World Public Forum


A Young Parliament for Europe –
47 Voices united in Diversity

The European Dream lost its dynamics and attractiveness. It needs new impacts. However there is still the strongest support for the European idea among young people. But it is precisely the young people who have the least opportunity to participate in the actual design of Europe.

Just like in the aftermath of WWII the demand of the Congress of The Hague for an „Assembly for Europe“ paved the way for the creation of institutions, first the Council of Europe, then the European Communities as the prededessor for the European Union, today a „Young Parliament for Europe“ should be the starting point for fresh and unconventional ideas for Europe.It may provide the vision of united Europe a new dynamics in Austria.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe may serve as a model for such a young assembly for Europe. The Council of Europe is not only the oldest intergovernmental institution of European unification but also the most comprehensive one.It is composed not only of the 28 members of the European Union but of nearly all European states.[1]Hence it represents with 47 member states the „greater Europe“, its Parliamentary Assembly is of pan-European dimension and speaks for 800 million Europeans, from Akureyi in Iceland toLanarka in Cyprus, from the Portuguese Azoresto Vladivostok atRussian Pacific coast.

This Assembly is to be replicated in the "Young Parliament for Europe" formed by students. In cooperation with the competent authorities (Stadtschulratfür Wien,LandesschulrätefürNiederösterreich und das Burgenland)delegations representing the 47 member countries of the Council of Europe shall be formed by 47 schools for young people between the age of 14 and 18.[2]Delegations should (unlike the model) uniformly consist of three members and three substitute members.Members of the delegationsshall be selected autonomously by the schools, possibly through written or oral competitions. The Assembly shall meet in the month on a Saturday for a session of about 3 hours, 8 times the year. The Assembly elects a Presidium (President, 5 Vice-Presidents, Secretary General and Deputy 2) for one year that is not re-eligible (to allow for a change).

In a "truly European" discussion, which reflects the diversity of Europe, "Young Parliament for Europe" elaborates standpoints, wishes and recommendations of young people under the motto "unity in diversity". A guest speaker - an interesting personality[3] - could always be on the agenda followed by question time and two to three thematic debates. In any case a debate shall be devoted to a long-term subject established by the Assembly itself, at the end a report with recommendations to be adopted, an urgent debate shall be devoted to current issues. On voluntary basis rapporteursare to be elected to prepare the reports and recommendations, as well as representatives for different tasks (media, website, Facebook, etc.)

The delegations are to empathize and represent “their countries” in the debates on the basis of information of the country's position acquired on the Internet. The embassies of the countries in Vienna could be asked to cooperate by providing additional information. But, like in the original, the "deputies" are not tied to the standpoint of the governments of the countries represented and can express them freely in every respect. The Assembly sets out its rules and procedures itself; only provisional rules of procedure stipulate how this will happen.

Like in a parliament or a parliamentary assembly sessions will be public. In particular editors of the youth and student pages of daily newspapers and the electronic media and youth magazines are invited to the meetings. Of course, a website should also inform about the Young Parliament for Europe and its deliberations.

A session could have an agenda like the following:

  1. Adoption oftheagenda
  2. Election of a Vice-President to replace N.N. (Norway, Oberstufenrealgymnasium Wien…)
  3. Application of Kazakhstan for observer status (represented byBundesrealgymnasium Wien…)
  4. Vote on the suggestions for an urgent debate, the following topics have been proposed‘
    4.1. „Is Europe overtaxed by the current flow of refugees? "(Hungary)
    4.2. "How can refugee tragedies in the Mediterranean be avoided?" (Italy)
    4.3. "Should the UK leave the EU?" (Ireland) "
  5. Guestspeaker Dr.Christian Konrad, Coordinator for Refugee Affairs
  6. Question time with Dr.Christian Konrad
  7. Urgent debate„Is Europe overtaxed by the flow of refugees "
  8. Resuming the general debate „How can the youth get astronger voice in Europe”

Those participants whohave no season tickets for public transport will be reimbursed for their transport expenses., they should get replaced the traveling expenses. After the meeting the young people who spend their spare time for the European commitment are invited to a buffet.

Costs should be kept to a minimum, invitations and documentation are sent electronically, the free provision of boardrooms by an institution or company should be sought. For one year are calculated:

Proportionate secretariat costs (staff, phone etc)10.000 Euro

Office supplies 1.200 Euro

Website 5.000 Euro

Reimbursement for those without season ticket 1.320 Euro

Buffet and beverages 20.000 Euro

Insurance 480 Euro

Unforeseen 2.000 Euro

Total 40.000 Euro

The Vienna resident World Public Forum - Dialogue of Civilizations, recognized by the Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs as an international NGO that is committed to the dialogue among cultures and mutual respect of all peoples, wants in terms of its own objectives to provide "Young Parliament for Europe" with the necessary logistics and organization fully respecting its substantive autonomy.

[1]Belarus, Kosovo, the Vatican State as well as Kazakhstan which is located with 5% of its area in Europe are the only countries that are not member in the Council of Europe.

[2]If the interest is larger than 47 schools also the observer countries of the Council of Europe, Israel, Japan, Canada, Mexico and USA as well as other non-member countries can be invited on decision of the assembly.

[3] E.g. active or former members of the European Parliament or the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Commissioners, Ambassadors to the EU and the Council of Europe, senior officials of EU and Council of Europe and of Austrian ministries as well as representatives of NGOs.