Jonesville Community Schools

Parent-Athlete Handbook



The purpose of this handbook is to communicate the athletic policies and procedures of the Jonesville Community Schools Athletic Department. The success our athletic program achieves depends on our ability to communicate to our parents and student athletes our expectations and the level of cooperation that exists among all groups involved in our department.


The student athlete experience should complement the educational mission of schools. Interscholastic team membership and competition should be extensions of the classroom for positive learning opportunities. A positive educational environment provides students with opportunities to grow intellectually, physically and emotionally. Coaches, as the teachers, should be role models to enhance the learning climate of interscholastic athletics. Parents, fans and students should be the partners with coaches and student athletes in the pursuit of appropriate learning goals.


The interscholastic athletic program at Jonesville Community Schools is an integral part of the total education program. Participation in interscholastic athletics provides student athletes with the following positive learning opportunities:

Mastering physical skills

Exhibiting sportsmanship

Developing strategy


Creating positive attitudes

Exhibiting full effort

Making positive choices

Handling winning and losing

Focusing on academic success

A major goal of our Athletic Department is to motivate athletes to try to be successful with focus on preparation, sacrifice and hard work. Developing character and teaching values are more important than winning. Our philosophy of athletics stresses that you are a champion if you believe you can be an athlete, dedicate yourself to a goal, work hard, make intelligent decisions and strive to be a good person.


Expectations for Jonesville Community Schools Coaches:

Set a good example for players and fans to follow

Be positive, fair and consistent with players

Communicate well with players and parents

Communicate expectations you have for athletes to parents and players

Provide practice times and locations for practices and contests

Contest goals include playing hard, playing smart and playing as a team.

Expectations for Jonesville Community Schools Parents:

Do your best to insure your son/daughter has a positive learning experience

Reinforce the importance of your son/daughter’s attendance at practices and games

Attend as many games as possible and cheer positively

Observe the sportsmanship expectations listed in the Athletic Handbook

Allow coaches to coach

Let the officials officiate the contest

Understand that developing character and teaching values are more important and winning or losing

Discuss any concerns with a coach and do not confront any coach before or after a game

Contact the Athletic Director with any questions or concerns

Expectations for Jonesville Community Schools Student Athletes:

Concentrate on being a good person first, a good student second and then a good athlete

Remember that participation in athletics is a privilege.

Exhibit good sportsmanship towards the opponents, officials, teammates and fans

Follow the rules and regulations found in the student and athletic handbook

Play hard, play smart, play as a team

Be a role model for all students before, during, and after school

Have pride in yourself, your team, your school and care for your facility

Be on time and prepared for practices, meetings and games

Work hard, make intelligent decisions and strive to be a good person

Represent your school and the Jonesville Community with class


Athletes must agree to abide by:

Student Athlete-Parent Handbook (signed by student and parent)

Have a current physical on file in the athletic office (physical given on or after April 15th of the previous school year)

Athletic Code

Team Rules’

MHSAA rules and regulations

Meet academic requirements

High School Student Handbook


  1. Participation in athletics at JonesvilleHigh School is a privilege and does not give anyone the right to stay home the day of a contest or the day after a contest. Athletes are required to be in school the entire day to participate in practices or games.
  1. Pre-arranged absences for funeral, medical appointments, college visits, field trips or other school approved activity must be turned in to the Athletic office at least 24 hours in advance and must be approved by the Athletic Director in writing prior to the absence.
  1. Exceptions to the above (an acceptable excuse) must have prior verbal and written approval from the Athletic Director, Principal and or designees. Each exception will be dealt with on an individual basis.
  1. Athletes are required to be at practice the night before a schedule contest unless prior written approval (pre-arranged absence form) is given by the Athletic Director. Failure to received prior written approval will result in the athlete’s ineligibility to play in the scheduled contest. Emergency situations will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Dress Code:

We expect our student athletes to dress appropriately and to project a favorable image of our school. Coaches will set specific dress code standards for their respective teams while traveling to an event, in competition, and on the trip home from an event.

Cut Procedure:

The coach will provide information as to what criteria will be used to select team members prior to the first practice. Factors that may determine team members include: manageable number of participants, skills of individuals, and team requirements by position. The coach will meet with any players who do not make the team.

No middle school athlete will be cut.

Team Advancement Guidelines:

The intent of the guidelines listed below is to provide the younger athlete with a positive educational experience that will not be diminished by participation at a high level. Decisions are made keeping in mind what is best for the team and the individual athlete. The following guidelines should be followed:

The head coach is responsible for making decision as to who should be moved up or down within a sport.

