MPApHC Spring Membership Meeting
March 16, 2014
Potluck Meal was started at 5:30, giving more opportunity for members and BOD to attend the membership meeting.
At 6:25 the membership meeting was called to order by Nancy Nemmers, Vice President. Not in attendance were: Eric Henderson, Anne DeGraff, Joan Cox and RondiBiloff. BOD present were: Karin Troendle, Kelly O’Donnell, Nancy Nemmers and Teresa Johnson. Members present were: VinettaTroendle, Michelle Scott, Vickie & Larry Stoermer, Regan & Connery O’Donnell, Julian Nemmers, Wayne Johnson, Barb Prisuta, Karen Scarberry, Jim Terry, Brent & Leslie Woolery.
Minutes from the January BOD meeting were read and approved by BOD members (the membership does not have a vote, this is an informational meeting and to get their input on upcoming issues). Brent Woolery asked if we were able to hold a meeting as he did not believe we had a quorum. Karin Troendlechecked the bylaws online found that a majority of the current BOD members need to be present to hold a meeting. At the present time, we have 7 BOD members and 4 were present allowing us to conduct necessary business. Additionally, the membership meeting is not a BOD meeting, so it is basically an informational meeting where the BOD gathers input from the members present.
Treasury. Kelly presented the Treasurers report provided by Anne DeGraff. At this time we have a balance of $2,902.56. This amount is considerably lower than we are comfortable with going into the year. Discussion was held as to what lead to this balance. Brent requested that we have an overview of past years money making attempts (Stacy Westfall Clinic) that were failures, these events were 2-3 years prior and were approved by the board at that time, there is nothing that can be accomplished by rehashing these events, again. Brent also asked that we discuss the promotional booths that MPApHC supports. For the last 4 years the National Western Stock Show booth has been paid for in full by sponsors that include the National ApHC, breeders from our region, Big Wyoming ApHC and the Peak to Peak Appaloosa Directory. In 2013 the BOD voted to pay for the Colorado Horse Expo Booth and in 2014 with the financial status of MPApHC sponsorships also paid for the Expo booth. Discussion was held as to whether these booths are a benefit to the club or just to some members, but as long as they are paid for by sponsors there is no reason not to be the hosting ApHC club that gets information out to people outside of our breed.
Leslie Woolery has been appointed to the ApHC Non Pro committee, please get any of your questions or suggestions to her so that she can convey them at committee meetings.
Sponsorships. Brent Woolery stated that while Leslie had informed him of the board’s request that he be the chairman of the Sponsorship Committee, he was never contacted by President Eric Henderson and asked to do this. He stated that March is too late for gathering sponsorships. Karin Troendle stated that the responsibility to attain sponsorship monies lies with all members, not just the BOD. Nancy reminded us all that the economy is different than it was 6-8 years ago when the MPApHC treasury had a number of large sponsors. While the current BOD has talked to many of the large sponsors of the past, they are not able to commit to the same type/size of donations that they have made in pasts year.
Breed Shows:
Brent Woolery brought up information that he had attained that the shows have not declined in numbers, and wondered why the income has fallen. Nancy Nemmers’ input was that the number of entries may not have fallen drastically, but the number of horses in attendance has. Because we have flat rates, the number of entries does not affect our income the way that the number of horses does. Speculation as to why out of state exhibitors have not been attending the show ensued, with no real conclusions made.
The May show is scheduled to go forward as planned at the Boulder County Fairgrounds, May 10 & 11, 2014. Judges are hired and everything is on schedule. Discussed having a membership meeting the evening of May 10th , holding a BBQ at the show.
- Hold a dessert auction; at the May Show
- Karen Scarberry brought up the option of Calcutta of classes
The August show continues to lose money, discussion was held as to whether it should be held, if the location or date should be changed. We have until May 19 to make a decision regarding the August 30/31 dates, if we wish to move earlier, the date adjusts back or we gain a few days if we move the date further into the year. After discussion as to what can be done to improve the fall show the group came up with several action points:
- Check with other breeds to try to combine show
- Vicki Stoermer will check with the Paint horse association
- Teresa Johnson will check with the POA
- Both the Buckskin Association and Palomino Association in Colorado are no longer in existence
- Make a decision by May 15, this gives us an opportunity to evaluate the treasury after the May show
- BOD to meet by May 15 to make a decision based on the May Show success
- Pay the ApHC approval fee by the 100 day deadline if we make money on the May Show
- Reserve and pay for the Boulder County Fairgrounds for the 2014 dates-August 30 & 31.
- The BOD committed to use the facility somehow so that the dates are not lost for future years. If we do not have an APHC show, we will hold a clinic or open show, we will use the facility in some form. This is a cost of approximately $500.
Respectfully Submitted,
Teresa Johnson, Secretary