Lesson plans 1-16-08

8:05-8:15 – Students should enter room organize, hand in work, and fill out agendas.

8:15-9:03 – PE/Music – students will go down to PE. They will travel on their own to music from PE. This is my plan time.

9:06-9:46 – Band/Strings/study hall–You should have two students- Eddy and Derrick who aren’t in band or strings. This is study hall for them.

9:49- 10:29 – 5A math –Go over DE day 3 on front board with class. Next go over DOM days 71 together with class. Hand out workbooks from back table. Answer any questions that they have together on the front board. If you get stuck ask a kid to model how they worked it. Have kids get books turned to pg 150-151. Teach lesson from pg 150. Work some of the even problems together with the class. Assign problems 7-29 odd and 33-37 all for tomorrow.

10:32-11:08 – 5B math – Same as 5A

11:08-11:10 –Take students down and wash hands

11:10-11:40 - Lunch – students will meet you back in the room after lunch.

11:45-12:25 – 5C Math – Same as 5A

12:28–1:11 – 5C Science – Hand out worksheets 32-34. Give students class to complete the review worksheets. Encourage them to use books/notes/study guides. If they finish, they are to work on completing study guides to go over tomorrow.

1:14-1:57 – 5B Science – Same as 5C

2:00-2:42 – 5A Science - Same as 5C

2:45-3:21 – Study hall– This is work time. They are to work on unfinished work, math facts, or read. If they have problems with noise or staying on task, you may assign pg 113 math for them to complete.

3:21-3:25 - pack bags

3:25 – dismiss

Thanks for your help today! If you have any questions, please ask Mr. Weibert or Ms. Lindsay. You can also reach me on my cell phone (785)-820-1200. Please note any behavior problems so that they can be addressed tomorrow. Thanks.

Ben Elliott