A month of Sundays

“August is like the Sunday of summer,”

an online meme proclaims. But that means different

things to different people.

If you see Sunday as the end of a week — a

chance to sleep in, do “nothing,” relax and play —

then August might be your downtime at the end of a

busy summer. If Sunday feels heavy because the

onslaught of the workweek is approaching, then

August may carry the dread of falling leaves and falling temperatures.

But if you view Sunday as a fresh start to the

week, then August, with a new school year and new

church programming around the corner, can be exciting. And if you honor Sunday as the Sabbath,

indeed “August is like the Sunday of summer.”

God invites us to enjoy these holy days and give

thanks to him, the Creator of all seasons.

—Heidi Mann


Deacons – Tues.,Aug.2, 7:00 p.m.

Christian Ed. – Tues.,Aug.9, 6:30p.m.

Trustees – Tues.,Aug.9, 7:00 p.m.

Music Com. – No meeting in Aug.

GBW Board –No meeting in Aug.


August 7–Dennis Long, Bill Gifford

August 14–Arlen Miller, MarcNaphew

August 21 –Gary Akers, Eric Morgan

August 28 –Dave Miller, Neal Rouch


Parking Lot Entrance:Carl Johnson

Carport Entrance:Dixie Ennis

The2016Greeter Sign-up is on the

WelcomeCenter. Sign up to greet in the

month of your choice.


The Search Committee is reviewing new resumes.Then they will narrow down potential candidates. Members of the committee are as follows:

Steve Forker

Larry Gunnell

Rob Hileman

Joe Johnson

Beth Rouch

Christy Thompson

Allen VerBryck

Please be in prayer for the committee and our church as we go through this process together as one body of believers. May the Lord have His hand upon us.


Financial Secretary’s Report

June 5 / 4,454.00
June 12 / 7,143.00
June 19 / 4,385.00
June 26 / 5,496.83
TOTAL / $21,478.83

Treasurer’s Report

Total Junedisbursements: / $31,102.85

Print-outs of the Treasurer’s fullmonthly report are

available on the table by the church office.

It was a great start with around 35 children in attendance

the first night and it

increased from there!

All the children had a great time. The music,

games, snacks, story time and crafts kept their

attention as they reinforced the word of God into

each activity. Thank you to our wonderful church

family for the donations, prayers and especially

the time put into make VBS a success!!

*Look for a complete VBS recap in Sept.


We have a very sweet lady celebratingher 80th birthday this month, Miss Tootie Johnson!

Celebrating special anniversaries:

John & Karen Troutman, 30 years on Aug. 9

Neal & Beth Rouch, 35 years also on Aug. 9

Dennis & Rita Long, 45 years on Aug. 21

Happy birthday and congratulations to all those celebrating in August!

Please check out your Breeze calendar for the complete list of birthdaysand anniversaries being celebrated this month.


Marj McCoy, Ch.

Connie Townsend


Due to weather complications the pool party at the Thompsons was rescheduled to Monday, June 27th. The youth were not hindered by the postponement they still had a great time!

The youth will get together August 7th and 21st.

Look for more details to come.

Thank you to all those hosting our youth!!!


Joy group will enjoy a Jack Rabbits game August 3 at 6:30pm for their monthly get together in August. Come on out to the ball game!


Choir will be on a mini hiatus.

SUMMER CHOIR SCHEDULE:Choir willONLYmeet on the following dates:

August 18th, & September 15th.



ONLYmeet on the following dates:

August 18th, & September 15th.


Mondays 10:00 a.m.


Wednesdays 9:30 a.m.

DEADLINE for the September edition

of the BREEZE is Monday, August 18th

Church Secretary email:


Shirley Finney @ 574-699-6394

Office hours:

Mon. & Tues. 9am-2pm

Thurs. & Fri. 11am-4pm


Most people think their life is boring or that they have nothing to say. That is not true, several people who have written a “Who’s in the Pew” felt the same way. Many people have commented

how they love this new addition to the Breeze. I hope it continues! Don’t worry if you think your writing is not noteworthy, I will proof-read your article at no charge ;) ! I hope you havea few

minutes and will let me feature you in the “Pew”. Need a little help, here are a few questions to choose from to help you get started. Pick one, two or none, it’s yourstory, and feel free to make

it long, short or in between!!! Please contact the

church office with questions. You can giveme

your article, put it under the office door or place it in my mailbox #3 (located in the copy room).

