APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists
International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation
Roles and Responsibilities for APhA-ASP/IPSF International Standing Committee
Updated November 2011
The International Standing Committee (Also known as APhA-ASP/IPSF National Committee) consists of the Contact Person (CP), Student Exchange Officer (SEO), Student Exchange Officer-Elect (SEO-Elect), and the National Project Coordinator (NPC). They are advised by the APhA Student and New Practitioner Development Staff, and serve as a liaison for IPSF with a member of the National Executive Committee.
The terms for the CP and NPC are one year, and the SEO is a two year commitment. The National Officers are appointed in January for an Annual Meeting-Annual Meeting (March) term. Time commitment may vary greatly depending on the time of year; you may be fulfilling these duties with a minimum of 2-20 hours weekly. You may be expected to attend some or all of following meetings throughout the year: APhA Annual Meeting (4 days in March), the Academies Leadership Meeting (April/May, 5-6 days in Washington, DC), Student Leadership Institute (June, 2 days in Washington, DC), IPSF World Congress (August, 10 days), and APhA-ASP Mid-Regional Meetings (October/November, 3 days).
The Contact Person (CP) serves as the primary liaison between IPSF International and APhA-ASP members. They are responsible for ensuring the Member Organization (APhA-ASP) fulfills the duties noted below, at a minimum. Coordination and teamwork between the APhA-ASP/IPSF International Standing Committee is imperative, and the CP must be proactive in ensuring goals are being met by all members of the APhA-ASP/IPSF International Committee.
Serve as an Information Resource
●Be familiar with and follow the CP Handbook, IPSF Constitution, Domestic Rules, and other official IPSF documents (available on ipsf.org under Publications)
●Answer all IPSF email correspondence to the address in a timely manner (< 48 hour turn-around time)
●Maintain regular contact with other CPs around the world and the Chairperson of Internal Relations to build strong diplomatic relationship
●Attend CP meetings hosted by the Chairperson of Internal Relations and any PARO Officers to represent APhA-ASP
●Ensure that all information regarding APhA-ASP is updated on ipsf.org, and vote on every important issues that comes across throughout the year using the CP log-in via ipsf.org
●Regularly forward relevant IPSF announcements and opportunities to APhA-ASP members via email through APhA-ASP/IPSF Chapter Liaison Contact List
●Keep the APhA-ASP/IPSF Liaison Contact List updated, perform an update annually
●Maintain and update online media, including the IPSF sub-page under pharmacist.com and the APhA-ASP/IPSF Facebook Page
●Provide monthly updates to chapters using the APhA-ASP/IPSF Chapter Liaison Contact List, including information regarding important dates, programs, events, promotional efforts, and deadlines.
●Maintain regular contact with APhA Staff, NEC Liaison, ESC Liaison, and other affiliated personals to ensure communication and progress on what APhA-ASP/IPSF has achieved throughout the year
●Facilitate monthly APhA-ASP/IPSF International Standing Committee conference calls by compiling an agenda and taking minutes to share with APhA Staff and the APhA-ASP NEC
●Maintain a database of IPSF Documents to share with the other members of the APhA-ASP/IPSF national officers and to assist with handover at the end of each term
●Maintain records of all APhA-ASP/IPSF activities and collect all event forms submitted within each term
●Provide the National Awards Standing Committee with a report after July 15th indicating which chapters qualified for the Outstanding IPSF Activities Award
Serve as a Representative of Both APhA-ASP and IPSF
●Serve as the Vice Chair of the International Standing Committee
●Run the IPSF Workshop at the APhA Annual Meeting in March, in conjunction with the other members of the APhA-ASP/IPSF International Standing Committee, by facilitating creation of the presentation and guiding discussion. This may also apply to the APhA-ASP Mid-Regional Meetings in October/November.
●Present the Outstanding IPSF Activity Award at the APhA Annual Meeting
●Be responsible for representing APhA-ASP, along with the Student Exchange Officer(s) and National Project Coordinator, at World Congress and ensure Official Delegates are fully instructed on proceedings.
●Provide APhA-ASP/IPSF-related updates and feedback to the IPSF Executive Committee and PARO Regional Relations Officer for discussion at the IPSF Executive Meetings (EM1, EM2, and World Congress). Review the minutes to these meetings and share with the APhA-ASP Staff and NEC.
●Serve on the committee to select members for the Student Exchange Program, and provide aid to the Awards Standing Committee to select and recognize the APhA-ASP chapter with the Outstanding IPSF Activity Award at the APhA Annual Meeting
●Advise the APhA-ASP NEC on the appointment of the incoming IPSF National Committee, under APhA Staff direction
Fulfill Reporting and Form Requests
●Provide the IPSF Chairperson of Internal Relations and the IPSF Pan American Regional Office (PARO) Regional Relations Officer with updated contact information for the APhA-ASP President, Vice-President, Contact Person, Student Exchange Officer, and National Project Coordinator.