Team advancement will be made only after approval from the athlete and his/her parents and the athletic director

Considerations should be given to the effect the advancement will have on the team the athlete is moving up to, and the team the athlete will be leaving

Academic progress, emotional maturity and peer relationships along with athletic ability must be considered


Some athletic equipment is supplied to athletes, in each sport, by the JonesvilleCommunitySchool District. This equipment is on loan for that sport season. Students are responsible for the care of this equipment. If damage or loss occurs, the student is liable for the replacement cost of the equipment.


School bus transportation will be provided for athletic contests

Every athlete will ride the school bus to the athletic contest

Students should ride the bus home from the contest

Parent signature is required on the transportation release form if a student wishes to ride home with his/her parents

Athletes are not allowed to return with any person other than their parent or guardian unless written permission is given by Athletic Director

Only team members, managers and coaches may ride the team bus

Students must abide by existing bus rules written in the student handbook

Students who do not follow the rules listed above or in the student handbook will face disciplinary action.

The athletic department realizes that situations may arise when a student athlete must ride home with another parent. This may occur only if proper paperwork is turned in to the athletic director within 24 hours of the trip.

Dropping Out of a Sport

No athlete should quit a team without first discussing his/her intention to do so with their parent(s) and coach. An athlete who quits a team in an inappropriate manner is ineligibleto play the next season. (i.e. if an athlete quits a team inappropriately in the fall sports season, he/she may not join another team until the springsports season). An individual who decides to quit a team, in an appropriate manner, and it is agreeable between the current and future coach, may join a second team during the same sports season, or may join a team in the next sports season at the athletic director’s discretion.

Dual Participation

Athletes are not encouraged to participate in two sports during the same season. If a student athlete chooses to do so, his/her participation in the two sports will be governed by the following guidelines:

The coach in each sport must give his/her permission

The athlete’s parents must indicate their approval by filling out the appropriate paperwork 30 days before the season the athlete is considering dual participation

The athlete will designate a primary and secondary sport

The athlete will attend practices for the secondary sport only when they do not conflict with the primary sport

A primary sport contest takes precedence over a secondary sport contest

A secondary sport contest takes precedence over a primary sport practice

No Middle School student shall be a member of more than one interscholastic team at the same time.


  1. If an athlete is injured the coach will contact his/her parents and the athletic trainer
  2. If an ambulance is necessary, the coach or trainer will call for one. Jonesville Community Schools is not responsible for ambulance costs.
  3. In no instance shall a coach make a medical decision to allow an athlete to return to activity after a serious illness or injury without medical clearance.
  4. A note from the parents, which allows return to activity from serious illness or injury, is not adequate. These injuries or illnesses require written clearance from a doctor.


Hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational process and will be prohibited at all times. Hazing is defined as any willful act done by a student, whether individually or in concert with others, to another student for the purpose of subjecting such student to humiliation, intimidation, physical abuse or threats of abuse, social or other ostracism, shame or disgrace. Student athletes engaging in such behavior will be disciplined by the coach and/or Athletic Director based on the severity of the incident.


Jonesville Community Schools does not assume financial responsibility for medical, hospital or ambulance expenses incurred because of athletic injuries. Each athlete is covered by catastrophic insurance through the MHSAA (limits and guidelines exist and will be adhered to.) Jonesville Community Schools offers blanket medical insurance for any student athlete who is not covered by other medical insurance. This must be purchased through a local provider. All athletic insurance purchased is secondary coverage. Existing family medical insurance pays first, and the school policy pays secondary to out-of-pocket costs incurred because of medical treatment that promotes healing and will not cover procedures deemed not medically necessary.


  1. At no time will the student be penalized because of a choice made to participate in a fine arts event.
  2. When a choice is made, the time missed must be made up (practice time).
  3. Items of precedence:
  4. Game or contest over practice/rehearsal or “extra” event.
  5. Performance over practice.
  6. State sponsored events will have priority.
  7. If two events are scheduled in conflict with one another, the Athletic Director, Coach and Music /Theater Directorwill meet.
  8. The Athletic Director, Coach and Music /Theater Director will work to find a workable solution and present the solution to the student.
  9. The Athletic Director, Coach and Music/Theater Directorwill always make every effort to avoid schedule conflicts.


