Please complete and return this form within 60 days after the end of the grant period. Report must be filed with the Horseshoe Foundation of Floyd County to be eligible for future funding. (You may also download this form at our website:

Grant #: ______Grant amount: ______

Name of organization: ______

Street Address: ______

City/State/Zip Code: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Program Director's name: ______

Date report completed: ______

1. GENERAL INFORMATION: Provide a description of the grant purpose, results achieved, number of persons served, what effect it has had on the recipients of the service, and the effect on your organization and the broader community. Include the single most notable accomplishment. Attach a budget as of how the funds were expended and copies of receipts for all purchases.

2. COMMENTS which you would like to add relative to the grant application/award.

3. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: Please submit with this report the following listed material:

  • Samples of publicity/articles, programs, press coverage and other such documentation.
  • Sample of finished product, i.e. book, CD or video material (if a part of this grant); and
  • One or two photograph(s) - on disc or emailed of grant related activities (please identify any people/activities that are pictured and photographers who should be given credit and have permission for us to use the photographs in our publications).

Note: The completion of the Grant Report is an important element of the Horseshoe Foundation of Floyd County grants program. It not only provides an assessment and accounting of the grant to the Foundation's Board of Directors and Grants Committee, but it also provides data which enables the Foundation to continually monitor the effectiveness of its grants program in relation to its stated goals. Reports are shown to the Board. Members appreciate an attractive final report. The timely completion of this Grant Report Form is required as part of the Grant Award Agreement that you signed. Questions can be directed to Jerry Finn, Executive Director at

812-945-4332. Completed reports should be mailed or delivered to:

Horseshoe Foundation of Floyd County, 33 State Street, Ste. 344, New Albany, Indiana 47150.