2015/2016 Important Dates

Coaches Training- Thursday, October 29th or Saturday, October31st

First practice: Week of November 9th

Parent Meeting: End of First Practice on November 9th or 10th
Thanksgiving Break: No practices the week of November 23rd

First Basketball Game: Friday/Saturday, December 11th and 12th

Christmas Break: December 21stto January 3rd(No practices)

Picture day: Friday/Saturday, January 22nd / 23rd

Week Night games: Weeks of January11th and January 25th

“ROAR Day” at Winthrop Men’s Basketball Game: TBD

“End of Season” Bash”:After each game on February 5th/6th

Final game: Friday/Saturday, February 5th and 6th

ROAR Basketball Manual

Welcome to ROAR Youth Basketball!

Dear Basketball Coaches,

Welcome to another season of ROAR Basketball. We are very excited to have you as part of our ROAR coaching staff.

ROAR is an outreach program whose main purpose is to share the good news of Jesus Christ through our involvement in the community. The impact of ROAR does not come from what we do in the office but from your involvement with the kids on the field. We thank you for taking the time to spend with them. Whether you are teaching children rules about the sportor talking to parents after a game, you are showingthe love of Christ to these precious families.

Please make sure to read this manual all the way through. In this manual you will get information on:

  • Pillars and Philosophy of ROAR
  • K-Ball Rules
  • Prep League Rules
  • NCAA League Rules
  • NBA/WNBA League Rules
  • Practice Information
  • Game Information
  • Referee Information/Description of Defense
  • Coaches Information
  • “End of Year” Bash
  • Your Testimony
  • Important Dates

We thank you again for all your of hard work and love!!


Brent Williams, ROAR DirectorLulu Merrill, Assistant ROAR Director

Email: mail:

Office: 803-366-7627

ROAR Mission and Vision Statements

Mission Statement: To Glorify God and see lives transformed by Christ through sports.

Vision Statement: To reach, make, and train people of York County to become disciples by building relationships and sharing the gospel through sports and summer camps.

Our Mission Statement is accomplished through:

  • Prayer
  • Building relationships
  • Devotions

Philosophy (Pillars of ROAR Sports)

Mission Field

“So God created man in His own image...” Genesis 1:27

People are valued not because of their performance, title, role, etc. but because they are made in the image of God.

ROAR Sports is a league of encouragement. The greatest way to motivate is to affirm and encourage children for the effort they are putting forth. Yelling and screaming at kids is demoralizing and poorly represents Christ. You can ruin your testimony, as well as ROAR’s, with one simple word or tone of voice. Please keep the precious ears of your players on your mind and heart. Every child is of equal value regardless of his or her athletic ability. We want to assure children and their parents that their child will get equal playing time even if their skills are less than that of their teammates.

Equal Playing Time

All players get equal playing time on the court. Please insure that you keep up with those who sit out so that everyone has equal playing time.

Prayer before and after Game Starts

Both teams will meet at the center court to start the game off with prayer. The home team will lead prayer. Please pray for safety, unity, great time, and of course, fun!

The Other Team is NOT the Enemy

We want to have a field full of encouragement and good timesso please remind your players that the other team is not bad. If there is a situation with a parent/coach or a foul that you think a player on the other team is committingplease follow the steps below:

  1. Call a time out and ask the other coach to step to the side. Without involving any other parents, coaches, or players, talk over what concerns you have and come up with an agreement on what actions need to be taken.
  2. If the same issue arises after this conversation, call for a time out, ask the coach to step to the side, and call over Brent, Lulu, or a Commissioner to help with the situation.
  3. If the first two steps cannot resolve the situation, either the player, parent, or coach will be asked to sit out for the rest of the game or leave the fields.

Relationships and Representation

Relationships are the key to influence. All of our coaches represent ROAR as a whole. We ask that you remember that you are representing God, an organization, and your family. We encourage you to know your players and their parents and allow them get to know you. Show them that you care and want to help in any way you can. The more you can interact with the kids and their parents the greater opportunities you will have to make an impact. Make sure you have a parents’ meeting at the first practice and use the rosters prepared for them with parent’s names as well as the names of the children participating. This will help to facilitate relationships among the parents.

Teachable Moments

Teachable moments are those times when you are in the middle of practice or a game and your team/player is actually feeling the results of sin in sports. This is a great time to teach character issues. Take a time out or pull a child to the side if he/she is:

  • Frustrated about losing
  • Rubbing it in to other players if winning
  • Upset about teammates not passing the ball
  • Not sharing the ball with others

These are moments where you can encourage the child (or the parent) in grace and wisdom.


