Cranwell, Byard’s Leap and Brauncewell Parish Council
Notes of a meeting of the Parish Council held in Cranwell Village Hall Rooms on Monday 04 April 2011 commencing at 7.30p.m.
Attendance:With Cllr Mrs H Morris in the Chair there were present,
Cllrs- Mr R Bett, Mrs K Cairns, Mr J Hudson, Mrs Y Hudson, Miss K Moor,
Mr D Ralph and Mr D Ward, temporary Clerk KarenTreacher and the
new ClerkEddie Findlay.
02 Members of the Public
Business to Be Transacted.
- Apologies for absence and reasons given
- To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the 2007 Local Government Act
- Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 7 March 2011 to be approved as minutes and introduction of new Clerk
- To receive reports from County/District Councillors
- To receive reports relating to police matters.
- To receive reports relating to RAF matters.
- To receive reports from Councillor’s relating to responsibilities and outstanding tasks
- To receive report from the Clerk in relation to Council matters
- Dog Warden report (in pack up)
- To receive general correspondence
- Financial matters
- Report of expenditure since last meeting
- To resolve payment of invoices listed on the expenditure to be approved report.
- To resolve to purchase new goalpost sleeves and erect at new location
- To consider request to purchase new parish notice boards.
- To resolve to change Council signatories.
- Parish Council Surgery – Saturday 16 April 2011 with Cllr’s Morris & Moor
- Members comments
To receive any comments from members of the Council and requests for matters to be placed on the next agenda. No resolutions may be passed under this item. - To approve replacement of Parish seat
- To discuss repairs and funding for the Old School
- Old School windows – previous quotes
- Lights – CCTV repair
- Football pitch (soil & seed)
- Goal posts (brackets & sockets)
- Dog bin – Cranwell Avenue area
- Village Hall/Social Club electric lighting (graph in pack up)
- Social Club - utility PAT test certificates
- Social Club - football insurance
- Cycle path Mace development
- Map of street lights
- Notice Boards
- Cranwell & Leasingham News Letter
- Best kept village
- Royal wedding village fun day – Saturday 30 April 2011
- New home for the Cranwell cockerel
- Clerk/RFO contract
- Annual Parish Meeting – Monday 11 April 2011
- To confirm the date of next meeting of the Council – Tuesday 10 May 2011
- To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1969 to discuss the following matters.
To discuss the response from solicitor on Old School/Romper Room.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and both members of the public addressed the Council.
1. / Apologies – no apologies were required.2. / Declarations of interest –no declarations of interest were received.
3. / Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 7 March 2011 to be approved as minutes and introduction of new Clerk– It was noted that the minutes for the meeting held on Monday 7 March 2011 had 3 spelling mistakes. These were amended and initialled by the chair. It was proposed by CllrRalph and seconded by CllrWard that they be accepted as a true record of the meeting. Resolution passed and all agreed. The new Clerk, Mr Eddie Findlay was introduced to the Council and members of the public.
4. / To receive reports from County/District Councillors- D/Cllrs GWhittle and ICartwright hadsent their apologies as they were attending another meeting in Sleaford.
5. / To receive reports relating to police matters – none were received.
6. / To receive reports relating to RAF matters – none were received.
7. / To receive reports fromCouncillor’s relating to responsibilities and outstanding tasks
the chair read out a letter of resignation from Cllr YHudson. After 6 years as a Cllr and due to additional work commitments and now living outside the village curtledge, she was not able to devote as much time as previous. She offered to assist the new Clerk with his new role of RFO over the coming months.
Cllr Bett offered a vote of thanks for all her hard work and attention to detail during her time, especially in her role as RFO. Seconded by chair CllrMorris. All agreed.
Cllr Ward spoke about his walk around his area of responsibility, the swings etc and all was secure.
He spoke about the untidy state of the portacabins used by the football club as changing rooms. The bins were again overflowing with rubbish, tape and wrappers were strewn all over the floor. There was even a pair of football boots. The football club should be responsible as to the tidiness of the building after its use.
Action: Karen Treacher to email the Clerk a model rental agreement which could be amended to detail the state the building was to be left in following their use after a match.
All cameras on the CCTV were now working but other than the servicing manual he was unsure on how to review the recorded images should the need arise.
Action: Clerk to write to the installation company for user instructions or a demonstration of use at its next annual servicing.
He also pointed out that for reasons unknown, a part railway sleeper, usually used as a step into the portacabins was now used to prop up the tennis net.
CllrMoor informed the Council that the events held by the WI had now been added to the parish web page.
