Associated Student Body of Pierce College Puyallup
Council Minutes
November 3rd, 2017 – 2 pm – ADM 166
CouncilMembersPresident: Garrett Bown
Vice-President of Clubs and Organizations: Quynh Huynh
Vice-President of Activities: Esther Larson
Operations Senator: Andrew Willett
Legislative Senator: Natalie Nabass
Student Advocacy Senator-Vacant
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Senator: Justin Malepe
Ex-OfficioSean Cooke: Director of Student Life
AgendaThe meeting was called to order at 2:02pm.
A quorum was present.
Approvalof AgendaJustin Malepe moved to strike out action item 1718-Nov-3-14 because it was a duplicate of action item1718-Nov-3-13, Natalie Nabass seconded the motion.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
Esther Larson moved to approve the agenda, Justin Malepe seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
No discussion.
Approval of Student Council Minutes from October 20th, 2017.
Justin Malepe moved to approve, Esther Larson seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions
No discussion.
Approval of Action Items
1718-Nov-3-01Appointment of Kyle Aaserud on the Tenure committee for Shannon Newman.
Justin Malepe moved to approve, Natalie Nabass seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-02Appointment of Chengxu Zhu on the Tenure committee for Heather Jeng.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Esther Larson seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-03Appointment of Makaela Finley on the Tenure committee for Arturo Laris.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Esther Larson seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-04Appointment of Kaitlin Dexter on the Tenure Committee for Jamie Samuelson.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Esther Larson seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-05Appointment of Evan Upchurch on the Tenure Committee for Vicki Dickson.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Justin Malepe seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-06Appointment of Charis Peever on the Tenure committee for Laura Eckenroth.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Esther Larson seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-07Appointment of Gabrielle Mendiola on the Tenure committee for Sharon Huitsing.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Justin Malepe seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-08Appointment of Esther Larson on the Tenure committee for Alison Walker-Stromdahl.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Justin Malepe seconded.
Motion carried. Esther Larson abstained.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-9Appointment of Erica Myron on the Tenure committee for Katrina Winzeler.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Justin Malepe seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-10Appointment of Lindsey Pasquier on the Tenure committee for Oscar Thorp.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Esther Larson seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-11Appointment of Andrew Willett on the Tenure committee for Way Jeng.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Quynh Huynh seconded.
Motion carried. Andrew Willett abstained.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-12Appointment of Justin Malepe on the Tenure committee for Tiffany Smith.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve Quynh Huynh seconded.
Motion carried. Justin Malepe abstained.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-13Appointment of Quynh Huynh on the Tenure committee for Alan Man.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Esther Larson seconded.
Motion carried. Quynh Huynh abstained.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-14Appointment of Natalie Nabass on the Tenure committee for Jennifer Wright.
Esther Larson moved to approve, Justin Malepe seconded.
Motion carried. Natalie Nabass abstained.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-15Appointment of Angela Madrid on the Tenure committee for Alyssia Lambert.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Quynh Huynh seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
No discussion.
1718-Nov-3-16Approval of giving Sean Cooke $700 from the Tech Fee Contingency fund for picture frames for the Officeof Student Life.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Esther Larson seconded.
Motion carried. No abstentions.
Discussion: Sean explained that we would be giving the Office of Student Life money not him directly. He also explained that the pictures were for student life employees to be put in the ADM building.
1718-Nov-3-17Approval of the Workout club for the 2017-2018 school year
Andrew Willett moved to approve, Esther Larson seconded.
Motion carried. Quynh Huynh abstained.
Discussion: Quynh Huynh explained that the club has filed all the necessary paperwork and that they were ready to go.
1718-Nov-3-18Approval of Andrew Willett as the student representative for OER LeadershipTeam.
Natalie Nabass moved to approve, Quynh Huynh seconded.
Motion carried. Andrew Willett abstained.
No discussion.
ASPCP President: Garrett Bown
Since our last StuCo meeting, the two major things I have been working on is our board report and the E-Team meeting. For the board report, in addition to covering the regular topics, I have been working with Justin to put together an S&A fund balance request for the hand dryers and hydration stations. Additionally, I met with the E-Team and presented our Student Government goals. At the meeting, we briefly discussed possible roadblocks and identified who the E-Team sponsor would be for each goal. Mike Stocke will be sponsoring our digital engagement goal, and Choi Halladay will be sponsoring the rest. At this point, I will be working with Student Government to see how we will be working with these sponsors to progress our goals.
Vice-President of Clubs and Organizations: Quynh Huynh
Between the last Student Council meeting and now, I have worked with Clubs Board to organize our Clubs Fest event. The event was successful with over 100 student participants and 15 clubs and student communities throughout campus. Within this week, we had our Inter-Club Council meeting where four new clubs’ events and expenditure requests were approved. So far, we have two club events, from which we will work more closely with clubs to better promote their events.
Vice-President of Activities: Esther Larson
Over the past two weeks, I have been working with Activities Board coordinators to complete IEPs and contracts by this Friday. The winter quarter event’s calendar has been updated. We soon will start working on event titles and ads for the Raider report and calendar ads. Our board has been putting more focus on promoting our events for this quarter by working with our marketing coordinator to promote our events on social media. In one of our social media outlets, we have seen a 50% increase in number of followers, and so far, all of our off-campus events have sold out. Besides working with Activities Board, I have been sitting on selectionscommittee. I have reviewed and graded all applications and interviews begin this week.
Operations Senator: Andrew Willett
Over the past two weeks I have been keeping up with the food pantry and maintaining the food donations given to us. I have sent Sean an all student email to encourage donations to the food pantry as well. I met with both Jose Nieves and Brian Benedetti and asked them both questions regarding campus security and our sg goal Emergency Response time. I have written the agenda for this meeting and the minutes for last meeting. I have also been apart of interviews for our new open positions on our team.
Legislative Senator: Natalie Nabass
For thepast few weeks I’ve been working on setting up meetings with the representatives from the 30th and 31st districts. I’ve also been working on Student Government’s goal for free feminine hygiene products, I’ve looked at different tampon and pad companies to see if the college can start up a partnership with them. I also finished assigning students to tenure committees.
Student Advocacy Senator-Vacant
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Senator: Justin Malepe
Since our last Student Council meeting, I have been doing further research on my position goals. I have done some research on different campuses on having a space dedicated to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. I have not heard a reply from Oneida or Eric Gimness on setting up a meeting time to meet. Also, had a 1 on 1 meeting with Committee Chair of my Tenure Committee. I had my observation today and meeting up with my committee on Tuesday to discuss my observation. I also met with a student who was referred by Deidre Soileau who is interested in the Office of Student Life and what we did.
CommunityAt this moment the students present may address their views, comments, or opinions.
AdjournmentMeeting Adjourned at 2:44 pm.
SubmittedAgenda submitted by the Office of the Associated Students of Pierce College Puyallup| President
Contact ASPCP President Garrett Bown Phone: 253-864-3240 ext. 5829