Competition is everywhere. We believe that competition is not sinful at all, but problems can arise when your team starts losing or a child is not listening. ROAR holds our coaches accountable for their actions so we encourage you to take time to pray and think through before you act on feelings of frustration and anger.


Every practice includes a 10 minute devotional that can be done with your team before or after practice. We have prepared some devotionals that can be found in the devotionals section of your coach’s notebook. 3D-Devotionals include a skill that is introduced in practice and then applied to the devotion. It is VERY IMPORTANT for you to review your devotional before practice to get an idea of how to relate the skill and devotional. We also encourage you to invite parents to the devotion so that they too can hear the Word as their children hear it.


We want kids to have fun AND to develop good habits for the future. Additionally, it is our goal to create a safe environment in which we can develop children in their skills. To this end, we encourage your consistency with rules at all times. For example: If a player does not throw a ball in correctly, you do not have to give it over to the other team but rather have the playerthrow in again while you explain the correct technique.

ROAR 2015/2016 Youth BASKETBALL Rules

ROAR Basketball League is divided into 4 Divisions:

K-Ball (5K) Boys and Girls combined

  • 6 teams with 10 per team
  • 5 on 5
  • Playing Cross Court with 7.5’ Goals
  • Play with Junior Size Ball (27.5)
  • Play zone defense in the designated “boxed” area (Look at Description of Defense)
  • Two 20-Minute Half’s with 30 seconds to switch players
  • 3 minute break
  • One Coach will referee on the court from each team
  • Games will be on Saturday Mornings at Westminster Church either at 8:30 or 9:30

Prep (1st-2nd) Boys and Girls combined

  • 8 teams with 10 per team
  • 5 on 5
  • Playing Cross Court with 7.5’ Goals
  • Play with Junior Size Ball (27.5)
  • Play zone defense in the designated “boxed” area (Look at Description of Defense)
  • Two 20-Minute Half’s with 30 seconds to switch players
  • 3 minute break
  • One Coach will referee on the court from each team
  • Games will be on Saturday Mornings at Westminster Church either at 9:30, 10:30, or 11:30

NCAA (3rd-4th) Boys and Girls combined

  • 6 teams with 10 per team
  • 5 on 5
  • Playing Cross Court with 8.5’ Goals
  • Will play with Intermediate Basketballs (28.5’)
  • Any style of defense inside boxed “half court” area lines extends from top of box to side lines basically forming a half court defense situation.
  • Two 20-Minute Half’s with 30 seconds to switch players
  • 3 minute break
  • Paid Referee’s will be provided (If no referee, we will ask coaches to step in)
  • Games will be on Friday Nights at First Baptist Church either at 6:00pm or 7:00pm

NBA/WNBA (5th- 6th Graders) Boys and Girls separated

  • 4 teams (in NBA and WNBA) with 10 per team
  • 5 on 5
  • Playing Full Court with Regulation Size Goals
  • NBA will play with Full Size Basketballs and WNBA will play with 28.5 Basketballs
  • Any style defense the coach would like to choose (Look at Description of Defense)
  • Two 20-Minute Half’s with free substitution on dead balls
  • 3 minute break
  • Paid Referee’s will be provided (If no referee, we will ask coaches to step in)
  • Games will be on Saturday Mornings at First Baptist Church at 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00

Description of Defensive

  • Prep League must play zone defense in the designated “boxed” area.
  • NCAA League play any style of defense inside boxed “half court” area lines extends from top of box to side lines basically forming a half court defense situation.
  • NBA/WNBA Leagues cannot full court press at all during the game. If the game is within 10 points, you will be allowed to half court press in the second half. If your team is not winning by 10 points or more you can play any style of half-court defense you want. If your team is winning by 10 points or more, your defense may not go past the 3 point arch.


K-Ball,Prep and NCAA League

  • Home Team is responsible for Opening Prayer at beginning of game and will start with the ball on their end of the court. The Away team will start with the ball after half time.
  • Games are schedule one hour apart and teams will have times to warm-up prior to the beginning of the game. All games will start on time and run off the same clock.
  • A 5 minute warning horn will be blown to get coaches ready to play ball and to get both teams to the middle of the court for prayers. It is the coach’s responsibility to get the team ready for the start of the game.
  • Substitution: No Substitutions during play is allowed but only if there is a hurt player. The horn will sound every 5 minutes for players to switch. All players on the bench must come in to play with equal playing time being encouraged
  • Direction of play will be towards the same goal for the WHOLE game (no switching sides)
  • When the time runs out and the horn sounds, the half is over.
  • Playing time are two (2) 20-minute halves (running clock) with a 3-minute half-time.
  • Please use the provided “ROAR Rotation Worksheet” to ensure equal playing time
  • No three-second violation in the key or defensive zone
  • 30 seconds will be rewarded between substitutions at 5 minute marks
  • On a shooting foul, the player will be awarded two shots (clock does not stop)
  • All made shots will be counted as two (2); No three (3) point shots

**All coaches are responsible for parents who are getting out of line, cursing, arguing, or fighting. Gym supervisor has right to ask any parent to leave the gym.


