Spring-Ford Booster Club
June 5, 2017
Meeting called to order: 7:09PM
President – 2 Thank you letters were received from our Scholarship recipients – Alyssa Conway and Patrick Power.
We should remind the coaches they have an $8 credit per team member, from the Booster club to go towards a championship item.
Lee – President Elec. is working on taking control of part of the concession stand.
Vice President–Do we want to ask for a Student Rep. to attend each meeting? This will allow us to get feedback from the student body.
We would like to purchase clothing racks and cubbies for the shed to organize and stage the spirit wear. Karen will work on the purchases and set up.
Treasurers Report – Two deposits have been made for the Athletic banquet. A new account has been created and money has been transferred out to the Scholarship account.
Athletic Director –Mickey is very sick right now. Dan Miscavage is stepping in for Mickey at the banquet. Wendy will contact Mickey and find out what is going on with awards and how we can help with the banquet in his absence.
Spring Sports:
Spring Track –Season is over. Banquet on Wednesday, 6/7.
Baseball – Season is over.
Softball – moving to 2nd round.
Girls Lacrosse – Season is over.
Boys Lacrosse – Lost the other night. Banquet was last night.
Football –Sr bowl was this past Sunday. Went better than expected. Lots of volunteers. Ran out of food by half time. Sept. 9th – Pig Roast.
Cheerleading – Try outs were completed May 25th. Total of 50 girls, 68 tried out. Practice begins June 26th. Camp – August 17th-20th. Multiple fundraisers are being turned in for several events during the new school year.
- Spirit Wear – Lee and Karen met with John Murton before the meeting to discuss inventory and procedures.
New Business:
- Meeting dates for 2017-2018 school year will be determined during the July meeting. Hopefully by then we will know when the Back to School nights are scheduled.
- We need to record a “protocol” for teams helping other teams with fundraising, especially for the Cheerleaders. This needs to be discussed and agreed upon by the team representatives (who we are pushing to recruit for upcoming school year).
- New Board will work on creating online signing so fundraising and reimbursement requests can be done electronically.
Meeting adjourned 8:22PM
July meeting is Monday, 7/17/2017 at 7:00 PM – offsite at Creekside/Old Sandtrap