COMPANY NAME: Insert Company Name




29529 COUNTY ROAD 561


The School Board of Lake County, located in Tavares, Florida, solicits your company to submit a bid on our Bid #3210BB – Fire Suppression Cleaning, Testing, and Inspection

All terms and conditions below are a part of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) and no bids will be accepted unless the vendor complies with all conditions required herein. Rights are reserved by the School Board of Lake County to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive all technicalities and award in the best interest of the Board. The Board does not sign contract forms provided by vendors. The bid, request for proposal, or invitation to negotiate with the vendor’s signature will constitute an offer to sell to the Board under the stated terms and conditions. From the notice of publication until 72 hours after the posting of the recommendation of award only the Purchasing Department should be contacted concerning any questions concerning this bid. No other employee, officer, staff or agent of the School Board should be contacted during this period. All questions/concerns shall be directed, in writing, to:

Bibi Boodram, Assistant Purchasing Agent


Fax: 352-742-8516

Address: 29529 CR 561

Tavares, Florida 32778

1.  BIDDERS RESPONSIBILITY: Before submitting their bid proposal, each bidder is required to carefully examine the invitation to bid specifications and to completely familiarize themselves with all of the terms and conditions that are contained within this bid. Ignorance on the part of the bidder will in no way relieve them of any of the obligations and responsibilities, which are a part of this bid.

2.  SCOPE OF WORK AND SPECIFICATIONS: The intent of this ITB is to establish firm bid prices for routine service of fire suppression inspection, hood cleaning and hydrostatic testing, in accordance with all terms, conditions, and specifications listed and described in the body of these specifications, to be used as needed, by the School Board.

A.  Annual Inspection & Annual/Bi-Annual Cleaning: Provide required annual inspections and annual/bi-annual cleaning, and 12-year hydrostatic testing per NFPA Chapter 7, of the various fire suppression systems for Lake County Schools. There currently are 45 locations with a total of 58 hood suppression systems within the county that need inspections during the months of June and December and cleaning will be done after school hours. These systems are comprised of four (4) manufacturers to include: Ansul; Range Guard; Pyro Chem; and Kidde.

B.  Sign-In / Sign Out: The successful bidder’s personnel shall be required to sign-in and sign-out at each district office/school office upon arrival. It shall be the successful bidder’s responsibility to contact each site and schedule dates and times for the inspections and hydrostatic testing. Contact information will be provided after award. Hood cleanings shall be scheduled through the Lake County Schools Food Service Department. Fire Suppression Inspections shall be scheduled through the Lake County Schools Maintenance Department and or designee.

C.  Material Safety Data Sheets: The Manufacturer, Importer, or Distributor of a toxic substance shall provide one (1) material safety data sheet with his bid. Awarded Vendor must supply four (4) additional copies of the material safety data sheets before contract is executed. If the content of an MSDS is revised, the successful bidder is required to submit the revised MSDS to Lake County School Board designee. (Under provisions of Florida’s Right-To-Know law, Chapter 442, Florida Statues)

D.  Inspection: All services performed under the terms of this agreement shall comply with the regulations of the NFPA 1, NFPA 17, NFPA 17A, NFPA 96, FSS 633, and FSR 4A-21. Guidelines established by manufacturer and the NFPA shall be followed during the inspection. Inspections shall be performed every six months for all fire suppression systems. All inspections will be completed by successful bidder. Successful bidder shall not use subcontractors to inspect fire extinguishers or chemical extinguishing systems. If successful vendor hires subcontractors for cleanings see section for ASSIGNMENT included in this document. Inspections must be performed by awarded vendor.

E.  Fire Suppression Inspection Procedures:

1.  The contractor shall insure that each Fire Suppression system conforms to, and remains in accordance with the following, where applicable.

A.  NFPA 17, Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems.

B.  NFPA 17A, Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems.

C.  NFPA 96, Standard for Vapor Removal from Cooking Equipment.

D.  Manufacturer’s instruction manuals and all applicable addenda.

2.  All applicable local and state codes and standards.

3.  Inspection reports shall be signed by the Lake County School Board’s Maintenance Department (or designee) to ensure payment.

4.  The discharge piping shall be checked for obstructions.

5.  Seal wire on pull rings of the manual release lever shall be checked.

6.  The cable pull-handle shall be checked and replaced as needed.

7.  All fusible links on the system shall be replaced with links of the same rating.

8.  The contractor shall place a tag on the system indicating an inspection was performed. If deficiencies exist with the system that prevents its proper operation, the contractor shall write “See Report” on the tag and attach a report describing the deficiencies of the system.

9.  The contractor shall provide a proposal to correct deficiency found. Attached to the proposal shall be the manufacturer’s requirement and code violation (where applicable) for the cited deficiencies.

10.  All Suppressions are required to be inspected every six (6) months.

F.  Hood-Cleaning Procedures: Cleaning of existing hoods and filters shall be performed on an annual/bi-annual basis, per NFPA 96, by successful bidder. Cleaning with hazardous chemicals shall be done in accordance with manufacturer instructions. Scheduling of cleaning shall be done with the Lake County Schools Food Service Department. Cleaning of equipment during hours for serving of food preparation will NOT be permitted. All Exhaust Hood Systems are to be cleaned annually and the belts are to be changed. Additionally cleaning may be done at the schools direction with payment for the extra service.

1.  Protective covers (tarps/plastic sheets) shall be used to cover the stoves/ovens/food service equipment located below and around the hood area. These covers shall keep these items from being contaminated during this cleaning operation.

2.  All filters in hood system shall be removed from the hood and placed outside for cleaning.

3.  All filters shall be properly cleaned to remove all built-up grease and dirt.

4.  All filters shall be properly dried and replaced into the hood systems at the end of the cleaning cycle.

5.  Hood fan motor cover (bonnet), located on the roof, and shall be properly cleaned to remove all grease and dirt. In addition, the makeup air filers on the roof shall be cleaned. Successful bidder shall see that bonnet is properly fastened to stack and makeup air filters are put back in place.

6.  The stack shall be scraped, if necessary, to remove any heavy build-up of grease.

7.  Using any necessary chemicals (degreasers) and steam/hot water pressure, all stacks shall be properly cleaned.

8.  The hood cover, inside the kitchen, shall be scraped down, if necessary, to remove any and all heavy built-up grease.

9.  The hood cover shall be dried by hand.

10.  The hood cover shall be cleaned with a stainless steel cleaner and polished inside and out, from the bottom of the hood to the ceiling.

11.  After covers (tarps/plastic sheets) are removed, kitchen area is to be wiped down to assure a clean and dry area: i.e. walls, floors, equipment, etc.

12.  Successful bidder shall take care to see that cleaning chemicals are not applied to fusible links or other devices of the automatic extinguishing system. These parts shall be wiped clean with dry rags or other suitable materials.

13.  Adjust belts as needed and replace annually.

14.  Lubricate motors and shaft.

15.  Cleaning report shall be sent the Food Services Director and the Maintenance Director or designee.

G.  Hydrostatic Testing Procedures:

1.  Hydrostatic tests shall be performed as necessary. The Contractor shall provide a DOT authorization letter to perform hydrostatic testing and a copy of a waste disposal permit to dispose of dry chemical powder.

2.  Hydrostatic tests shall be performed in accordance with each specific Manufacturer’s recommendations.

3.  The Contractor shall provide a loaner of at least equal rating suitable for the type of hazard being protected.

4.  The Contractor shall provide a report of the system being tested. The report shall include the following:

A.  Name of school;

B.  Contact person’s name and phone number;

C.  Type of tank; and

D.  An estimate of how long it will take for servicing and when it will be returned to the site.

5. The Contractor shall perform testing on the Hydrostatic tanks that have reached twelve (12) years in age.

3.  The forms included within this ITB may be completed on-line using Microsoft Word© or simply printed and completed by hand. Areas where information may be inserted while on-line are indicated by a gray form field box and then the complete document can be printed. Original signatures from an authorized representative of the company shall be affixed where indicated within this document before submitting to the Purchasing Department.

4.  All bids shall be filed in the Purchasing Department of the Lake County School Board, 29529 County Road 561, Tavares, Florida 32778, prior to 2:00 PM, local time, Monday, August 2, 2010 and clearly marked "Bid #3210BB to be opened August 2, 2010." Bids will be opened and tabulated at this time. Bids received after this time will not be considered. All bids shall be submitted, in a sealed package or envelope, on the attached bid form properly extended and signed by an authorized representative; place bid number and opening date of bid on envelope. Faxed or e-mailed bids will not be accepted.