  • Home Team is responsible for Opening Prayer at beginning of game
  • Games are scheduled one hour apart and teams will have time to warm-up prior to the beginning of the game. All games will start on time.
  • A warning horn will be blow to get coaches ready to play ball and to pray in the middle of the court. It is the coach’s responsibility to get the team ready for the start of the game.
  • Substitutions will be allowed at any point of the game and at the discretion of the coach. ALL PLAYERS SHOULD BE PLAYED EQUALLY THROUGH THE GAME.

Substitution Rules

  1. All players who would like to enter into the game must report to center court table to “check in” to indicate to the scoring official that they would like to enter. Players are not allowed to run on the court from bench
  2. Once the current play stops (ball goes out of bounds, or a foul), then you will be allowed to enter the game.
  • Playing time for NBA/WNBA are two (2) 20-minute halves (running clock) with a 3-minute half-time.
  • One (1)- 30 Second Time-Out in the first half and Two (2)- 30 Second Time-Out in the second half will be rewarded to each team for the whole game. Only the coach is allowed to call a time out. The coach is only allowed to call a timeout when his/her team has possession of the ball or on dead ball situations (when play has stopped i.e. out of bounds, fouls…..).
  • When ball is entered onto the court, the player will have 15 seconds to get the ball past half court.
  • Please use the provided “ROAR Rotation Worksheet” to ensure equal playing time. Available at Coaches Training and Games
  • No three-second violation in the key or defensive zone
  • On a shooting foul, the player will be awarded two shots (Clock will stop for 10 second to set up)
  • All Court Goals will be counted as two (2); Three (3) point shots are awarded
  • The clock will only stop on time outs
  • When one team with 7 fouls, will go into one in one shot. When one team has 10 fouls, they get two shots automatically.
  • Technical fouls can be given in this league to players and coaches. Technical fouls will be given if there is cursing, fighting, arguing with referee, or if gym supervisor feels it is an unsafe environment. A player or coach who receives a technical foul will need to sit down on the bench. If a player or coach receives two technical fouls will need to leave the game/gym. Game will not resume until this happens. The other team will be awarded two shots if Technical foul is give to the other team. **All coaches are responsible for parents who are getting out of line, cursing, arguing, or fighting. Gym supervisor has right to ask any parent to leave the gym.
  • When inbounding the ball, players must remain stationary. They cannot run the baseline or sideline when they are passing the ball in.


K-Ball and Prep League

One coach from each team will referee the game. ONLY ONE COACH FROM EACH TEAM IS ALLOWED ON THE FLOOR AT A TIME AND MUST HAVE A WHISTLE!!!! The Assistant or another adult will be on the bench teaching and help keep with substitutions.

Coaches will need to be encouraged to call all appropriate fouls on both teams to promote a learning of the game. In the K-Ball and Prep Divisions, some flexibility may be given, but special attention must be observed and called for players who: 1) foul and 2) in “out-of- bounds” situations. The use of the whistle to stop the game should be used appropriately to teach players, especially in the Prep and NCAA Divisions.

The coaches on the floor are also the ref for both teams. The two refs must work together at calling fouls and violations for both teams. If only one ref is calling fouls parents will tend to get upset at that coach, please work together to control the game especially the first few games. Any shooting foul should result in a free throw situation I know it wastes time but it is a huge part of basketball. All violations should be taken out of bounds nearest the violation there is no “taking it from the top”, also if the ball goes out of bounds there is no “play on” the ball must be thrown in at this point. Please adhere to the following league specific guidelines per division:

K-Ball– 50% coach 50% ref you will spend most of your time keeping kids in the box. It is important to stress defense in the box at your first practices and you MUST be very strict on this rule especially the first few games. Please encourage players to dribble and if you notice a player taking advantage of the double dribble or walking rule please “call it” your options are to give him or her the ball back after explain what they did wrong or if it persists you must call it and penalize the player by giving the ball to the other team.

Prep – 25% coach 75% ref (please wear the ref shirts provided by ROAR) this is where it gets hard but you must be strict with the rules starting with game one. You must call walks, double dribbles, and all fouls. It is okay at the first game or two to give the ball back to the player after the violation but I would say at game 3 the ball gets turned over to the other team. We really want to stress proper basketball play. I know it’s hard I’ve done it, but you must do our best to work with the other ref to make it as much like basketball as possible.