Thanks 

1. What is your best childhood memory?

2. How did you meet your spouse?

3. How did the two of you meet?

4. What do you feel most proud of?

5. Do you have brothers or sisters?

6. What are some fun or interesting facts about your children or parenting skills?

7. What was one of your most defining moments in life?

8. When and how did you come to know the Lord?

9. How do you spend your free time?

10. What is your strongest personal quality?

11. What was your most embarrassing moment?

12. What age do you feel right now and why?

13. What does a perfect day look like to you?

14. How would your friends describe you?

15. What do you appreciate most about your life?

From the Pastor’s Pen


“Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away. Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for ‘God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.’” (1 Peter 5:2-5, NKJV)

Back in the Old Testament, we have a wonderful portrait of a man I’m going to call the senior pastor of the Wilderness Bible Church. His name is Moses. What an unusual minister! You would probably never have chosen him had you sat in on the candidating committee looking for the pastor of this unusual ‘church.’ For starters, the place he will minister is an unusual church because of its size—about two million, give or take a few thousand. Furthermore, his background is questionable. He killed a man. Nor has this gentleman set many impressive records in the last forty years of his life—which brings us to his age. He’s now eighty, not the ideal age for a man who must shepherd so many people with no pastoral staff! And no building!...And did I mention his speech impediment! Along with old age, and a bad resume working against him, the man stutters. Dear Moses…what a challenge!

We can give a hearty laugh at those insights concerning the man of God Moses…who literally liberated his people from Egyptian bondage and led them to the brink of the Promised Land! In actuality, he probably would not have been considered by most Search Committees today looking for Pastoral Leadership. Let me say at the outset: THIS IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT DAY AND TIME IN PASTORAL MINISTRY! What do you mean Pastor Paul? I don’t quite understand? Let me explain to the best of my ability.

First, the Philosophy of Ministry is vastly different today! Many who are looking for Pastoral Positions would rather become ‘Ranchers’ instead of ‘Shepherds.’ They want to have ‘hired hands’ or ‘staff’ or ‘lay-people’ to do the ‘work’ of ministry, rather than have to ‘do ministry’ themselves. I believe that Peter told the leaders that he was

addressing to ‘Shepherd the flock that is among you!’ Shepherding involves getting to ‘know’ your sheep through contact—home visitation, hospital calls, nursing home visits, jail visits, as well as being available at the church. THE DEGREE OF YOUR CREDIBILITY IN THE PULPIT DIRECTLY HINGES ON THE CONTACT AND RESPECT THAT YOUR SHEEP HAVE FOR YOU AS THE SHEPHERD! Peter challenges those in Pastoral Leadership to ‘be examples to the flock of God!’

Second, the work-ethic is very different today! A Pastor who genuinely has a ‘call from God’ realizes that it is a 24 hours 7 days a week kind of job. Does the Pastor need time off…ABSOLUTELY!!!!! Jesus withdrew from the crowds to rest and refresh himself with His Heavenly Father (Mark 1:35-37). The true nature of ministry is service. You may be surprised to know that the word ‘minister’ or ‘ministry’ has in its root form in Greek the term for ‘service’ or ‘to serve.’ Remember our Lord Himself “did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mk. 10:45). Peter learned that lesson well when he stated, ‘serving as overseers….’ PEOPLE DO NOT CARE HOW MUCH YOU KNOW, UNTIL THEY KNOW HOW MUCH YOU CARE!

Let me strongly encourage all of the people at GFBC—both members as well as non-members—to diligently pray for the Search Committee Members—Alan VerBryck, Steve Forker, Rob Hileman, Joe Johnson, Beth Rouch, Christy Thompson and Larry Gunnell. They have been very dedicated and thorough in their search process. THERE IS A PERSON WHO WILL BE THE ‘PERFECT FIT’ TO SHEPHERD THIS LOCAL ASSEMBLY OF BELIEVERS! It may even be beneficial to ‘fast and pray’ specifically for this search process! James reminds us that, “You do not have because you do not ask” (Jas. 4:2). It is also important that we ask ‘humbly’ as we intercede on behalf of the church for the ‘right match’ to Pastor/Shepherd the flock of God at GFBC!

Thank you for the support that you have given to Beth and I during this ‘Interim’ period of time. GOD IS FAITHFUL AND WE SHOULD PRAISE HIM FOR HIS AMAZING GOODNESS AND MERCY TO ALL OF US!


Pastor Paul (P2)