8. / To receive reports from the Clerk in relation to Council matters
a. The Clerk informed the Council that the insurance had been agreed. We had entered into a new 3 year long term agreement (LTA) with Came and Company, at a cost of £2,450.51, which includes a 5% discount for the LTA.
b. The Clerk had also responded to TallentsSolicitors who had written with regard to the Dame Margaret Thorold Apprenticing Charity. The Council usually provide 2 Councillors to sit on its awarding committee. He had written to inform them of the up coming elections and the names would be forwarded after the May meeting.
c. Planning application received (11/0128/FUL) – Mace shop, 125 College Road Cranwell and forwarded to the appropriate Councillors.
d. Salvation Army Songs of Praise to be held on Village Green - request from Church Secretary to St.Andrew’sPCC for Council permission to hold event with provisional date of Sunday 31 July 2011.
Action: Permission was granted for the requested event to take place. Proposed by Cllr Morris, seconded by Cllr Cairns, all agreed.
e. The Clerk reported on the state of the Parish Council filing cabinet now in his possession. The top drawer fails to lock and all drawers can be opened at the same time posing not only a Data Protection issue, but also a Health and Safety risk.
Action: It was agreed that the Clerk be given authority to purchase a new filing cabinet, to the value of £150 (inc VAT). Proposed by Cllr Moor, seconded by Cllr Morris, all agreed.
f. It was agreed in the previous minutes to purchase a supply of CD Roms to use as back ups for the Council’s data. As this at yet had not been carried out the Clerk proposed the purchase of an external hard drive instead. The drive to be kept at the house of the Chairman and collected once a month to back up the information stored on the Clerk’s laptop, then returned to the Chairman’s house for safe keeping.
Action: It was resolved that the Clerk purchase an external hard drive, to the value of £70 (inc VAT). Proposed by Cllr Y Hudson, seconded by Cllr Cairns, all agreed.
g. The Clerk requested the purchase of a small lockable cabinet for use by the Chairman, to store the external hard drive and other papers that my be required to be kept by the Chairman that may be subject to Data Protection requirements.
Action: It was resolved the Clerk purchase a small cabinet for use by the Chairman, at their residence, up to the value of £60 (inc VAT). Proposed by Cllr Bett, seconded by Cllr Moor, all agreed.
9. / Dog warden report (in pack up)
10. / To receive general correspondence –Cllr Morris informed the Councilof the following:
a. The invoice for the old school guttering was now paid.
b. The laurel hedges on the green were now cut back.
c. Football pitch goal areas will be filled and seeded on the grounds man’s return to work.
d. The volunteers for the Remembrance Garden were now up and running.
e. It had been brought to Cllr Morris’s attention that the Romper Room were showing on their web page that the Remembrance Garden was used as their outdoor play area. She stated that the garden was not intended as a child’s play area and should only be used at their own risk. The Remembrance Garden is a “Remembrance Garden” for all Parishioners to use at anytime and may also be used for functions ie weddings etc by persons who have booked the Village Hall with prior agreement from the Parish Council via the Clerk. As such, the garden could contain broken glass and other objects that may be hidden, particularly in the gravel paths and so the Parish Council could not be certain as to the safety of the area for young children.
Action: it was proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Y Hudson that the Clerk writes to all the youth groups who use the garden for outdoor play.
11. / Financial matters
a. Report of expenditure since last meeting.
Action: The Council resolved to approve the expenditure since the last meeting.
b. To resolve payment of invoices listed on the expenditure to be approved report.
Action: The Council resolved to approve the listed invoices.
c. To resolve to purchase new goalpost sleeves and erect at new location.
Action: After examination it was found new sleeves were not required but a bracket was. The bracket was to be sourced by CllrBett and the erection held in abeyance until after the work on the field has been completed.
d. To consider request to purchase new Parish Notice Boards.
Action: After consultation with the Chairman and Cllrs, it was agreed the Clerk be given authority to purchase a new Village Notice Board up to the value of £1200 (including VAT). Proposed by CllrCairns, seconded by Cllr Ralph, all agreed.
e. To resolve to change Council signatories.
The Clerk had been into the bank and collected a form to change signatories along with a list of current signatories.
Action: The Council resolved to leave the matter in abeyance until after the elections.
12. / Parish Council surgery – Saturday 16 April 2011.
Cllr Morris and Cllr Moor will be on duty.
13. / Members comments
No comments were received from Cllrs.
14. / To approve replacement of parish seat
Cllr Bett informed the Council that the old seat was safe and secure and had only been removed due to an insecure mounting on its concrete base.
Action: It was resolved that CllrBett contact Mr Graham Scott with regard to him resetting the seat in a new concrete base. Proposed by Cllr Ward, seconded by Cllr Ralph, all agreed, resolution passed.
15. / To discuss repairs and funding for the old school.
Action: Delay discussion until after the forthcoming meeting with the Romper Room staff and committee. Proposed by Cllr Morris, seconded by CllrCairns, all agreed.
16. / Old School windows – previous quotes
The previous quotes for replacement windows were over 30 days, so were out of date. It was proposed to request new quotes from the same companies and the look into the possibility of obtaining grants towards the cost.
