Beverley Cousins (Clerk) 5 Hollybush Close


Tel: 01633 771604 Newport

Mob: 07526540349 S Wales

E-mail: NP20 6EU


Minutes of The Bishton Community Council Meeting

Wednesday 6 March 2013


The Community Centre Underwood at 7.15pm


Cllr John Davies (Chair)

Cllr Gill Burton (Vice)

Cllr Steve Periam

Cllr Martyn Kellaway

Beverley Cousins (Clerk)

1. Apologises for Absence

Cllrs Rob Hepworth

2. Declaration of Interest

There were no declaration of Interest.

5. Public Participation

Andrew Cork (Chairman) & Steve Humphries two members representing a group formed to try to save the Underwood Leisure Centre joined meeting. They explained that their group had 12-14 members & their aim was to gain enough support to enable them to run Centre as a Social/Community Centre encouraging the local community to better use facility & to promote new ventures such as IT clubs etc. So far they have prepared a first draft business plan & engaged a solicitor to research covenants & undertake land registry search to establish ownership. The latter has made them aware that covenant prohibits the building of houses on playing fields & that land is owned by Npt CC.

Cllr Periam joins meeting

Cllr Davies pointed out that this conflicts with that given by another person in their group at a previous meeting which stated owner of land was Perismon. Mr Cork advised that solicitor engaged has confirmed that is not the case. Group has now come to a point where it has run out of money & is looking for financial support to enable them to undertake a structural survey of building & to formalise its business plan to further their


5. Public Participation continued

goal. Cllr Davies explained that the Community Council has a limited amount of money with which it has to maintain two community centres, football pitch, playground, allotments etc & that it does not have money to fund leisure centre. Both Mr Cork & Mr Humphries said they were not expecting Community Council to fund running of leisure centre as their intention was to staff centre with volunteers so no staff costs & they were hopeful that they would not incur payment of Council rates. They advised that both the football team & speedway club had expressed an interest in moving to leisure centre site. Cllr Kellaway suggested that when there was a full community council present they could consider a offer of a grant to group to help with business plan etc. Cllr Davies voiced community council’s support as in no way did it want any facility in the locality to fail. However, before council could consider any financial contribution group would need to some sort of formal foundation ie name of group, treasurer etc. Group are meeting with ‘MAD’ (Making a Difference) & is hoping they can combine with this group & build on their strengths to drive their cause forward. Cllr Davies said Community Council is willing to give its support & time in helping where it can & if group come back on a more formal basis then Council may be able to consider a financial donation.

Mr Cork & Humphries leave meeting

3. Minutes of Meeting 6 February 2013

Confirmed as a true & accurate record of proceedings therefore approved & signed by Chairman.

4. Matters Arising

- Cllr Cocklin returned paperwork consider gas/electric contracts to Chair‘s home but with no further contact Council accepts Cllr Cocklin has not reconsidered his resignation. Council expressed their appreciation of his service to the community.

- Building signage for UCC purchased & placed at front corner of building.

- Clerk has requested information/form to apply for Welsh Gov. funding for Community Council websites but has not received a response to date.

- Bishton Lane although reports says it is looking cleaner the actial road sweeping had not been seen.

6. Correspondence


- Advert for Play facilities from Proludic

- Advert Notts Sport - play surfaces

- OVW - The 5th Annual Big Lunch Award - request for communities to get together on Sunday 2 June with everyone bringing a dish to share with their neighbours. More details on or tel 0845 850 8181

- Response to BCC letter of objection to closure of Underwood Leisure Centre.

- Advert Lamps & Tubes Illuminations Ltd

- Advert Whitehill Direct Ltd - Outdoor seating prices from £245

- Advert HAGS & Co Uk - Play equipment

- Conference Welfare Reform 2013 - central London 20 March


6. Correspondence continued

- OVW Community Gov. Cert HE cost £3K but can study single modules details at governance/39/

- Payroll service - town clerk to Bishops Castle Town Council Shropshire offering his services 2-3 employees £95pa, 4-5 employees £190

- LDP advice from Anne Jenkins that this will now go to Full Council in June 2013. Content of email read in full to Council who agreed that we should ask for a meeting to be held at UCC 24 June 7pm. Action BC

- Caldicot & Wentloog Levels Internal Drainage Board following a meeting in Go;dcliff it was thought that it might be beneficial that a meeting be arranged between representatives of the Board & all the Community Councils in the area to allow full discussion of concerns. Mr Penn General Manager of this Drainage Board with invite someone from the Environment Agency & from the Welsh Gov to attend. Clerk to respond with BCC support for this suggested meeting. Action BC

- Advert for Bunting & Flags

- Advert Festive Lightings

- Gas/Electric contact - Cllr Davies advised that he process was very complicated but he had signed up to a 2yr contract with SWALEC subject to a response to his query over the standing order for UCC compared to Changing Rooms. Cllr Davies did not agree to DD because of problems in the past but although there is normally a 2% surcharge when not paying by DD he was assured this is not normally implemented. Meters will be read every quarter.

- Conference Understanding Modern Government 30 April Central London

- Next Liaison meeting for Community Council will be on Thursday 21 March where there will be only 2 agenda items - The Shared Community Charter & LDP

- Conference Welfare Reform 2013 20 March Central London

- OVW - Wales Audit Office report on Procurement & Management of Consultancy Services. Clerk advised that it was a 60 page document explaining the use of consultancy services explaining that costs reduced from 2007/8 to 2101/11 in all 3 areas of Local Gov, Welsh Gov & Health. It also details the quality of service received giving case studies as examples.

- Advert Groundwork & Leisure Services - recover wet pour on playgrounds

Paper Correspondence

- Thank you letter for donation from the warden of St Cadalladers Church Bishton

- Thank you letter for donation from Church secretary Underwood Baptist Free Community Church.

- Request for a donation Welsh Air Ambulance

- Aneurin Bevan Committee meeting minutes

- Advert Plantscape & Urbanscape 2013/14 brochure on CD

7. Drinks Licence.

Clerk reported that she had downloaded application form from Npt CC website fees are not clear with categories shown are Pub/Club or Rateable Value of premises. Chair asked clerk to ask specific enquiries so that council could consider further. Action BC


8. Bishton Lane

As mention under (4) lane is cleaner although road sweeper not witnessed. Follow up meeting with Npt CC Cabinet member when Cllr Hepworth returns.

9. AGM/Annual Audit

Date in May to be determined at April’s meeting.

10. Police Reports

January & February reports show overall a small increase in crime calls & anti -social behaviour.

11. Planning Permissions


12. AOB

- Cllr Davies reported that he has still not received a response on Bishton Park

- Cllr Periam reiterated the Council’s support for the saving of Underwood Leisure Centre particularly the repercussions for the young people in the area with the loss of this facility.

13.Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 10 April 7pm at Underwood Community Centre.

Signed………………………………...... Dated 10 April 2013