Curriculum Vitae

Phil Kenkel

Office Address

Department of Agricultural Economics

516 Ag Hall Phone: 405-744-9818

Oklahoma State University Fax: 405-744-7835

Stillwater, Oklahoma, 74078 E-Mail:


Doctorate of Philosophy Agricultural Economics - 1990

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Master of Business Administration Agricultural Economics - 1981

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Bachelor of Science Agricultural Economics - 1978

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Professional Experience:

7-2001 - Present Professor and Department of Agricultural Economics

Bill Fitzwater Chair Oklahoma State University

9/1999 - 7 2001 Professor Department of Agricultural Economics

University of Tennessee

7/1995 - 9/1999 Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics

Oklahoma State University

8/1990 - 7/1995 Assistant Professor Department of Agricultural Economics

Oklahoma State University

1/1987 - 8/1990 Research Assistant University of Kentucky

11/1983 - 12/1986 Agribusiness Specialist Morehead State University

7/1986 - 12/1986 General Management Kentucky Small Business

Consultant Development Center

1/1981 - 11/1983 Manager Narrow Lane Farm (horse farm)




Attachment 1 Current Duties and Appointment Percentage 2

Attachment 2 List of Journal Articles and Refereed Publications 3-5

Book Chapters 5

Published Proceedings or Abstracts 6-12

Attachment 3 Experiment Station Reports- 13

Attachment 4 Extension Publications

Extension Fact Sheets, Current Reports and Leaflets 14-17

Extension Circulars 17-18

Attachment 5 Other Publications

Proceedings Papers (non-refereed) 19-21

Web published material 21-22

Departmental Staff Papers 22-27

Reports to Government Agencies 27-29

Attachment 6 Papers Presented at Professional Conference/Meetings 30-35

Attachment 7 Honors Received 36

Attachment 8 Other Creative Works

Television Shows 37

Computer software developed 37-38

Other-Industry Newsletter Articles 39-42

Poster Sessions 42-43

Attachment 9 Grants and Contracts 50

Attachment 10 Major Outside Activities 51-52

Attachment 11 University and Professional Service 53

Attachment 12 International Programs 54-55

Attachment 13 Extension Program Activities 54-55

Attachment 14 Teaching Program Activities

Courses Taught 56

Graduate Student Advised 56

Graduate Student Committees 56-57




Mission Statement

The mission of the Bill Fitzwater Cooperative Chair is to enhance the performance of existing cooperative businesses, facilitate the development of emerging cooperative enterprises and provide education on the cooperative form of business for the leaders of today and to tomorrow.

Position Description

The Bill Fitzwater Chair is endowed through contributions from cooperatives. The holder of the Bill Fitzwater Chair will develop programs to promote and assist Oklahoma in making informed business decisions and will provide information to assist government leaders in understanding the impact of policy alternatives on cooperatives and their members. The holder of the Bill Fitzwater Chair will be expected to develop a nationally recognized research, extension and teaching program in the general area of cooperative management or topics related to Oklahoma cooperatives.

Specific responsibilities include:

·  Develop and maintain a research program related to cooperatives in areas such as finance, strategic planning, value-added business activities or other topics of importance to Oklahoma cooperatives;

·  Develop and maintain educational programs for cooperative managers, directors, and employees;

·  Teach a course in cooperatives at the undergraduate level and one other course at the graduate or undergraduate level;

·  Serve as an advisor and research supervisor for masters and doctoral students pursuing cooperative related studies;

·  Advise undergraduate students interested in cooperatives and related fields;

·  Seek extramural support to supplement cooperative research, extension and teaching programs;

·  Assist with placement of students in internships and permanent positions with cooperatives;

·  Develop educational programs for primary and high school students which promote cooperative awareness; and

·  Communicate research and extension results with a nine-member industry advisory committee.

Appointment: 14% Teaching, 43% Extension, 43% Research



Journal and Refereed Articles:

Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. “Conditions Necessary for Private Investment in the Ethanol Industry” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, (forthcoming, 2009).

Kenkel, P., Roger Ginder, and Taeyoon Kim. “Reflections on the Journal of Cooperatives 1986-2003” Journal of Cooperatives, Vol. 21, pp. 35-50, 2008.

Kenkel, P. “Grain Handling and Storage Costs in Country Elevators” The Cooperative Accountant, Winter 2008.

Briggeman, Brian C. and Philip Kenkel, "Customer Segmentation Perceptions of Farm Credit Associations," Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 68, No. 2 (Fall 2008) pp. 227-236

Kilima, Freddie Mlyavidoga , F. K., C. Chung and P. Kenkel, “Impacts of Market Reform on Spatial Volatility of Maize Prices in Tanzania,” Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 59, No, 2 June 2008.

Kenkel, P. and R. Park. “Business Models and Producer-Owned Ventures: Choices, Challenges and Changes,” Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 39, No. 2 July 2007.

Kenkel, P., and R. B. Holcomb, “Challenges to Producer Ownership of Ethanol and Biodiesel Production Facilities,” Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 38, No. 2 July 2006.

