Topics / Motion / 2nd / Vote results / f/upMeeting called to order at 6:00 pm.
Joy Gladis (18) – present
Steven Farnsworth (19) – present
Mike Piscitelli (20) – present
Rob Engster (21) – absent
Dan O’Neil (22) – present
Mike Rhinehart – Fire Chief
Sealed bid opening for Concrete Drain repair project –
2 sealed bids received Massa Construction and Raymond E. Kelley. 4 companies were contacted in addition to the bid posting in the FL Times.
Massa Construction - $21,500.00 No exceptions taken. Saw cut 10” down to joint take out perimeter to expansion joint, all new grating. Will this be done all at once? They said they could do the in 2 different sections to allow first response duties to continue. They will be using a tarp to minimize dust during jackhammering. Will be wet saw cutting and will use a heap vacuum. A total of 3 weeks active work. They will they be using Hansen Concrete.
Raymond E. Kelley - $29,500.00 – no exceptions taken. Remove and salvage steel drain grates, inspect all exposed steel and report findings. Remove and dispose of steel support system and angles at the 4’x3’ area at the west end and 25’ of the drain at the east end; the concrete from the isolation joint will be removed in the area of steel replacement; after new replacement steel has been set, we will place concrete in the removed area between isolation joint and steel; replace support angle with new to match and install new grate supports under the 4x3 area; the new and existing steel angles will be prepared, primed, wear and top coated with paint, the cold joint and minor concrete spalls between steel and concrete will be prepared and sealed. Reinstall salvaged grates
Massa Construction - Board expressed concern due to spalling that is occurring on both pours of the concrete apron. Both projects will be using Hansen concrete. What will Massa and/or Hansen do to repair the front apron? Hansen will be coming on Thursday to take a test sample of the concrete. Results to be reported and hopefully a resolution. This repair will need to take place when the weather gets warmer. The board is requesting a firm response in writing for our March 13th board meeting.
Raymond E. Kelley – concern with ‘report findings’. Repair could potentially cost more $ than bid. Board was surprised that their bid was higher than Massa’s as this is not a complete replacement which Massa is proposing.
Motion to table the bid award until March 13th board meeting. / DO / JG / All for
Motion to adjourn at 6:32 pm. / Do / JG / All for