1)400 must have words for the Toefl by Lynn Stafford-Yilmaz, Lawrence J. Zwier published by Mc Graw Hill
2)700 Classroom Activities by David Seymour , Maria Popova published by Macmillan Books for teachers
3)A basic English Grammar Exercises by J. Eastwood published by Oxford English
4)A Good Turn of Phrase- Advanced Practice in Phrasal Verbs and Prepositional Phrases by James Milton, Bill Blake, Virginia Evans, published by Express Publishing;
5)A modern course in English Syntax by Herman Wekker , LilianeHaegeman published by Routledge
6)A practical English Grammar A. J. Thomson , A. V. Martinet published by Oxford University Press
7)A Practical English Grammar Exercises 1,2 by A.J. Thomson published by Oxford University Press
8)Academic writing from paragraph to essay by Dorothy E. Zemach, Lisa A. Lumisek, published by Macmillan
9)Ace the IELTS by Simone Braverman
10)Ace the TOEFL Essay (Test of Written English) published by Tim Avants
11)Advanced Communication Games by Jill Hadfield, published by Nelson and Sons
12)Advanced English Practice by B. D. Graver published by Oxford University Press
13)Advanced Grammar In Use by Martin Hewings published by Cambridge University Press
14)Advanced Language Practice by Michael Vince published by Heinemann Elt
15)Advanced Practice Nursing by Joan M. Stanley published by F.A. Davis Company
16)All clear! Idioms in Context Second Edition by Helen Kalkstein Fragiadakis
17)Am I teaching well? by VesnaNikolic , Hanna Cabaj published by Pippin
18)Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching by Jack. C. Richards , Theodore S. Rodgers published by Cambridge Language Teaching Library
19)Barron’s -How to prepare for the Toefl Essay
20)Basic Comprehension Passages by Donn Byrne published by Longman
21)Basic English Grammar by Betty SchrampferAzar published by Longman
22)Basic English Grammar for English Language Learners- Book 1 by Anne Seaton and Y. H. Mew, published by Saddleback Educational Publishing
23)Basic English Grammar for English Language Learners- Book 2 by Howard Sargeant, published by Saddleback Educational Publishing
24)Basic English Usage by Michael Swan published by Oxford
25)Big Grammar Book Intermediate level by Matt Purland
26)Body parts for young learners
27)Business Basics by David Grant, Robert McLarty published by Oxford
28)Business Basics Workbook by David Grant, Robert McLarty published by Oxford
29)Business English Hotel and Catering by Alison Pohl, Nick Brieger Penguin Readers
30)Business English –Note de curs by NicoletaBotez published by Uz Intern Bacau 2002
31)Business English Verbs by David Evans, published by Penguin English
32)Business Letters For Busy People by John A. Carey published by National Press Publications
33)Business Venture 2 by Roger Bernard , Jeff Cady published by Oxford University Press
34) Business Vocabulary in Use by Bill Mascull published by Cambridge University Press
35)Business Vocabulary in Use- Elementary by Bill Mascull published by Cambridge University Press
36)Caiet de exercitii –Everyday English- Elementary
37)Cambridge Certificate Of Proficiency in English 1 published by Cambridge Examinations Publishing
38)Cambridge IELTS 1 by Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations English for Speakers Of Other Languages published by Cambridge University Press
39)Cambridge IELTS 2 by Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations English for Speakers of Other Languages published by Cambridge University Press
40)Cambridge IELTS 4 by Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations English for Speakers Of Other Languages published by Cambridge University Press
41)Cambridge IELTS 5 by Examinations papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations English for Speakers Of Other Languages published by Cambridge University Press
42)Cambridge IELTS 6 by Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations English for Speakers of Other Languages published by Cambridge University Press
43)Cambridge Practice Tests for Ielts 1 by Vanessa Jakeman Clare McDowell published by Cambridge University Press
44)Check your English Vocabulary for Leisure ,Travel and Tourism by Rawdon Wyatt, published by A&C Black.London
45)Check your vocabulary for English for the IELTS Examination a Workbook for Students by Rawdon Wyatt published by Peter Collin Publishing
46)Classroom management that works by Robert J. Marzano , Jana S. Marzano , Debra J. Pickering published by ASCD
47)College Writing- A personal approach to academic writing by Toby Fulwiler, published by Heinemann
48)Collins Picture Dictionary for Young Learners by Andrew Wright published by Collins ELT London and Glasgow
49)Colloquial English- A Complete English Language Course By Gareth King, published by Routledge Taylor and Francis Group-London and York
