List of Masters Courses selected under Action 1

Interested students are invited to contact the coordinators of the courses concerned for further information on admission conditions, application forms and scholarships. Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available for all courses published on this site.

Year of selection





2004 / ALGANT - Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory /
2004 / CoMundus - European Master of Arts in Media, Communication and Cultural Studies /

2004 / EMCL - European Masters Clinical Linguistics /
2004 / EMMS - Joint European Masters Programme in Materials Science /
2004 / EuMI - European Master in Informatics /
2004 / EURO-AQUAE - Euro Hydro-Informatics & Water Management /
2004 / European Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management /
2004 / European Legal Practice - LL.M. Eur /
2004 / European Master in Law and Economics /
2004 / European Masters Program in Computational Logic /
2004 / HEEM - European Masters Degree in Higher Education /
2004 / IMRD: Erasmus Mundus International Master of Science in Rural Development /
2004 / International Master in Quaternary and Prehistory /
2004 / MEEES - Masters in Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Seismology /
2004 / MEEM - Mechanical Engineering Erasmus Mundus Masters Course /
2004 / MERIT - European Master of Research on Information and Communication Technologies /
2004 / MSc EF Master of Science in European Forestry /
2004 / NOHA MUNDUS - European Masters Degree in International Humanitarian Aid /
2004 / tropEd - European Master of Science Programme in International Health /
2005 / AMASE: Joint European Master Programme in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering /
2005 / EMMAPA: Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted Physical Activity /
2005 / EMM-Nano. Erasmus Mundus Master of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology /
2005 / Erasmus Mundus Masters – Journalism and Media within Globalization: The European Perspective /
2005 / EuMAS - European Masters Course in Aeronautics and Space Technology /
2005 / EUROMIME: Master européen en Ingénierie des Médias pour l'Education /
2005 / European Master in Global Studies /
2005 / GEM: Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management /
2005 / MA SEN, Special Education Needs /
2005 / Master International "Vintage", Vine, Wine and Terroir Management /
2005 / Master Mundus: Crossways in European Humanities /
2005 / Master of Applied Ethics /
2005 / Master of Industrial Mathematics /
2005 / MESPOM: Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management /
2005 / MSc in Network and e-Business Centred Computing /
2005 / SEFOTECH.nut: European MSc Degree in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition /
2005 / SpaceMaster - Joint European Master in Space Science and Technology /
2006 / AGRIS MUNDUS - Sustainable Development in Agriculture Masters Course /
2006 / ATOSIM : Atomic Scale Modelling of Physical, Chemical and Biomolecular Systems /
2006 / CoDe - Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development /
2006 / EMIN - Economics and Management of Network Industries /
2006 / Erasmus Mundus Masters of Science in Photonics /
2006 / Europubhealth – European Public Health Master /
2006 / FUSION-EP European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics /
2006 / IMIM : International Master in Industrial Management /
2006 / M.A. Degree in Economics of International Trade and European Integration /
2006 / MA LLL - European Master in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management /
2006 / Master of Bioethics /
2006 / M.E.S.C.: Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion /
2006 / Molecular nano- and bio-photonics for telecommunications and biotechnologies /
2006 / MSPME, Masters in Strategic Project Management (European) /
2006 / NordSecMob - Master's programme in Security and Mobile Computing /
2006 / PHOENIX EM Dynamics of Health and Welfare /
2006 / QEM: Models and Methods of Quantitative Economics /
2006 / SUTROFOR - Sustainable Tropical Forestry Erasmus Mundus Masters Course /
2006 / VIBOT – European Master in Vision and Robotics /
2006 / WOP-P - Master on Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology /