
Situated on Capitol Square in Columbus, the Ohio Statehouse is a beautifully-restored

monument to the people of Ohio, their vision of our democracy, and the dream of a better

place to live and work. But more than a monument to the past, it is a living museum where

the people’s business is conducted.

The Capitol Square Foundation was established in 1987 to increase public awareness of

and to involve citizens in the history of the Ohio Statehouse. Its purpose is to raise funds to

obtain, restore and maintain artifacts and other items related to the history and enhancement

of this grand monument and its adjoining grounds, so that the seat of Ohio’s government may

reflect the dignity of the state and its citizens.

The Capitol Square Foundation, during the restoration of the Ohio Statehouse, raised over

$10 million dollars as part of a $120 million dollar effort to completely return Ohio’s

historic Statehouse to its original grandeur.

In 2003 the foundation launched the Capitol Square Foundation’s “Great Ohioan” Award

to commemorate the role of Ohioans in an event or series of events of lasting significance in

world, American or Ohio history. The foundation’s first honoree for this award is a group

of individuals who commemorate Ohio’s role in the birth and development of aviation: the

honorable John Glenn and the Wright Brothers. It was fitting to honor these Ohioans in

2003,Ohio’s bicentennial celebration as well as the 100th anniversary of powered flight.

The foundation’s dinner was a tribute to these aviation pioneers and celebrated how they

changed our world.

Historically, the Capitol Square Foundation has honored individuals who have

demonstrated a commitment to restoring and maintaining the grandeur of our state

Capitol with the Richard H. Finan Award. This award recognized the efforts of this preeminent leader in the cause for the Ohio Statehouse renovation. In addition to Senator Richard Finan as the award’s first recipient in 1994, past award winners include the Honorable Vern Riffe (1995); the Honorable Stanley Aronoff (1996); the Honorable Jo Ann Davidson (1997); the Honorable Harry Meshel (1998); and the Honorable Richard F. Celeste (2001).


Ohio Statehouse, Room 16 ♦ Columbus, OH 43215 ♦ phone (614) 221-5825 ♦ fax (614) 221-1989 ♦ ♦

Since 1996 the Capitol Square Foundation has completed many projects around the

Statehouse. These projects include:

•Edison Portrait

Cost $45,000, Major Sponsor CSF

To restore, clean, reframe and hang the portrait. The Edison portrait hangs off the Rotunda.

The court bench in the North Court Room.

Cost $40,000. Major Sponsor Ohio Bar Association. Restored one of the original court benches in the Senate Building.

Christopher Columbus Fountain

Approximately $400,000. Major Sponsor A Cincinnati philanthropist and Knights of Columbus. To restore and replace the circa 1932 Christopher Columbus Statue on the Statehouse grounds.

State Treasurers Office

To re-create the original cash vault and other furnishings. Approximately $175,000. Various sponsors.

•Gas Lamps

Approximately $250,000. Major sponsor Columbia Gas of Ohio. To create replicas of the original gas lamps on the North, South and West fronts of the Statehouse.

•Listening Wands

$23,000. Major Sponsor CSF

Lincoln Vicksburg Memorial

$150,000. Major Sponsor Honda Manufacturing. Restore and return

to its original condition and place in

the Rotunda.

Marble map of Ohio.

$40,000. Major sponsor County

Commissioners Association.

•Perry's Victory on Lake Erie


$60,000. Major Sponsor Ohio


•Stained glass Seal of Ohio

$21,000. A children's penny

campaign sponsored by Bob

Evans Create and place in the

Rotunda skylight.

•Wright Brothers Portrait

Cost, approximately $40,000.

Major Sponsor CSF To restore,

clean, and frame the Wright

Brothers portrait.

Harding Painting Restoration

Cost $6500 Major Sponsor CSF

To restore, clean, reframe, and

hang the painting. The painting

hangs in the Harding Room

  • George Washington Williams

Memorial Room

Cost $220,000, Project Leader, Senator Ray Miller. This room honors the first African-American legislator in Ohio.

  • Cleisthenes Project

More than $25,000 raised. Major sponsor Greek American community in Ohio. To restore busts to the Ohio legislative chambers and elsewhere in the Statehouse.

The Capitol Square Foundation is not a state agency and receives no government funding. It is incorporated in Ohio as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Service. Any personal or corporate donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent under the law.


Ohio Statehouse, Room 16 ♦ Columbus, OH 43215 ♦ phone (614) 221-5825 ♦ fax (614) 221-1989 ♦ ♦