50)Communication Skills published by Fergson
51)Conversation Power –Communications Skills For Business and Personal Success by James K. Van Fleet published by A Nightingale-Conant Production
52)CPE Practice Tests by Mark Harrison published by Oxford
53)Dictionary Of Financial and Business Terms by Lico Reis published by ConsultonaLinguas
54)Dictionary of Leisure, Travel and Tourism published by A&C Black.London
55)Elementary Language Practice by Michael Vince with Kevin McNicholas published by Macmillan
56)English Business Letters by F. W. King, D. Ann Cree published Longman
57)English File Test Booklet 1 by Julia Starr Keddle published by Oxford University Press
58)English for Accounting by Evan Frendo& Sean Mahoney, published by Oxford University Press
59)English for Business Communication by Simon Sweeney published by Cambridge University Press
60)English for Business Studies by Ian MacKenzie published by Cambridge Professional English
61)English for Engineering by LacramioaraRades published by EdituraTehnica
62)English for International Tourism by IwonnaDubicka , Margaret O’Keeffe published by Longman
63)English for Technical Students by David Bonamy published by Longman
64)English For Work –Everyday Business English by Ian Badger published by Longman
65)English for Work –Everyday Business English by IanBadger published by Longman
66)English Grammar
67)English Grammar by Collin Cobuild published by Collins
68)English Grammar by ConstantinPaidos published by Polirom
69)English Grammar for ESL Learners by Ed Swick published by McGraw Hall
70)English Grammar for the Utterly Confused by Laurie Rozakis, Ph. D. published by McGraw Hill
71)English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy published by Cambridge University Press
72)Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises by Helen Naylor , Raymond Murphy published by Cambridge University Press
73)English Grammar Workbook for Dummies by Geraldine Woods published by Wiley Publishing
74)English Grammar-Theory and Practice by ConstantinPaidos published by Polirom
75)English Idioms-Exercises on Idioms by Jennifer Seidl published by Oxford English
76)English on Business- Practical English for International Executives by Gerald Lees and Tony Thorne published by Chancerel
77)English Vocabulary in Use Elementary by Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell published by Cambridge University Press
78)English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate & intermediate by Stuart Redman published by Cambridge University Press
79)English Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate & advanced by Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell published by Cambridge University Press
80)Enterprise Student`s Book-Grammar 4 by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley published by Express Publishing
81)Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises by Helen Naylor , Raymond Murphy published by Cambridge University Press
82)Exam Success in only 6 steps! By Elizabeth Chesla published by Learning Express
83)Exercitii de gramaticaengleza by Georgiana Galateanu published by Albatros
84) Expectations and Demands in Online Teaching by Sorin Walter Gudeapublishe by Information Science Publishing
85)Financial English by Ian MacKenzie published by Thomson Heinle
86)Financial Risk Manager Handbook by Philippe Jorion published by Risk Management Library
87)First Certificate Gold by Richard Acklam, Sally Burgess published by Longman
88)First Certificate in English 1,2 by Official examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations published by Cambridge Books for Cambridge Exams
89)First Certificate in English 3 published by Cambridge Books for Cambridge Exams
90)First Certificate Language Practice by Michael Vince, Paul Emmerson published by Macmillan
91)First Certificate Practice Tests plus 1 by N. Kenny, L. Luque Mortimer published by Longman
92)First Insights into Business –Workbook by Kevin Manton, published by Longman
93)Focus on Advanced English C.A.E Grammar Practice by Richard Walton published by Longman
94)Focus on Advanced English C.A.E Sb+Tb+CD by Mark Foley and Russell Whitehead published by Longman
95)From Old English to Standard English- A course book in language variation across time by Dennis Freeborn, published by Macmillan
96)GramaticaLimbiiEngleze by ConstantinPaidos published by Institutul European Iasi
97)Grammar & Vocabulary Practice Upper Intermediate-B2 by H. Q. Mitchell published by mm publications
98)Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency by Richard Side, Guy Wellman published by Longman
99)Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy , Roann Altman published by Cambridge University Press
100)Grammar Practice For Elementary Students by Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworthpublishd by Longman
101)Grammar Practice For Intermediate Students by Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth published by Longman
102)Grammar Practice For Pre-Intermediate Students by Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth published by Longman
103)Grammar Practice For Upper Intermediate Students by Elaine Walker , Steve Elsworth published by Longman
104)Grammar Practice in Context by David Bolton , Noel Goodey published by Richmond Publishing
105)Grammarway 1,2,3,4 by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley published by Express Publishing
106)GRE CAT Answers to the Real Essay Questions by Mark Alan Stewart published by Thomson Arco
107)Handbook for Small Business Management and Planning Series by David W. Anderson published by Cape Cod Score
108)How To Prepare for IELTS speaking published by English Language Centre
109)How to sell Yourself by Arch Lustberg published by Career Press
110)Idioms Organiser by John Wright published by Thomson Heinle
111)IELTS Masterclass by Simon Haines, Peter May published by Oxford University Press
112)International Legal English by Amy Krois Linder published by Cambridge University Press
113)Legal English by William R. Mckay , Helen E. Charlton published by Longman
114)LimbaEngleza-Bacalaureat 2004 by Arina-Liana Susan published by Corint
115)Longman English Grammar Practice for Intermediate students by L. G. Alexander published by Longman
116)Market Leader Banking and Finance- Business English by Christine Johnson published by Longman
117)Market Leader Course Book Pre-Intermediate Business English by David Cotton , David Falvey , Simon Kent published by Longman
118)Market Leader Course Book Intermediate Business English by David Cotton , David Falvey, Simon Kent published by Longman
119)Market Leader Course Book+CD Advanced Business English by John Rogers published by Longman
120)Medical English by Ramon Ribes , Pablo R. Ros published by Springer
121)Medicine by Paul D. Chan, Peter J. Winkle published Current Clinical Strategies Publishing
122)New English File Elementary Book by Clive Oxenden , Christina Latham-Koenig , Paul Seligson , Jane Hudson published by Oxford
123)New English File Elementary Test Booklet by Clive Oxenden , Christina Latham-Koenig , Paul Seligson , Jane Hudson published by Oxford
124)New English File Elementary Work Book by Clive Oxenden , Christina Latham-Koenig , Paul Seligson , Jane Hudson published by Oxford
125)New English File Elementary Multi-Rom
126)New English File Intermediate by Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig published by Oxford
127)New English File Intermediate Test Booklet by Lara Storton published by Oxford
128)New English File Intermediate Workbook by Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Tracy Byrne published by Oxford
129)New English File Intermediate Workbook Key by Clive Oxenden , Christina Latham-Koenig, Tracy Byrne published by Oxford
130)New English File Pre-Intermediate by Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson published by Oxford
131)New English File Upper Intermediate Workbook Key by Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Jane Hudson pubished by Oxford
132)New English File Upper-Intermediate Student’s Book by Clive Oxenden , Christina Latham-Koenig published by Oxford
133)New Headway Advanced Student’s Book by Liz and John Soars published by Oxford
134)New Headway Pre-intermediate Workbook with Key by John and Liz Soars , Sylvia Wheeldon published by Oxford
135)New International Business English –Tests with Answers
136)New Insights into Business- Student’s book+ CD by Graham Tullis and Tonya Trappe, published by Longman
137)New Perspectives On Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classrooms by Eli Hinkel , Sandra Fotos published by Lawrence EribaumAssocites Inc., Publishers
138)Opportunities Pre-Intermediate by Michael Dean published by Longman
139)Oxford Practice Grammar by John Eastwood published by Oxford University Press
140)Persuasive Business Proposal by Tom Sant published by Amacom
141)Phrasal Verbs and Idioms by Peter Dainty
142)Picture Dictionary for Young Learners by Andrew Wright published by Collins Elt London and Glasgow
143)Pictures Of English Tenses Level 1 Elementary by Mark Fletcher , Richard Munns published by English Experience
144)Professional English Accounting by Alison Pohl published by Penguin English Guides
145)Professional English Business General by Steve Flinders published by Penguin Books
146)Professional English Law by Nick Brieger published by Penguin English Guides
147)Professional English Management by Simon Sweeney published by Penguin Books
148)Professional English Marketing by Simon Sweeney published by Penguin Books
149)Psychology –A self teaching Guide by Frank J. Bruno, Ph. D. published by John Wiley & Sons , Inc.
