Prevention & Mitigation - Resource Section

  1. Authorities and References:
  2. Authorities

1)Emergency Management Services Code, 35 Pa. C.S. §§ 7101 et seq., as amended.

2)Public School Code of 1949, 24 P.S. §§ 1-101, et seq., as amended.

  1. References

1)The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Emergency Operations Plan, dated December 23, 2008

2)_(Insert name of School District’s County Name here)______Emergency Operations Plan, dated _(Insert date of latest plan here)______

3)_(Insert Each School Building’s Municipality Name here) ______Emergency Operations Plan, dated ______

4)__(Insert School District’s County Name here)______County’s Hazard Vulnerability Analysis

5)__(Insert Each School Building’s Municipality Name here)______Municipality’s Hazard Vulnerability Analysis

  1. Key Words:
  2. After Action Review – This document captures observations of an exercise or event and makes recommendations for post-exercise/event improvements.
  3. Nonstructural - all items that are not part of the structure of the building, including windows, heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems, emergency generators, storage racks, electrical components, and piping.
  4. Structural - the components that keep the building standing: the roof, foundations, and load-bearing walls.
  1. Websites:
  2. Bomb Threat Response:
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
  4. Jane’s Model:
  5. National Association of School Psychologists:
  6. National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities:
  7. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:
  8. National School SafetyCenter:
  9. NationalYouthViolencePreventionResourceCenter:
  10. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention:
  11. PennsylvaniaCenter for Safe Schools:
  12. Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency:
  13. Pennsylvania Department of Education:
  14. Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency:
  1. Pennsylvania Pandemic Planning Toolkit for Schools:
  2. Pennsylvania State Police Megan’s Law:
  3. Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools TechnicalAssistanceCenter:
  4. Safe and Civil Schools:
  5. SMART School Tool (All-Hazards Planning Tool):
  6. Student Assistance Program:
  7. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health:
  8. The Vaccine Page:
  9. U.S. Department of Education- Keyword: Practical Information on Crisis Planning: A Guide for Schools and Communities:
  10. U.S. Secret Service:
  11. Safe Havens International:
  1. Recommended Readings:
  2. Innocent Targets – When Terrorism Comes to School by Michael Dorn and Chris Dorn. Safe Havens International, Inc., Canada, 2005.
  3. New Jersey vs. TLO – Supreme Court of the United States, 469 U.S. 325 – January 15, 1985.
  4. Terror at Beslan by John Giduck. Archangel Group, Inc., Canada, 2005.
  1. Sample Resources:
  2. Risk and Hazard Vulnerability AssessmentPage 43 - 74
  3. Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Team (RVAT) ListPage 75
  4. Classroom and Building Hazard HuntPage 76
  5. School District/School Hazard Vulnerability Page 77 – 78

Assessments Outcomes

  1. Threat Assessment InquiryPage 79 - 82
  2. Insurance Review ChecklistPage 83 - 84
  3. School District/School Compliance ChecklistPage 85 - 100
  4. School District/School Climate SurveyPage 101 - 113
  5. Tips for Parents/Guardians to Help Create Safe SchoolPage 114

Districts/Schools Sheet