Action: Cllr Bett to get new quotes and source possible grants. Proposed by Cllr Cairns, seconded by Cllr Ward, all agreed, resolution passed.
17. / Lights – CCTV repair
During an inspection it was found that all cameras were now working but one light was still unserviceable.
Action: CllrBett was to contact the relevant agency to fix the light. Proposed by CllrJ Hudson, seconded by CllrWard, all agreed, resolution passed.
18. / Football pitch (soil & seed)
The work has been actioned and awaiting the return to work of the grounds man.
19. / Goal posts (brackets & sockets)
See item 11c.
20. / Dog bin – Cranwell Avenue area
CllrMorris was investigating with RAFCranwell who had responsibility for the land and would report back her findings at the next meeting.
21. / Village Hall/Social Club electric lighting (graph in pack up)
At last, the issue has been resolved. The Chairman thanked all those responsible for finally sorting the electricity supply problem to the Village Hall and Cranwell Parish Social Club.
22. / Social Club - Utility PAT test certificates
To comply with the details of the Parish Council insurance policy the Council were required to see and hold copies of all portable appliance testing (PAT) certificates. It already has the Village Hall certificates.
Action: Clerk to write to the Secretary of Cranwell Parish Social Club requesting copies of their PAT certificates. Proposed by Cllr YHudson, seconded by Cllr Bett, all agreed, resolution passed.
23. / Social Club - Football insurance
The Clerk informed the Council that the insurance for the football team was paid at the start of each season by Cranwell Parish Social Club on the proviso that all team members joined the Social Club and used its facilities. This was to be reviewed by the social club at the start of next season.
Action: no further action required.
24. / Cycle path Mace development
Deferred until completion of works at the site.
25. / Map of street lights
It was confirmed by Cllr Bett that the street lighting map had been returned to NKDC.
26. / Notice Boards
See 11d.
27. / Cranwell & Leasingham News Letter
It was felt by the Councilthat there was an unfair allocation of space in the newsletter as we were always being asked to reduce our input.
Action: Clerk to write to the editor, Mr Allison expressing our concerns. Proposed by Cllr Moor, seconded by CllrRalph, all agreed, resolution passed.
28. / Best Kept Village
It was felt that the Council did not wish to enter the competition at this particular time.
Proposed by Cllr Bett, seconded by Cllr Cairns, all agreed, resolution passed.
29. / Royal Wedding Village Fun Day – Saturday 30 April 2011
CllrJ Hudson had been approached for a small donation from the Parish Council, by the committee organising a Fun Day to celebrate the Royal Wedding. The Fun Day committee was made up from volunteers from the Village Hall, Cranwell Parish Social Club, the Parish Church and the Cranwell Lodge of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOB). Each group had donated money towards the event. Any money left over would then be divided equally back amongst those groups who had donated.
Action: Clerk to write to the Fun Day Secretary asking they write a letter to the Council requesting the donation. A sum of £100 was proposed by Cllr Bett, seconded by Cllr Ward, all agreed, resolution passed.
30. / New home for the Cranwell cockerel
The cockerel was still posing a problem and the chickens had now become unwanted and needed re-homing too.
Action: Cllr Moor to put the fowl on local RAF intranet Sales and Wants as “free to a good home”. She would also approach a family member to help in the re-homing of them. Proposed by Cllr Cairns, seconded by Cllr YHudson, all agreed, resolution passed.
31. / Clerk/RFO contract
Deferred until closed session.
32. / Annual Parish Meeting – Monday 11 April 2011
All bar one invited visiting speakers had confirmed their attendance.
33. / To confirm the date of next meeting of the Council – Tuesday 10 May 2011
The date of the next meeting was confirmed.
34. / To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1969 to discuss the following matters.
To discuss the response from solicitor on Old School/Romper Room.
Action: The Council resolved to go into closed session.
This part of the meeting closed at 9.50 p.m.
The meeting continued in the absence of press and public. At 9.51 p.m. (not forpublication by virtue of section 100(a) para 4 of the Local Government Act 1972.the item being of a confidential nature.
Confidential Minutes
CllrMorris informed the Council the outcome of the meeting with the solicitor and had tasked the Clerk with arranging a meeting with the Romper Room staff and committee and a small committee from the Council, along with KarenTreacher as a subject matter expert (SME) on Council rental agreements.
The Clerk confirmed a meeting had been requested for Thursday 14 April 2001 at 6.00pm in the Village Hall committee room and was just awaiting confirmation from the Romper Room.
A “model” contract had been circulated to all Councillors and they were invited to discuss prior to agreeing on the new Clerk’s contract. After a short discussion it was finalised and accepted by both parties.
Action: Clerk to prepare final contract and bring to the next meeting for confirmation. Proposed by CllrMorris, seconded by CllrBett, all agreed, resolution passed.
The meeting closed at 10.05pm.