English ______
6th grade
Mr. Kowalick ______
Plot Analysis: Answer each question by writing complete and correct sentences.
Be prepared to share your responses and support your opinions by citing textual evidence.
(CCSS Listening & Speaking 6.1 - 6.4; 6.6 / CCSS Language 6.2 – 6.5)
Chapter 5 (For questions that ask you to “list”, do not write a complete sentence; just write the answer.)
1. The title of Chapter 5 is what type of figurative language? ______
(CCSS Language 6.5)
2. Explain the meaning of this example of figurative language (answer to No. 1).
(CCSS Language 6.4, 6.5)
3. How is the title important to the plot of Chapter 5? ______
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.2, 6.5; Writing 6.1, 6.4; Language 6.4, 6.5)
4. Read the first paragraph of Chapter 5. What two types of figurative language do you find in this paragraph? ______
(CCSS Language 6.5)
5. Explain where Max goes after the Fair Gwen “rescues” Kevin from the previous chapter? Explain using details the a) physical place and b) the symbolic place.
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.4, 6.5; Language 6.5)
6. Describe Max’s grandmother. Include her a) physical traits and b) character traits based on textual evidence.
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6)
7. Why did Gwen call Gram? Explain a) what Gwen said when she called, b) how she felt.
a) ______
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6)
8. What relationship did Gwen have with Max’s mother? ______
(CCSS Reading 6.1)
9. What was Max’s grandmother’s real first name? ______
(CCSS Reading 6.1)
10. What happened that changed the relationship between Gwen and Max’s mother?
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.3)
11. What is a “tenement”? Look up the word and think about how it is used and other clues within the plot. Then answer the question intelligently.
(CCSS Informational Reading 6.7; Language 6.4)
12. Define “spastic”:______
13. Why is Max troubled for being the “spitting image” of his father?
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.3, 6.5)
14. Why does the narrator (Max) describe the hot dog and potato salad dinner using so much detail? Why was having dinner with at Gwen’s house so special to him?
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.3, 6.5)
15. At the end of Chapter 5, Max is lying in his bed… “crying like a baby. And the weird thing is I’m happy.” Why would such a happy time and experience cause Max to cry?
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.3, 6.5)
16. Define “regurgitate” in one word. First find the word in the chapter and analyze how it is used, then look it up and write the correct word. ______
(CCSS Reading 6.4; Language 6.5)
Chapter 6
17. Examine the title of Chapter 6. This title is both an allusion and a pun (play on words). To what popular movie is the title an allusion? (ask an adult for help J)
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.2, 6.5; Language 6.4, 6.5)
18. What genre is the novel Freak the Mighty, and how can you tell? Express both answers using only one complete sentence. ______
(CCSS Reading 6.9)
19. On page 29 the narrator (Max) says, “…he’s at least seventeen and he’s already been to juvy court three, four times.” What exactly is he saying about Tony D?
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.3)
20. Explain how Tony D. got the sobriquet “Blade”? ______
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.3)
21. Define “cretin”: ______
22. Freak sees more than ordinary fireworks in the sky. Explain what else he sees in the sky during the fireworks display. Be specific.
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.4, 6.5; Language 6.5)
23. What happened in Chapter 6 that was foreshadowed by the picture on the novel’s cover?
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.3)
Chapter 7
24. What animal personality has Max assumed on page 35 of Chapter 7?
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.4, 6.5; Language 6.5)
25. What simile does Max use to describe how Blade and his gang run away from the cops (page 39)? Copy the entire citation using quotation marks.
(CCSS Reading 6.1; Language 6.5)
26. What is Max’s father’s real name and what is his alias (nickname)? ______
(CCSS Reading 6.1)
27. How did Max’s father get that nickname? Think about everything you’ve read in the story up to this point and be specific.
(CCSS Reading 6.1)
28. What happened in this chapter that gives insight into the meaning of the novel’s title?
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.2, 6.5; Writing 6.1, 6.4; Language 6.4, 6.5)
29. One of the police officers looks at Max in a peculiar way. Why? ______
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.3)
30. Who is “Freak the Mighty”? ______
(CCSS Reading 6.1, 6.3)