●Request the President and CP be added to the IPSF-VIP and CP Mailing Lists, the SEO be added to the SEO Mailing List, and the National Project Coordinator be added to the CP and Public Health Subcommittee Mailing Lists.
●Provide Membership Verification Form to members registering for the IPSF World Congress
●Fill out the World Congress Credentials Form (CF) and return to the Secretary General by the deadline (usually in July). An electronic copy must be sent before the Congress to the IPSF Secretary General, and a hard copy must be provided before the first General Assembly at IPSF World Congress. If extenuating circumstances arise and the CP is unable to attend, the CP must ensure that up to three APhA-ASP members attending World Congress are selected to serve as APhA-ASP Official Delegates; if no members are able to serve as Official Delegate, the CP is responsible for contacting another IPSF Member Organization to vote on behalf of APhA-ASP at the World Congress General Assembly. Ensure the Secretary-General is aware of this.
●Complete and submit the IPSF Annual Contact Person's Report by July 15th for inclusion in the IPSF World Congress Folder, based on any APhA-ASP/IPSF Chapter Event Forms submitted throughout the year
●Utilize the IPSF CP online voting system to serve as a Official Delegate to APhA-ASP throughout the year
●Ensure annual membership fee is paid by January 1st, or within 30 days of invoice from the IPSF Executive Board Treasurer
The National Project Coordinator serves to promote IPSF activity within APhA-ASP chapters. Coordination and teamwork between the APhA-ASP/IPSF International Standing Committee is expected.
Maintain Correspondence and Support the IPSF National Committee
●Be familiar with and follow the IPSF Constitution, Domestic Rules, and other official IPSF documents (available on ipsf.org > Publications)
●Answer all IPSF email correspondence to the address in a timely manner
●Attend IPSF National Committee monthly conference calls
●Attend any IPSF Pan American Regional Office (PARO) conference calls headed by the PARO Regional Projects Officer
●Run the IPSF Roundtable at the APhA Annual Meeting in March, in conjunction with the other members of the APhA-ASP/IPSF International Standing Committee. You may also be responsible for running the IPSF Workshop independently at your respective APhA Mid-Regional Meeting.
●If World Congress is attended, be responsible for representing APhA-ASP as an Official Delegate at the General Assembly
●Serve on the committee to select APhA-ASP members for the Student Exchange Program in January, and on the committee to select and recognize the APhA-ASP chapter with the Outstanding IPSF Activity Award at the APhA Annual Meeting
●Advise the APhA-ASP NEC in the appointment of the incoming IPSF National Committee, under APhA Staff direction
●Provide the CP with information relevant to Campaigns and Projects (primarily received from the IPSF-CP and IPSF-Public Health Subcommittee mailing lists) for inclusion in regular communication to the APhA-ASP membership via email updates to the Regional Members-at-large
●Create comprehensive IPSF Activity Reports based on APhA-ASP/IPSF Chapter Event Forms
●Aid the other officers in the APhA-ASP/IPSF International Standing Committee by assisting the CP in maintaining the Google Site and Facebook Page, updating the pharmacist.com website, maintaining the database of IPSF documents, ensuring IPSF announcements or opportunities are forwarded to Regional Members-at-large, completing the CP Report for World Congress in August, or when otherwise needed or requested
Promote IPSF Campaigns and Activities within APhA-ASP
●Remain up-to-date on information regarding all IPSF Campaigns, including those not yet sponsored by APhA-ASP
●When applicable, present information to APhA-ASP Staff and others regarding the addition of IPSF Campaigns to the list of those sponsored by APhA-ASP
●Create new and creative ways for student pharmacists to promote IPSF activity at their universities, including involvement in Campaigns not yet sponsored by APhA-ASP
●Update outdated documents and/or create new documents regarding APhA-ASP/IPSF Sponsored Campaigns and Projects
●Obtain articles for and create quarterly IPSF National News Bulletin newsletters to highlight APhA-ASP chapters/members and promote activity; post these online and forward copies to the Members-at-large, APhA Staff, and PARO Chairperson
●Promote membership as IPSF Individual Members for up to four years post-graduation, and future membership in FIP through APhA membership
The Student Exchange Officer (SEO) serves to promote and execute IPSF’s Student Exchange Program (SEP) within APhA-ASP chapters. This includes not only promoting APhA-ASP member involvement in experiencing pharmacy by traveling internationally, but also the creation and promotion of SEP Host Sites within every APhA-ASP chapter. The SEO position should focus on facilitating SEP. Coordination and teamwork between the APhA-ASP/IPSF International Standing Committee is expected. You will become the SEO after serving as the SEO-Elect for the year prior.
Maintain Correspondence
●Be familiar with and follow the IPSF Constitution, Domestic Rules, and other official IPSF documents (available on ipsf.org > Publications)
●Answer all IPSF email correspondence to the SEO/SEO-Elect shared address in a timely manner
●Attend IPSF National Committee monthly conference calls
●Run the IPSF Roundtable at the APhA Annual Meeting in March, in conjunction with the other members of the APhA-ASP/IPSF International Standing Committee. You may also be responsible for running the IPSF Workshop independently at your respective APhA Mid-Regional Meeting.