Kenkel, P., and S. Henneberry, “An Economic Analysis of Unit Train Facility Investment,” Mexican Journal of Agribusiness (Revusta Mexicana de Agronegocios), July 2006.

Kenkel, P. and R.B. Holcomb, “Feasibility Templates for Value-Added Manufacturing Businesses,” Journal of Food Distribution Research 36, 1(March 2005):232-235.

Rodney B. Holcomb and P. Kenkel, “Before the Bricks and Mortar: A Case Study of a New Generation Cooperative's Planning Process,” Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Spring 2004) pp. 77-91.

Kenkel, P., “Post Merger Financial Performance of Oklahoma Cooperatives” Cooperative Accountant, July 2003.

Diaz, Edgar F. Pebe, B.W. Brorsen, K.B. Anderson, and Phil Kenkel, “Effects of Overweight Samples and Rounding of Grade Percentages on Peanut Grades and Prices,” Peanut Science, 28:9-12, 2001.

Diaz, Edgar F. Pebe, B. Wade Brorsen, Kim B. Anderson, Francisca G.-C. Richter, and Phil Kenkel, “The Effect of Rounding on the Probability Distribution of Regarding in the U.S. Peanut Industry,” Journal of Agribusiness, 20:1 (Spring 2002), pp. 103-116.

Kenkel, P., R.B. Holcomb and E. AcBol, “How Do Cooperative Managers and Board Members View Value-added Enterprises and New Generation Cooperative Structures?” Visions Vol. 72, No. 2, December 2000, pp. 28-35.

Hagstrum, David W., Carl Reed and Phil Kenkel, “Management of Stored Wheat Insect Pests in the USA” Integrated Pest Management Reviews, Vol. 4, December 1999, pp. 127-142.

Tembo, G., R.B. Holcomb, P. Kenkel and D. Tilley, “Using Mixed-Integer Programming to Determine the Potential for Flour-Milling Expansion,” Journal of Food Distribution Research, November 1999, pp.13-21.

Kenkel, P., K. Anderson and C. Lyford, “Segregation Strategies for Oklahoma Elevators,” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 71, No. 3, 1998, pp. 52-55.

Tembo, G., R.B. Holcomb, P. Kenkel and D.S. Tilley, “Potential for Expansion of the Oklahoma Flour Milling Industry,” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 71, No. 2, 1998, pp. 21-34.

Kenkel, P. and C. Lyford, The Potential for “New Wave Cooperatives in Oklahoma,” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 70, No. 3, 1997, pp. 39-45.

Kenkel, P., “Common Problems with Grain Inventories and Records,” The Cooperative Accountant, Vol. XLX, No. 4, Winter 1997, pp. 54-57.

Kenkel, P. and P. Norris, “Agricultural Producers Willingness to Pay for Real-Time Weather Information: A Response,” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, July 1997.

Kenkel, P., J.R. Wingender, and D. S. Tilley, “Designing an International Joint Venture Negotiation Game,” Simulation and Gaming: An International Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3 September 1996.

Kenkel, P. and P. Norris, “Agricultural Producers Willingness to Pay for Real-Time Weather Information,” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, July 1996.

Kenkel, P., and Kim Anderson, “Who Wins, Who Loses? Report on Oklahoma State University Study on Grain Grading Accuracy,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 69, No. 2, 1996.

Kenkel, P. and R.T. Noyes, “Oklahoma State University Study Helps to Resolve Grain Dust Emission Controversy,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 68, No. 3, 1995.

Countiss, A.K., D.S. Tilley and P. Kenkel, “Acceptance of Meat Products by Meat Buyers,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 68, No. 1, March 1995.

Adam, B.D., P. Kenkel, and K. Anderson, “The Economics of Cleaning Wheat for Export: An Evaluation of Proposed Federal ‘Clean Grain’ Standards,” Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics, December 1994.

Kenkel, P., J.T. Criswell, G.W. Cuperus, R.T. Noyes, K. Anderson, and W.S. Fargo, “Stored Product Integrated Pest Management,” Food Reviews International, 10(2):177-193, 1994.

Buzby, J.C., P.L. Kenkel, J.R. Skees, J.W. Pease, and F.J. Benson, “A Comparison of Subjective and Historical Yield Distributions With Implications for Multiple Peril Crop Insurance,” Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 54, 1994.

Kenkel, P., “Weather Information: Everyone Talks About it But Will Anyone Pay for It?” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 67, No. 1, March 1994.

Tilley, D.S. and P. Kenkel, “Fostering Economic Growth in Oklahoma's Agribusiness Sector: Implications for Research, Teaching, and Extension,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 66, No. 4, December 1993.

Kenkel P. and D. Tilley, “An Economic Analysis of the Cotton Industry in Oklahoma,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 66, No. 2, June 1993.

Cuperus, G., R.T. Noyes, W.S. Fargo, P. Kenkel, J.T. Criswell, and K. Anderson, “Reducing Pesticide Use in Wheat Postharvest Systems,” Cereal Foods World, 38(4):199-203, 1993.

Adam, B., K. Anderson, and P. Kenkel, “The Economics of Cleaning Wheat: An Economic Engineering Analysis,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 65, No. 2, June 1992.