In order to be eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics, student must comply with the following tri-weekly academic standards:

  1. He/she must carry a minimum class load. Enrollment in fiveclass hours is the minimal requirement for full-time enrollment at the high school.
  2. Middle School athletes must attend five classes for full-time enrollment.
  3. The first academic check will be made three weeks after the start of the trimesterand every three weeks thereafter. The check will include the cumulative trimestergrade. The academic status of all Jonesville student athletes will be broken down into three groups:

GOOD STANDING – All students who arepassing all fiveclasses with a 70% or higher grade. Student is eligible to participate in games and practices.

PROBATION -If a student is below 70% (C-)in one or two classes,without a failing grade, he/she must attend two of three study hall sessions but may participate in all competition.

INELIGIBLE - If a student is below 70% (C-)inthree or more classes, or has one failing gradehe/she must attend two of three study hall sessions to remain on the teambut may not participate in competition. The student may regain eligibility the following Monday by turning in an Academic Progress Report to the Athletic Officeshowing eligibility requirements have been met..If a student has one failing grade, all other classes must be at or above C- or he/she must attend two of three study hall sessions to remain on the team but may not participate in competition. The student may regain eligibility the following Monday by turning in an Academic Progress Report to the Athletic Office showing thateligibility requirements have been met.

Students will not have the opportunity to bring up final trimester grades. Students failing any class for the trimester will be ineligible for the next trimester. All otherpenalties must be served for the first three weeks of the next trimester

  1. All ineligible students may practice and travel to all away games.
  2. High School Study Hall will be offered from 7:00 a.m. until 7:45 a.m.Students must attend 2 of 3 study hall sessions.Middle School study hall will be held after school beginning five minutes after the final bell and lasting 45 minutes.Students must attend 2 study hall sessions.Any student who misses a Study Hall session with a pre-arranged written notice from a parent or guardian must make up the missed study hall at the next scheduled Saturday school session.
  3. Any student who does not meet the study hall criteria will be deemed ineligible for competition the following week.
  4. If an athlete does not show improvement within a three week interval the athletic department may rule the student ineligible from competition or removal from team until an improvement is seen.
  5. Ineligibility runs Sunday through Saturday.
  6. The MHSAA requires that current student athletes pass 66% of their class requirements at the end of the semester/trimester during the previous semester/trimesterof enrollment (fourout of fivetrimesterclasses.) Students who do not meet these semester/trimesterrequirements will be ineligible for athletics for 90 school days.



Student athletes participating in sports in the Jonesville Community Schools have a responsibility to remain drug/alcohol free and comply with family rules, school policies and community laws. Participation in interscholastic sports is a privilege, not a right. It is important that Jonesville student athletes act in a responsible manner that does not discredit themselves, their school, their team or their community. The purpose of this Code is to establish regulations and procedures to deal with violations which occur on or off school grounds. All athletes are bound by the Athletic Code at all times throughout the entire calendar year (365 days). The following Code is in effect for all student athletes. A student athlete is defined as any member of an interscholastic athletic team or recognized program. The Athletic Code covers all student athletes in grade 6-12. All student athletes will begin their 6th and 9th grades with an unblemished record. However, penalties imposed on out-of-season 8th grade student/athletes will be carried over to the first season of their freshman year if necessary.

The Athletic Code is in effect the first day of practice that a student begins his/her athletic career until the end of his/her athletic career at Jonesville Community Schools. Penalties will be imposed on out-of-season athletes and will carry over to the next sports season.

Reports of violations will be accepted from Jonesville coaches, teachers, administrators, police reports or admissions by a student athlete or a student athlete’s parents or guardian.

Major Behavioral Violations:

  1. No student athlete shall at any time purchase, or attempt to purchase, obtain, consume or knowingly possess or transport any alcohol or illegal drugs. No student athlete shall attend a party where alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are knowingly present for any unreasonable length of time (no more than 10 minutes).
  2. The use or possession of tobacco in any form is prohibited.
  3. The possession, sale or use of illegal or look-alike drugs is prohibited.
  4. Theft, assault, vandalism and the reckless endangering of the person or property of others is prohibited.
  5. Any behavior or actionsincluding cell phone or any online activity, whether they took place during or after school hours, not mentioned above that detracts from or brings embarrassment to the coach, team, school system or the community may cause the student athlete to be suspended from the team.
  6. Any student athlete charged with and/or found guilty of a felony offense will not be allowed to try out for or be a member of any athletic roster until all charges are dropped or the criminal penalty has been served.
