TUMLPA Meeting Date 12-8-15


Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 12-8-2015

Meeting Location: Alan’s Office

Final submitted: 12/9/15

Recorded By: Maribeth Cox-Livingston

TUMLPA Meeting Minutes 12-8-15 Page 2 of 4


Name / Title / Organization / Present
Alan Seider / Pres / TUMLPA / yes
Tom Fanshaw / VP / TUMLPA / yes
Karen Bolewicki / Social Committee / TUMLPA / yes
Shannon Garman / Social Committee / TUMLPA / yes
Shawn Brashears / Communications / TUMLPA / yes
Christine Robertson / Fundraising / TUMLPA / yes
Shawn Nadelen / Coach / Towson Men’s Lacrosse / Via phone
Maribeth Cox-Livingston / Finance / TUMLPA / yes
Jon Wylly / Web Master / TUMLPA / Via phone

Meeting Location

Building: Alan’s Office NBC Securities, Inc. Hunt Valley

Room: Conference Room

Call – in #: 877-304-5031

Conference Code: 5270688195

Meeting Start

Meeting Schedule Start: 6pm

Meeting Actual Start: 6pm

Meeting Scribe: Maribeth Cox-Livingston



Current balance $16422.30

Budget update 9 people not paid

Will pay Michelle Fulco $175 for TUMLPA portion of the resume fee


Jon Wylie- no website issues

To date we have 48 active members on the web site including 36 families. A few of those are alumni.

Need to check pages on the content- remove old content or archive

Send TUMLPA fee reminder in early January


DVD sales- decided to do it at the end of the season

Buy entire package plus S&H

Face Off Dinner

Meeting Last Week At Radisson

Pricing $75/ticket

Invitations via email going out soon

Coach And Christine Meeting This Week

Block Of Rooms At Marriott And Radisson

Setting up tent


Two Freshmen Moms Have Stepped Up (Thanks Severo And Mazzo)

Sophomore- Tailgating

Junior- Basket of Cheer

Senior- Maryland theme

Upcoming Events

Father/Son Steak Dinner

End Of Year Party


Marlowe- getting another window before the Face Off Dinner

Gorman Garments open now- bringing items to show

Foreign trip- Go Fund Me

Buttons- GG making buttons. TUMLPA will pay for the new players

Shawn Brashears will send out an order form in case people want more or new numbers.

Player Programs

Week of Jan 11 or Jan 18, team makes phone calls to update database. Give the guys a template of info they need to research about each person. May need two sessions to be able to reach more people. Morning and evening. If they can’t reach them on the phone, they can send an email.

Encourage players to set up LinkedIn – Michelle charges $25 to set it up

Meeting End

Meeting Schedule End: 7pm

Meeting Actual End: 7:04pm

Next Meeting

Next Meeting: Alan’s office, Tuesday, January 12, 6pm

Final Date: 12/9/15 Page 3 of 4