Kenkel P. and L.D. Sanders, “Oklahoma Agricultural Cooperatives: Financial Performance and Industry Comparisons,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 65, No. 1, March 1992.

Kenkel, P., D.S. Tilley, and J.R. Wingender, “Evaluating a Business Simulation Program for joint Venture Negotiation and Management,” Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Exercises, 19:101-106, 1992.

Book Chapters:

Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. “American Native Beef Cooperative: Challenges of Restructuring to Access Private Investment” in Co-operative Conversions, Failures and Restructurings: Case Studies and Lessons from the U.S. and Canadian Agriculture, Murray Fulton and Brent Hueth, editors. (In press).

Anderson, K.B., and Kenkel, Phil. 2008. “Commodity Inspection.” Encyclopedia of Rural America, The Land and People; Gary Goreham, Ed.; Volume 1:A-M, pg. 145-148. Grey House Publishing. Millerton, NY

Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. “Feasibility of On-Farm or Small Scale Oilseed Processing and Biodiesel Production” in Integration of Agricultural and Energy Systems, B.C. English, R.J. Menard and K. Jenson, editors, Farm Foundation, Oak Brook, Illinois. Proceeding of conference Atlanta Georgia, Feb 12-13, 2008.

Kenkel, P. and H.R. Bunt. “The Impact of Biofuel Production on Crop Production in the Southern Plains” Biofuels, Food and Feed Tradeoffs Outlaw. J.L., J. a, Duffield and D.P. Ernstes, editors, Farm Foundation, Oak Brook, Illinois, ISBN 978-0-615-20005-7, 2008.

Kenkel, P. “Economics of Host plant Resistance in IPM Systems” in Ecologically-Based Integrated Pest Management, O. Koul, and G. W. Cuperus, (editors) Oklahoma State University, USA, CAB International, 2007.

Uhrig, J. H., and P. Kenkel, “Economics of Drying and Storage” in Handbook of Agricultural Crop Drying and Storage, F. W. Bakker-Arkema and D.E. Maier, Editors.

Webster, J.A. and P. Kenkel, “Benefits of Managing Small-Grain Pests with Plant Resistance” in Economic, Environmental, and Social Benefits of Resistance in Field Crops., B. R. Wiseman and J. A. Webster, Editors, Thomas Say Publications and Entomological Society of America, Lanham, Maryland, 1999.

Gerrit Cuperus, Richard Berberet, and Phillip Kenkel. “The Future of Integrated Pest Management “ in Radcliffe’s World IPM Textbook, Edward B. Radcliffe and William B. Hutchison, Editors, University of Minnesota, 1997

Criswell, J.T., G.W. Cuperus, W.S. Fargo, R.T. Noyes, B. Adam, P. Kenkel, E. Williams, and K. Anderson, “Fumigation Decision-making Process: Economic Costs and Risks.” Proceedings International Conference on Controlled Atmosphere and Fumigation in Grain Storages, Navarro, S. and Donahaye, E. [Eds.], Caspit Press Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel, 1993.

Published Proceedings or Abstracts:

Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb. “American Native Beef Cooperative: Challenges of Restructuring to Access Private Investment” invited paper NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives 2008 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 19-20, 2008.

Kenkel, P. and G. Long. “Structural Considerations for Machinery Cooperatives” Selected Paper NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives 2007 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 6-7, 2007.

Kenkel, P. R. Ginder and T. Kim. “Reflections on the Journal of Cooperatives 1986-2003” Selected Paper, NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN on November 6-7 2007.

Phil Kenkel, Brian Adam, Patricia Rayas-Duarte, Ron Noyes and Dave Edger. “The Cost Effectiveness of Biosecurity Measures in the U.S. Wheat Marketing System” Selected Paper WERA-72 2007 Annual Meeting, June 17 - 19, 2007 Las Vegas, Nevada.

Kenkel P., R. Holcomb and T. Bowser. “Feasibility of a Producer Owned Winter Canola Processing Venture” Selected Paper, National Value Added Conference, Lexington KY June 4, 2007.

Kenkel P. and H. Ragan. “The Impact of Biofuel Production on Feedstocks in the Southern Plains” published in the Proceedings of the “Biofuels, Food and Feed Tradeoffs, St. Louis MO, April 12-13, 2007.

Long G. and P. Kenkel “Feasibility Of Machinery Cooperatives In The Southern Plains Region”, Selected Paper, SAEA 2006 Annual Meeting, Mobile Alabama, Feb 4-7, 2007.

Briggeman, B. and P. Kenkel. “Farm Credit Employees Perceptions of Loan Business Relative to Different Types of Borrowers” Selected Paper, SAEA 2006 Annual Meeting, Mobile Alabama, Feb 4-7, 2007 .

McGee, G.J., P. Kenkel and B. E. Henehan. “Challenges in Measuring the Economic Impact of Cooperatives,” NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives 2006 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 2, 2006.

Kenkel, P., and R. Holcomb, “Feasibility of a Cooperative Winery,” NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives 2006 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 2, 2006.