NASIR A. FAROOQI Telephone Contacts:

M-103/1 Kh. Ittehad Landline: 009 221 35857248

Phase No: 7, DHA, Mobile : 0092-321-871-6064

Karachi. Email :


Over 25 years’ international banking experience as a senior credit risk manager covering enterprise-wide risk management function encompassing full credit risk domain including sovereign, corporate, credit portfolio management, policy, financial institutions, syndication, regulatory compliance, risk governance including Basel II compliance.


·  Project Management

·  Credit Underwriting/Restructuring;

·  Relationship Management;

·  Board Level Policies;

·  Risk Committee Charters;

·  Capital Raising & Strategic Planning;

·  Credit Change Management Function;

·  Liaison with regulators, rating agencies, industry peers and experts.


·  MBA-Finance;

·  BBA (Hons.);Banking & Advanced Accounting;

·  Bachelor of Commerce-Management & Managerial Economics; &

·  Seminars, workshops & short courses in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE, Cyprus and Greece.


Institute of Bankers-Pakistan (IBP), ICIL Training Solutions-Pakistan, & Affiliated consultant with various International Consultants for their Outsourced Risk Management Assignments:

April-2012 till to date.


·  Trainer/Workshop Facilitator

·  Member of IBP’s Publication Review Board

·  Examiner

·  Quality assurance of graded answer sheets


·  Consultant & Trainer

Outsourced Consultancy:

·  Basel, ICAAP, Credit Risk Management Framework, Credit Policy, Country Limits, Financial Institutions Risk and wholesale under writing and Rating Policy.

Riyad Bank, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia

September 1991 till 31.12.2011

Since joining the Bank in 1991, held senior positions in credit review and approval, corporate finance, overseas banking, risk management, country & financial institutions risk, credit portfolio management, and the Basel II working group (credit) as follows:

Vice President/Basel II Project Manager Credit Risk:

September, 2007 till December 31, 2011.

Managed the Bank’s outsourced projects:

·  Diagnostic study for the transition from Basel II Standardized approach to FIRB approach (Aptivaa);

·  Credit Concentration Risk Methodology & Modeling (Montecarlo) verification- (KPMG);

·  Oversee the induction of Moody’s Risk Analytics (RA) rating platform (Moody’s Analytics);

·  Quality assurance assignment of in house developed corporate rating infrastructure (Aronuva);

·  SMEs rating model enhancement (Moody’s London);

·  Vendor selection project for the selection of consultant (RFPs) to ensure smooth transition from Basel II Standardized option to FIRB approach.

·  Fund Transfer Pricing automated platform (E & Y);

·  Country & FI Risk in-house rating infrastructure (Price Waterhouse);

·  Enhancement of Credit Policy Manual (ING-Amsterdam).

Successfully Implemented Basel II Standardized approach. Supervised the implementation of FIRB compliant rating model infrastructure which included, amongst others, determination of appropriate non retail rating model development, PD calibration, deployment of completed rating models, pre & post deployment validation to ascertain discriminative & predictive power of rating models, model’s stability and consistency, data archiving, credit risk rating model governance policy etc.

Developed and implemented Basel II Pillar II credit concentration capital charge methodology by customizing Monte Carlo Simulation model.

Member of the oversight committee of the Bank’s ICAAP document. Also supervised Basel II Pillar III annual credit disclosure policy and reporting template.

Vice President/Senior Manager Wholesale Credit Review & Approval

May 2005-Aug 2007

Responsible for developing sound practices for managing credit risk prudently to ensure timely risk identification, quantification, calibration, monitoring, and exposure reporting.

Assessment of all Corporate counterparties in tandem with the Bank’s corporate counterparty risk appetite bench marks and well defined credit-granting criteria which include a clear indication of the Bank’s target market and a thorough understanding of the borrower as well as the purpose and structure of the credit and its source of repayment. Supervised ratio Analysis & customer’ needs assessment.

Establishment of appropriate credit limits at the level of individual borrowers and groups of connected counterparties.

Ensure the existence of clearly established processes for approving new credit as well as the amendment, renewal and re-financing of existing credits.

Ensured that risk grading is well understood and closely monitored by all stakeholders in the credit risk management process.

Developed and implemented adequate process for initiation of upgrade and downgrade of risk ratings for counterparties.

Monitoring of lending risk on a facility basis, a total (single name) exposure basis, and portfolio basis (across entire portfolio and by facility type).

Vice President/Senior Manager Credit Portfolio Management:

May 2004 – May 2005.

Established credit portfolio management function at the Bank and developed, inter alia, scope, mandate, policy, tolerance limits, portfolio risk/reward tradeoffs, segmentation and risk diversification, underwriting exception tracking, portfolio stress testing and MIS infrastructure.

Vice President/Senior Manager Credit Policy & Strategy:

May 2002 to April 2004

Designed and developed policy frameworks, including: board level policies, main credit committee charters; country & counterparty lending policies, RACs, BACS and business change and product development requirements. Supervised the Bank’s credit policy development/enhancement forum, coordinated rating agency presentations and interacted with regulators.

Vice President/Head Country and Financial Institutions Risk (CFIR):

May 1998 to April 2002

CFIR was required to develop, evaluate and monitor the Bank’s credit exposure to sovereigns, and financial institutions within prudent risk management parameters. The function also had the direct bearing on the profitability of correspondent banking, treasury and trade finance of the Bank. The availability of adequate country limits and bank lines supporting the requirements of treasury and other profit centers has continuously generated good business opportunities for the Bank with high level of profit.

This function was unique in the sense that it involved the development of country and financial institutions lending bench marks, development of FI internal rating criteria and establishment of settlement limit policy guidelines.

Initiated and completed account relationship optimization, rebate agreements, correspondent banking fee structure, cash management arrangements and realignment of bank’s compliance function.

Assistant Vice President/Head-Risk Management Unit:

September 1994-April 1998

Bottom line responsibility was to support balance-sheet management, arrange adequate country limits and FI counter party lines and support bank’s country and financial institutions lending business in compliance with approved lending guidelines.

The Unit covered legal and regulatory compliance, financial and operational risk management function, asset/liability management, monitoring of processing risk, counterparty over draft and day light over draft limits, review of ISDA agreements and a study and recommendation on appropriate risk factors for spot & forward FX business, IRS and other relevant derivatives.

Manager Overseas Credit:

September 1991-August 1994

Responsible for overseas credit review and approvals-direct and syndicated lending, loan agreements, covenant exception authorizations, recommendation of Gap and CD operating limits and local equity participations and compliance monitoring.

Arlabank International E.C., Bahrain:

Senior Credit & Syndication Manager

March 1982-Aug.1991

I was responsible for the risk underwriting function as well as day to day oversight of the credit department of the Bank. Established risk strategy & business planning coordination process along with capital budgeting. Instrumental in various loan restructuring work outs resulting in significant recovery of bad loans in the MENA Region, UK and Latin America. Also managed loans agency function of the Bank.

NON-Banking Experience:

National Construction Company-Iraq, Kuwait & Pakistan

July 1980 – February 1982

During two years association with the company worked as Manager Finance, Senior Accounts Officer and MIS Officer.


Martial Status : Married with 4 children

Languages : English and working knowledge of Arabic

References : Upon request.