●If World Congress is attended, be responsible for representing APhA-ASP as an Official Delegate at the General Assembly
●Serve on the committee to select APhA-ASP members for the Student Exchange Program in January, and on the committee to select and recognize the APhA-ASP chapter with the Outstanding IPSF Activity Award at the APhA Annual Meeting
●Advise the APhA-ASP NEC in the appointment of the incoming IPSF National Committee, under APhA Staff direction
●Work with SEOs from other countries to exchange ideas, discuss topics, etc. via the IPSF-SEO Mailing List and SEO Online Meetings held by the IPSF Chairperson of Student Exchange (ChpSE)
●Provide the CP with information relevant to SEP (primarily received from the IPSF-SEO mailing list) for inclusion in regular communication to the APhA-ASP membership via email updates to the Regional Members-at-large
●Assist the NPC in obtaining SEP-related articles for the quarterly IPSF National News Bulletin
●Aid the other officers in the APhA-ASP/IPSF International Standing Committee by assisting in maintaining the Google Site and Facebook Page, updating the pharmacist.com website, maintaining the database of IPSF documents, ensuring IPSF announcements or opportunities are forwarded to Regional Members-at-large, completing the CP Report for World Congress in August, or when otherwise needed
IPSF Student Exchange Program (SEP) Duties
●Create and submit the SEO Report to IPSF by September 30th detailing all exchanges that occurred over the past SEP year (October-October). This report must detail the successful and unsuccessful exchanges, with elaboration of why unsuccessful exchanges did not occur. If this report is not submitted, APhA-ASP may be subjected to a penalty the following SEP year.
●Update the APhA-ASP Country information in the IPSF SEP Database on ipsf.org by October 1st each year and provide the updated information to the ChpSE. If this is not done, APhA-ASP will be fined 10 Euros to go toward the Development Fund monthly until updated
●Facilitate SEP Placement within APhA-ASP:
○Provide basic information regarding placement in the US to the Exchange Student (ES)
○Facilitate introduction of ES to a APhA-ASP Chapter Host Site Local Exchange Officer (LEO) by provision of the ES’s Application Forms to the LEO
○Inform the ChpSE and the Student Exchange Officer (SEO) of the incoming participant’s association of ES placement confirmation or denial by the LEO
○Send the Card of Acceptance and Card of Confirmation to the accepted ES
○Distribute the SEP certificates to SEP participates upon successful completion of the evaluation of the exchange on the SEP database
○Send Thank-you letters and Certificates to APhA-ASP Chapter Host Sites
●Facilitate SEP Participation by APhA-ASP Members
○Ensure the Pre-Application is released by the end of October for APhA-ASP members wishing to leave the country
○Notify APhA-ASP SEP applicants of their final application status after Pre-Application submission by APhA-ASP members
○Approve online access to the ipsf.org SEP Application for APhA-ASP members whose Pre-Application has been accepted
○Approve submitted and complete online Application Forms on the SEP Database to signify placement search may begin
○Work with other Member Organization SEOs to facilitate placement of APhA-ASP members into their country of choice
●Ensure complete training of the Student Exchange Officer-Elect, which includes
○keeping a database of all host sites during his/her term
○preparing an informative handover to the following SEO
○guiding and advising him/her in the best possible way
○informing ChpSE, Chairperson of Internal Relations, and PARO Regional Relations Officer about the changeover to the new SEO
The Student Exchange Officer-Elect (SEO-Elect) serves to promote IPSF’s Student Exchange Program (SEP) within APhA-ASP chapters. This includes not only promoting APhA-ASP member involvement in experiencing pharmacy by traveling internationally, but also the creation and promotion of SEP Host Sites within every APhA-ASP chapter. The SEO-Elect position should focus on promoting SEP and creating Host Sites. Coordination and teamwork between the APhA-ASP/IPSF International Standing Committee is expected. You will become the SEO after serving as the SEO-Elect for one year.
Maintain Correspondence
●Be familiar with and follow the IPSF Constitution, Domestic Rules, and other official IPSF documents (available on ipsf.org > Publications)
●Answer all IPSF email correspondence to the SEO/SEO-Elect shared address in a timely manner
●Attend IPSF National Committee monthly conference calls
●Run the IPSF Roundtable at the APhA Annual Meeting in March, in conjunction with the other members of the APhA-ASP/IPSF International Standing Committee. You may also be responsible for running the IPSF Workshop independently at your respective APhA Mid-Regional Meeting.
●If World Congress is attended, be responsible for representing APhA-ASP as an Official Delegate at the General Assembly
●Serve on the committee to select APhA-ASP members for the Student Exchange Program in January, and on the committee to select and recognize the APhA-ASP chapter with the Outstanding IPSF Activity Award at the APhA Annual Meeting