Rotarian Name: / ______/ ID number:
Phone Number / ( )
Club: / ______/ Club ID number:

This form is for an individual contribution to the Rotary Foundation, our Rotary Charity. Contribitions of AUD100 or more ANNUALLY QUALIFy for centurion recognition. Please select one of three BOXES below.

If you have contributed before we thank you in anticipation of your continued support. If this is your first contribution, then thank you for joining with other members of our district in this most important facet of Rotary Foundation Support.

As you are no doubt aware, the programs that the Foundation support are many and varied, with the emphasis being on the Humanitarian and Educational areas, and without the continued support of Rotarians such as yourself, these good works would not be able to continue, as YOUR contributions remain the primary source of funding for OUR Rotary Foundation.

Contributions to the Annual Fund are invested. In 3 years 50% of this money is returned to our district for our district programs.

Contributions to Polio Plus fund, goes directly to eradication of Polio, and we thank you on behalf of the Children of the world.

In joining the Centurion Program you have undertaken to assist the work of The Rotary Foundation by committing to a Contribution of AU $100.00, per Rotary year, for as long as you are in a position to do so. As a new contributing member or a member that has committed before to the program, we extend our thanks for your ongoing support.

If your contribution is collected by your club on your behalf, your contributions need to be forwarded on the multi donor form by your club and received by the district Foundation Fund Raising chair by the second week of June to be accrued in this club year.

Please TICK (paper copy) or double click to check electronic copy

New Centurion Continuing Centurion Not a Centurion

Please indicate with a √ which program you wish to support. If no selection funds will go to Annual Share Fund.

Centurion - Annual Share Fund [AUD $100] Polio Plus Program [AUD $100]

Sustaining member [USD $100.00] Other; enter amount AUD $ ……………………

NOTE: Donations to TARFT over $2 are tax deductable

Cheque: Make out not negotiable cheque to: The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust then attach to form.

Credit card: Type of card: Visa Master Card

CARD NUMBER: ……………………………………………………………………EXPIRY DATE on card ………/………

NAME as on Card: …………………………………………………………………………

AMOUNT (AUD) ………………………..

Signed:…………………………………………………………………. Dated: / /

On behalf of Rotary International, District 9780, our thanks for your commitment to TARFT.

It is recommended that the individual and or Club retain a copy of this document.

Forward to: Office use only:

PP Peter Simons

[Chair TRF Fundraising - 2015/16] Received….. …/……../ 201

PO BOX 1001 Cleared………../……../ 201

Portland, Victoria - 3305, Australia Register no………………….


This form is to make and accrue contributions (Donations / Annual Giving) from and individual to THE ROTARY FOUNDATION. For individual’s contributions to be accrued correctly, Rotary ID Number and Club ID need to be completed on this form. Failure to supply names and / or Rotary ID number or club ID number may prevent the individual recognition being recorded in the RI data base for that individual and will not be fixed retrospectively. For individual to receive their contribution tax receipt, they have to ensure they supply their Name Rotary ID and Club ID. Their email address has to be correct in their Rotary International “My Rotary” profile. This can be verified, and if not correct changed in the Rotary International Web site and updating your individual profile details.

What is a Centurion?

A Centurion is a Rotarian or other individual who commits to contributes at least AUD100 every financial year to approved funds in The Rotary Foundation on an ongoing basis. Any contribution of less than AUD100 in a single financial year will lapse their Centurion Status. Centurion program is managed at district level. All contributions for Centurion needs to be sent to the district Fund Fundraising Chair for ongoing recognition. The AU$100 can be made up of any contributions to Annual and Polio Funds collectively in a single Rotary year.

What is a Sustaining Member?

A Sustaining member is a Rotarian or other who contributes at least USD100 every financial year to The Rotary Foundation on an ongoing basis. Any contribution of less than USD100 in a single financial year will lapse their Sustaining Member Status. Sustaining membership is tracked by Parramatta and RI, but contributions need to go via district Fundraising Chair. The Rotary Exchange rate is used for each contribution which is fixed for the calendar month when submitted to Parramatta.

Which Foundation Funds qualify for Centurion or Sustaining Member status?

Only some Foundation funds qualify. These are:

Annual Share fund; 100% of contribution is invested for 3 years. After 3 years 50% of contribution comes back to our district for District 9780 use such as grants and other programs as DDF. Polio Plus: 100% goes to Polio programs.

If I am a new Centurion, how do I get my badge and certificate?

Ensure this form is completed correctly then send to District Fundraising Chair. If you “check” New Centurion , a Centurion Badge and Certificate will be forwarded. Parramatta does not issue badges & certificates.

Can you be a Centurion and a Sustaining Member?

YES; as long as the individuals contribution exceeds the stipulated requirement for a contribution to each. At the present USD100 is more than AUD100 so being a sustaining member automatically qualifies a contributor to be a Centurion.


District does not send reminders so set up reminder in your calendar for your renewal.