Deadline for Questions: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 @ 4:00PM

Last Date for Addendums: Monday, July 19, 2010 @ 4:00PM

Bid Opens: Monday, August 2, 2010 @ 2:00 PM

Posting of Award Recommendation: Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Board Action on Recommendation: Monday, September 13, 2010

6.  AWARD:

a.  Award recommendation shall be made on a “Lot by Lot” basis to the “lowest” and the “best” bid submitted based on conformity to specifications and price. The School Board reserves the right to make award(s) on a lowest price basis by item, group of items, all or none, or a combination thereof; with one or more Vendors; to reject any and all bids, that in it’s judgment will be for the best interest of the Lake County Schools, or waive any minor irregularity or technicality in bids received. Award shall be made on conformity to specifications and price. Multiplying unit cost per item by quantity estimated and summing the totals shall determine lowest bid price.

It is important that vendors understand the District’s budgetary restrictions when offers are submitted. To fulfill our fiduciary responsibilities we are requesting that all pricing submitted be as competitive as possible so that we may return maximum value to the District. By providing a bid the vendor is acknowledging that the District’s current or future budgetary shortfalls may materially impact long-term completion of the District’s projections under this bid and/or may materially impact the District’s ability to consider renewal of any subsequent terms. Please also see Item 10.

b.  The Board reserves the right to use the next lowest and best responsive and responsible bidder in the event the original awardee(s) of the bid cannot fulfill their contract, subject to the terms and conditions provided herein. The next lowest and best responsive and responsible bidder’s prices must remain the same as originally bid and must remain firm for the duration of the contract.

7.  Bid tabulations with recommended awards will be posted for review by interested parties on or about September 1, 2010 and will remain posted for a period of 72 hours. The award recommendation will be posted in the Purchasing Department located at 29529 County Road 561, Tavares, Florida and on our website at To access information from our website select Purchasing from the Department list, click on Bid Opportunities, then click on the appropriate title of the ITB for a listing of all published information. Since this information is available as outlined above, the purchasing department will not mail or fax recommendation of award notices to all bidders. Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57 (3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Any person who is affected adversely by the decision or intended decision shall file with the Board a written notice of protest within 72 hours after the posting or notification. A formal written protest shall be filed within 10 calendar days after filing the notice of protest. With respect to a protest of the specifications contained in an invitation to bid or in a request for proposals, the notice of protest shall be filed in writing within 72 hours after the receipt of the project plans and specifications or intended project plans and specifications in an invitation to bid or request for proposals (but no later than the time when the bids or responses must be received in order to be considered), and the formal written protest shall be filed within 10 calendar days after the date the notice of protest is filed. The 72 hours period referred to herein shall not include Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays. The word "holiday" shall mean any weekday on which the School Board's Administrative offices are closed. Failure to file a timely formal written protest shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. The formal written protest shall state with particularity the facts and law upon which protest is based. Any person who files an action protesting a decision or intended decision pertaining to a bid pursuant to FS 120.57(3)(b), shall post at the time of filing the formal written protest, a bond payable to the School Board of Lake County in an amount equal to one percent (1%) of the total estimated contract value, but not less than $500 nor more than $5,000, which bond shall be conditioned upon the payment of all costs which may be adjudged against the protester in the administrative hearing in which the action is brought and in any subsequent appellate court proceeding. In lieu of a bond, a cashier’s check, certified bank check, bank certified company check, or money order will be an acceptable form of security. If, after completion of the administrative hearing process and any appellate court proceedings, the district prevails, it shall recover all costs and charges which shall be included in the final order or judgment, including charges made by the Division of Administrative Hearings, but excluding attorney’s fees. Upon payment of such costs and charges by the protester, the protest security shall be returned. If the protester prevails, he or she shall recover from the district all costs and charges which shall be included in the final order of judgment, excluding attorney’s fees. Upon receipt of the formal written protest and protest bond which has been timely filed, the district shall stop the bid solicitation process or the contract award process until the subject of the protest is resolved by final district action, unless the Superintendent sets forth in writing particular facts and circumstances which require the continuance of the bid solicitation process or the contract award process without delay in order to avoid an immediate and serious danger to the public health, safety, or welfare.