DMR –The final test: Winter 2011-2012 Even Day Classes

You will need your Bibles to take this test! You will not be allowed to use notes or commentary sheets during the test.

The test will cover the whole of Mark. The short answers will emphasize Mark 7:1-16:8. The subject matter for the questions on the test may be taken directly from the reading, from the commentary sheets or from any discussion in class that covered this material. (But if you pay attention on the review day, most of the guess work will be taken out of the equation.)

Section 1: (30 Points) Identifications. The answers will be contained in a word bank. The 15 people that you will be asked to identify will be taken from the 16 passages acted out by you and your classmates for your individual drama projects. Those passages acted out in class during the Individual Drama Projects were:

Sasha Tancemore Mark 2:1-12 Healing of a Paralytic

Elodie Furey Mark 4: 35-41 Jesus stills the storm

Maddie Donatucci Mark 5:24b-34 Woman with hemorrhages

Nicholas Horbony Mark 6:14-29 Death of John the Baptist

Nina Stauropoulos Mark 6:30-44 Feeding of the 5,000

Sydney Maple Mark 6:45-51 Jesus walks on water

Will Purtill Mark 8:1-10 Feeding of the 4,000

Colin Seegars Mark 8:27-38 Peter’s confession

Bella Merchant Mark 10:13-16 Blessing of children

Reilly Wright Mark 11:1-11 The Triumphal Entry

Andrew Kelly Mark 11:15-19(27-33) Jesus clears the Temple

Bobby Frazier Mark 14:1-50 Judas’ betrayal

Colson Andrews Mark 14:26-72 Peter’s denial

Gossen Yang Mark 15:1-15 Jesus before Pilate

Will Haab Mark 15:21-39 The crucifixion

Emma Howley Mark 15:40-16:8 The Resurrection

Section 2: (70 Points) Five 14 Point short answer questions. These will be described in detail during the review session. (See Below)

Short Answers: 70 point s:

Question 1 - 15 Points: Jesus’ ministry makes a profound change beginning in Mark 8:31. What characterized Jesus’ ministry before this passage? What was the new emphasis of his ministry? Why did the ministry change at this point? (Before answering the question, remember to read the surrounding verses (at least vs. 27-33) in order to get the complete context.)


Before Mark 8:31 what was the emphasis of Jesus’ ministry?

The previous emphasis of his ministry:

Primary: Teaching/Preaching

Secondary: Healing

What is the emphasis after this verse?

Continued Teaching/Preaching and Healing BUT with a new emphasis: on death and resurrection

Why the Change?

Peter has just identified Jesus as the Messiah for the first time.

Peter believes that the Messiah is going to kick out the Romans (as do most first century Jews).

Jesus needs to teach his apostles what his understanding of his role as Messiah is to die for the people and then defeat death (rise from the dead).

Diagram of the temple presented in class: 6 Points

(Important for questions #2 and #3)

Question 2 - 11 Points: Mark portrays Jesus as a person who is concerned with people’s relationship with God. Why then would Jesus disrupt the temple as he did in Mark11:15-19?

Answer: Why did Jesus disrupt the Temple?

Draw diagram. (See the last page of this handout)

Sadducees had set up booths to do Temple business in the court of the Gentiles. (Booths would be run by Jews in Gentile worship area)

Jesus is trying to support the Gentiles right to worship in the Temple.

Quote Jesus in verse 11:17

Note that this would turn the Sadducees against him.

Question 3 -- 16 Points:: In Mark 15:38, Mark indicates the “curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.” Why did Mark include this detail in his Gospel?


All have sinned. God is good and just and therefore must judge our sin. If anyone comes in contact with God, they will be judged by God and die. Therefore we cannot as sinners have a relationship with God. Thus the curtain acted as a separation between God and the people.

Jesus was sinless and did not need to die for his own sins.

Jesus died for our sins.

Therefore, we no longer need to separated from God.

Therefore the curtain’s tearing is a symbolic event stating that we now can have a relationship with God.

Question 4 - 12 Points: In Mark 16:1-8 some loyal followers of Jesus arrive at his tomb. What are they expecting to find? What are they expecting to do? How is the situation different from what they expected? Why are they afraid?


What are the woman expecting to find?

Tomb Closed. Jesus’ dead body

What are they expecting to do?

Find someone to help them open the tomb.

Give Jesus a proper burial.

How is it different from what they expected?

Tomb is open. Jesus is not there. A man in white is sitting in the tomb claiming that Jesus rose from the dead.

Why are they afraid?

Things are dramatically different from what they expected!

Question 5 - 11 Points: In his Gospel, Mark shows certain parallels in Jesus’ ministry to both Jews and Gentiles. List the major parallels, putting them in the order for each group, and then make one overall conclusion that you can draw from these parallels.


Make an overall statement: God and Jesus love both Jews and Gentiles (all people).

Then List the parallels:

Jews Gentiles


Heals Heals

Overcrowded Overcrowded

Don’t tell about the healing Don’t tell about the healing

Person tells Person tells

Mobbed Mobbed

5,000 people come to him 4,000 people come to him

Teaches them for three days

Feeds them Feeds Them