Dr Stefan Borg
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Relations
Stefan Borg is a postdoctoral research fellow in International Relations at the Department of Economic History. His research area is located at the intersection of international security, border politics, and contemporary rights claiming with a regional focus on the European continent and on Europe’s relation to North Africa.
Borg’s current research project at Stockholm University is part of the EU Horizon 2020 project Reaching Out. The project examines the origins and consequences of the EU’s Early Warning Systems in relation to notions of preemptive security, societal resilience and the attempted governing of risk.
Borg is the author of European Integration and the Problem of the State: A Critique of the Bordering of Europe (Palgrave 2015).His work has also appeared or is forthcoming in international peer-reviewed journals such asReview of International Studies,JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of International Relations and Development, Geopolitics, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies,Middle East Critique, and Global Affairs. In 2015, Borg was awarded the Swedish Political Science Association’s (SWEPSA) prize for Best Conference Paper presented by a younger scholar for a paper on genealogy in International Relations. In 2016, Borg won the International Studies Association (ISA) Human Rights’s section Best Paper Award for a paper on postfoundational rights claiming.
At the Department of Economic History,Borg has taught courses on International Relations theory, Security Studies, European Security, International Organizations, and social science methods. He has also supervised a large number of Bachelor’s theses. Currently, Borgis teaching the Department’s introductory course in IR (Fall 2017).
2015Borg, Stefan, European Integration and the Problem of the State: A Critique of the Bordering of Europe. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Reviewed in:
(1) London School of Economics, Review of Books, February 2016, see
(2) Global Affairs, 2(1), March 2016: 110-111, see DOI:10.1080/23340460.2016.1146509
(3) JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 55(4): 944-945, 2017.
2012Borg, Stefan,The Desire for Europe. European Integration and the Question of State Violence, doctoral dissertation, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University, Ann Arbor: ProQuest.
Refereed Journal Articles
ForthcomingBorg, Stefan, “Genealogy as Critique in International Relations.
Beyond the hermeneutics of baseless suspicion,” Journal of International Political Theory.
2017Borg, Stefan, “The Politics of Universal Rights Claiming: Secular and Sacred rights claiming in post-revolutionary Tunisia,” Review of International Studies43(3): 453-474.
2016Borg, Stefan, “The Arab Uprisings, the Liberal Civilizing Narrative and the Problem of Orientalism,” Middle East Critique 25(3): 211-227.
2016Borg, Stefan and Diez, Thomas, “Postmodern EU? Integration between Alternative Horizons and Territorial Angst,” JCMS:Journal of Common Market Studies 54(1): 136-151.
2014 Borg, Stefan, “Euro-Crafting at Border Zones: The case of the Greco-Turkish border and the question of a European Union ‘beyond the state,’”Geopolitics 19(3): 565-586.
2014Borg, Stefan, “European Integration and the Problem of the State: Universality, Particularity and Exemplarity in the Crafting of the European Union,” Journal of International Relations and Development 17(3): 339-366.
2014Helland-Figueroa, Leonardo and Borg, Stefan, “The Lure of State Failure: A Critique of State Failure Discourse in World Politics,”Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 16(6): 877-897.
Book Chapters
2012 Åhäll, Linda and Borg, Stefan, “Articulation, Predication, Subject Positioning: Discourse Analysis in Practice” in Shepherd, Laura J. (ed.) Critical Approaches to Security: Theories and Methods, London and New York: Routledge.
Forum SectionsBorg, Stefan and Niklas Bremberg,” Powerless EUrope?”, forthcoming in Global Affairs.
Book Reviews
2004 Borg, Stefan, “HenrikkiHeikka’s Grand Strategies and the Northern Dimension of European Security: Four Scenarios for 2010”, in Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 33(1): 190-192.
Other Publications
2015 Biscop, Sven and Borg, Stefan, “A New Concept for a New Neighbourhood”, The Arab Spring in Comparative Perspective, edited by SenénFlorensa, Barcelona: IEMed. European Institute of the Mediterranean.
2006Andersson, Jan Joel and Borg, Stefan, “One for all and all for one? The Nordic Battle Group”, Report to the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department of European Security Policy.
2006 Andersson, Jan Joel and Borg, Stefan, ”The Nordic Battlegroup: Time for Debate”, Internationella Studier, 2.
2005 Andersson, Jan Joel and Borg, Stefan, “Security and Defence in the Europe to Come: How should Sweden Position Itself?”, in JJ Andersson (ed.) Security and Defence in Europe: Consequences for Sweden, Stockholm: Swedish Institute of International Affairs.
Recent Conference Presentations
2017With Mark Rhinard, “Early Warning within the European Union”, invited talk at workshop on International Institutions, Law and Ethics, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science, 22 March 2017.
2016“Security and Early Warning Systems,” “The Digital is Political, Isn't It? Critical approaches to surveillance technologies and big data.” PRIO, Oslo, 22-23 November 2016.
2016“Security and Early Warning Systems.The European body and biopolitical legitimation,” the Annual Convention of the Swedish Political Science Association (SWEPSA), Visby, 19-21 October 2016.
2016“Security and Early Warning Systems.The European body and biopolitical legitimation.” Center for Advanced Security Theory, Department of Political Science, Copenhagen University, September 23, 2016.
2016 “The Politics of the Universal in Rights Claiming: Interrogating secular and sacred rights discourses in post-revolutionary Tunisia”, the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Atlanta, March 16-19 2016[Winner of the ISA Human Right's Section Best Paper Award].
2016With Bremberg, Niklas, “Powerless EUrope? EU’s response to the Arab uprisings and the question of how the EU exercises power in global politics”, the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Atlanta, March 16-19 2016.
2015With Bremberg, Niklas, “Ambiguous Power Europe: How the EU exercises power in global politics”, presented at the Workshop on Powerless Europe? Exploring the EU’s power towards the southern neighbourhood, 3-4 December 2015, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm [co-organizer of Workshop].
2015“Genealogy as Critique in IR”, presented at the Annual Convention of the Swedish Political Science Association (SWEPSA), Stockholm, 14-16 October 2015 [Winner of the Best Conference Paper Award].
2015With Diez, Thomas, “EU/PoMo: Integration Between Alternative Horizons and Territorial Angst”, presented at the Workshop on Dissident Voices in Theorising Europe, University of Kent, 26 January 2015.
2014With Diez, Thomas, “EU/PoMo: Critical Reflections on Discourse (and) Analysis in European Integration”, presented at theUACES 44th Annual Conference, Cork, Ireland, 1-3 September 2014.
2014With Diez, Thomas, “EU/PoMo: Critical Reflections on Discourse (and) Analysis in European Integration”, presented at the Workshop on Dissident Voices in Theorising Europe at theSecond European Workshop in International Studies (EWIS), Izmir, 21-24 May 2014.
2014“When is a Cigar just a Cigar? International governmentality studies and the hermeneutics of groundless suspicion”, presented at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Toronto, March 26-29, 2014.