150)Quick medical terminology- a self-teaching guide by Shirley Soltesz Steiner, R.N., M.S., published by John Whiley & Sons
151)Reading and Writing Targets 3 Students Book by Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans published by Express Publishing
152)Reading and Writing Targets Teacher’s Book 1,2,3 by Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans published by Express Publishing
153)Schaum’s QuickGuide to Writing Great Essays by Molly McClain and Jacqueline D. Roth, published by McGraw-Hill
154)Skills For Successful Teaching by Barbara Allman, Sara Freeman, Jeffrey Owen, Sally Palow, Vicky Shiotsu published by McGraw Hill Children’s Publishing
155)Successful Writing Intermediate by Virginia Evans published by Express Publishing
156)Successful Writing Proficiency by Virginia Evans published by Express Publishing
157)Successful Writing Proficiency Teacher’s Book by Virginia Evans published by Express Publishing
158)Successful Writing Upper-Intermediate by Virginia Evans published by Express Publishing
159)Teaching Academic ESL Writing by Eli Hinkel published by ESL & Aplied Linguistics Professional Series
160)Teaching and Learning Vocabulary by Elfrieda H. Hiebert , Michael L.Kamil published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers
161)Teaching English Spelling by Ruth Shemesh , Sheila Waller published by Cambridge University Press
162)Teaching English to Children by Wendy A. Scott , Lisabeth H. Ytreberg published by Longman
163)Telephone English by John Hughes published by Macmillan
164)Telephoning in English Second Edition by B. Jean Naterop , Rod Revell published by Cambridge Professional English
165)Telephoning in English Third Edition by B. Jean Naterop, Rod Revell published by Cambridge Professional English
166)TeoflCbt by Michael A. Pyle
167)Test Bank For Basic English Grammar by Helene Rubinstein Pitzer published by Prentice Hall Regents
168)Test Booklet Upstream Pre-Intermediate by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley published by Express Publshing
169)Test Of Written English
170)Test your Business English General Usage by J. S. McKellen published by Penguin Books
171)Test your English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate by Stuart Redman , Ruth Gairns published by Cambridge University Press
172)Test your English Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate by Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell published by Cambridge University Press
173)Test Your Pronunciation by Michael Vaughan published by Penguin English Guides
174)Teste de limbaEngleza by Cristina Nechifor published by Humanitas Educational
175)The Cambridge IELTS Course by Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell published by Cambridge Examinations Publishing
176)The Grammar of English Grammars by Goold Brown published by Manybooks.net
177)Teofl Computer-Based Test by Michael A. Pyle
178)Toefl Exam Essential published by Learning Express
179)Topics in English Linguistics by Bernd Kortmann , Elizabeth ClossTraugott
180)Tourism 1 SB+CD- Oxford English for Careers by Robin Walker and Keith Harding, published by Oxford University Press
181)Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Azar published by Longman
182)Vocabulary Basics for Business by Barbara G. Cox, Ph. D. published by Prentice Hall
183)Vocabulary Building by Jo Ann Gordon published by Super Duper Publications
184)Writing Skills by SamvelKarapetyan published by Lingua Yerevan 2006
185)Young Learners English- Flyers –Information for Candidates published by University of Cambridge ESOL Exminations