VICTR Summer Student Research Program Description

This opportunity is for students, 18 y/o and up, seeking a future in science to gain experience in research. Ideal candidates would be a current freshman or sophomore level student; however, students up to the graduate level may be considered on an individual basis.

The VICTR Summer Research Program will make it possible for these students to conduct research under the direction of a Vanderbilt scientist. Students participating in the program will have the opportunity to explore one of the following areas:

·  Translational Research

·  Bench Research

·  Program Management

·  Pulmonary Medicine

·  The Institute for Medicine and Public Health (IMPH)

·  Clinical Pharmacology

·  Diabetes and Obesity

·  Informatics

·  Regulatory

·  Research Support Services

·  Biostatistics

Students will be expected to complete an exit interview upon completion of the program and will need to provide accurate contact information for the four years to follow.

Applicants will be selected based on their alignment with program objectives and previous support. Students applying for the program who have previously received two years of support are not eligible.

Follow this link to access the application . If it does not open, please cut and paste it in your web browser. For questions contact the program coordinator, Shikora Black at (615)343-7274 or via email at .

Areas of Interest

Bench Research – This consists of any research done in a controlled laboratory setting using nonhuman subjects. The focus is on understanding cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie a disease or disease process.

Biostatistics - Biostatistics is a basic science of biomedical research. The Department of Biostatistics enables the University and the School of Medicine to advance its position as a national leader in both clinical and basic research, provide educational programs to train the next generation of researchers and biostatisticians, and strengthen an essential component of our efforts to support bench-to-bedside or translational research.

Clinical Pharmacology – Clinical Pharmacology is the branch of medicine that looks toward understanding the mechanisms of drug action in humans in order to improve therapeutics. Research in this Division bridges basic pharmacology and the clinical sciences.

Diabetes and Obesity – This laboratory is interested in the glucose-6-phosphatase gene family. There are 3 members of this family designated G6PC, G6PC2 and G6PC3. These genes play a key role determining fasting blood glucose levels, a parameter that is correlated with the risk of cardiovascular-associated mortality. These genes also play important roles in the pathophysiology of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Informatics – Biomedical Informatics is the interdisciplinary science of acquiring, structuring, analyzing, and providing access to biomedical data, information, and knowledge. As an academic discipline, biomedical informatics is grounded in the principles of computer science, information science, cognitive science, social science, and engineering, as well as the clinical and basic biological sciences.

The Institute for Medicine and Public Health (IMPH) – This is an umbrella organization for bringing together a variety of resources from Vanderbilt, our local community, across the nation and around the world to work together through discovery, training and service programs. Their common goals are protecting against threats to health, promoting healthier living, improving the quality of health services and preparing leaders who will advance health and health care.

Program Management – The area of program management focuses on delivering a project or projects from concept through completion using a team of experts whose sole focus is obtaining the owner’s goals. Program management combines the ability and resources to define, plan, implement, and integrate every aspect of the comprehensive program.

Pulmonary Medicine – The branch of medicine that deals with the causes, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases affecting the lungs

Regulatory – The Office of Research provides professional guidance and administrative expertise to all VUMC investigators. The Office of Research provides information and comprehensive services that assist faculty in their efforts to secure funding and conduct research of the highest quality and worldwide impact. In short, they foster scientific discovery and accelerate the translation of research breakthroughs into better health.

Research Support Services – Research Support Services office is to assist investigators in navigating the complex human research process at Vanderbilt University. Research Services Consultants, experienced professionals in conducting research or Institutional Review Board activities, provide guidance in study organization, IRB navigation, training, protocol development, preparation of study related documents, funding and contractual agreements, overall program advisory (IMPACTT)

Translational Research – Translational research transforms scientific discoveries arising from laboratory, clinical or population studies into clinical or population-based applications to improve health by reducing disease incidence, morbidity, and mortality.