MyITLab notes
To Register and Enroll in a Course:
1. Go to
2. Click on "First Time Users - Students" on the left of the screen
3. Read and accept the License Agreement and Privacy Policy Statements
4. Fill out the forms
→ Most students should select "No” to answer Do you have a Pearson Education account. If you have signed up for an account using another Pearson textbook to might have an account. You can select Not Sure to find out. Please use your Winthrop e-mail address as your username.
→ New books from the bookstore came with an access code to MyITLab. If you do not have a code, you can purchase one separately using the link under the register button at
→ After you have registered and logged in, you must enroll in a course. Copy and paste the correct code below. You must use the Course ID for your class
Class Day and Time / Course IDMonday 2 pm / CRSAB4X-205458
Monday 3:30 pm / CRSABVY-205460
Wednesday 2 pm / CRSABQK-205459
Wednesday 3:30 pm / CRSAB4T-205461
Entering the MyITLab Web Site:
Using your computer
If you are accessing the MyITLab web site from home, it is recommended that you run the installation wizard found under Getting Started with MyITLab. That application will make sure that you have all the necessary software needed for the site to run efficiently. You only have to do this once on a particular computer!
In the lab
If you are using a Winthrop computer lab, the machines are automatically configured the first time MyITLab is accessed. Just click
Start | All Programs | CSCI Programming | MyITLab
Finding Material and the Quizzes
Go to the web site and log in. Click the Course Content tab.
The material is organized by week. In the Week 1 folder is a History Soundbyte. Inside the Week 2 folder is material for the second class, including a graded quiz that is due before the beginning of the 2nd class.
Notes: You may experience problems with the quizzes using a MAC. If you do, try taking the quizzes in the lab. You have one attempt per quiz after the first quiz. Please note the time assignments are due! If you experience a problem submit a support request. If you finish a quiz and it will not submit, close your browser window without logging out. If the quiz will still not submit, send me a message after you submit the support request.