Schedule of corrections to the accounts

Page No / Details / Currently
£’000 / Amendment
£’000 / Details
42 / Total Long term assets – 2010 subtotal / 2,925,094 / 2,925,064 / This is an amendment to the sub-total only. The remainder of the table casts and individual items tie back to the relevant notes.
43 / Cash Flow Statement / Remove heading at top of page ‘Cash flow statement and associated notes to follow’ as incorrect
50 / DSG – brought forward balance from 2008/09 / 10,000 / 3,636 / The total brought forward in the previous version of the accounts was correct and should not have been altered
57 / SMOGFB – 2009/10 ‘Net Transfer to Earmarked Funds’’ / (5,905) / 5,905 / Figure should show as a debit and SMOGFB now casts.
67 / Related Party Transactions – Watford Sheltered Workshops / Names should read Derek Scudder and Barbara Lamb
100 / Bank Overdraft – second bullet point / 66,465 / 65,415 / As per cover report page 6 table 6, adjustment for school balance should be net of adjustments to short term investments
109 / Write off of deferred grants and contributions -2099/10 penultimate line of the table / 3,688 / 4,458 / This now reconciles with the equivalent figure on page 57 note 11 and the table now casts.
116 / Note 50 – Movement on reserves / Corrected Table shown overleaf – figures now cross cast, correspond to relevant notes and gains/loss figures for 2009/10 set out in STRGL on page 41.

Note 50 – Amended numbers highlighted in bold

Balance Brought Forward / Gains / (Losses) For The Year / Transfers Between Reserves / Balance Carried Forward
£000 / £000 / £000 / £000
Capital Adjustment Account / 2,080,772 / - / (187,327) / 1,893,447 / Now corresponds with note 41 total
Revaluation Reserve / 59,415 / 113,395 / (2,506) / 170,304 / Gains/losses for year correspond with STRGL – page 41
Financial Instruments Adjustment Account / (11,289) / - / 1,071 / (10,218)
Equal Pay Reserve / (1,077) / - / - / (1,077)
Pension Reserve / (589,311) / (566,436) / (15,086) / (1,170,833) / Gains/losses for year correspond with STRGL – page 41
Collection Fund Adjustment Account / 2,413 / - / (453) / 1,959
Usable Capital Receipts Reserve / 19,626 / - / (376) / 19,250
Specific Reserves / 104,789 / - / 5,905 / 110,694
General Fund Balance / 36,496 / (203,897) / 198,770 / 31,369
Total Reserves / 1,701,834 / (656,938) / - / 1,044,895 / Corresponds to total gains/losses for the year as per page 41