and two (2) appointed members / alternates representing three UN agencies. If the Chairperson is not available, the Vice-Chairperson will chair the meeting. The Secretary and Rapporteur are required in addition to the quorum. The Secretary fulfills the role of secretariat to the CPT.

Operating Procedure of the CPT

The CPT works under the supervision of the OMT and prepares recommendations on common UN procurement for OMT approval. Members of the CPT meet [once a week / once every two weeks / once a month] on a specified day of the week, and also through ad-hoc meetings when required. It is estimated that members dedicate at least [10 per cent / 20 per cent / …] of their work time to fulfill their roles and responsibilities as members of the CPT. For recommendations to the OMT, a quorum of at least three members (representing three UN organizations) will be required.

Responsibilities of the CPT

The CPT members are responsible for:

·  ensuring collection and provision of relevant procurement and administrative related requirements, information and other data from their respective organizations in a timely manner;

·  undertaking an analysis of consolidated spend of all UN organizations present in [NAME OF COUNTRY] to identify categories of goods and services suitable for common procurement initiatives;

·  developing an annual work plan containing timelines for agreed common procurement deliverables;

·  coordinating the preparation and publishing of agreed joint solicitations;

·  undertaking and developing the minimum requirements on product specifications, terms of reference for services and scope of work for civil works;

·  monitoring use and reviewing performance of common LTAs, at respective organization level;

·  sharing information within the CPT and among its members in a consistent and timely manner;

·  ensuring that reports are discussed and shared within their respective organizations;

·  ensuring efficient use and maintenance of common procurement tools, e.g. a common supplier database, information sharing system and/or a communication platform;

·  providing timely inputs for the monitoring reports to the OMT;

·  developing and implementing a methodology for measuring benefits;

·  participating actively at the CPT meetings through contributions to both substance and methodology; and

·  assessing the necessity of training on procurement and contract management (considering already existing resources, e.g. organization-specific training materials).

Specific Roles within the CPT

The Chairperson is responsible for –

a)  convening CPT meetings and ensuring quorum;

b)  chairing the CPT meetings;

c)  ensuring that the minutes reflect accurately the decisions and deliberations of the CPT.

The Secretary is responsible for before the meeting -

a)  preparing and distributing the agenda and required documents, location and invitations for the meeting;

b)  confirming the attendance of the members at the meeting;

The Secretary is responsible for after the meeting –

c)  preparing the minutes of the meeting and ensuring the minutes are signed by the Chairperson (or Vice Chairperson) and the members present at the meeting;

d)  maintaining all official and original records of the CPT;

e)  submitting the signed minutes of the meeting to the OMT and the CPT members.

The CPT members are:

Name of member / Name of alternate / Organization

These Terms of Reference have been endorsed by the OMT [NAME OF COUNTRY] on [INSERT DATE].

Page 1 of 4DRAFT, 26 June 2012

[1] Or ‘Working Group on Common Procurement’ – these terms are used synonymously.