ESL 09856 points

Part 2– To Kill a Mockingbird

Chapters 12-22

Chapter 12

  1. Why does Calpurnia invite Jem and Scout to her church?
  2. What happened at Calpurnia’s church during the weekdays?
  3. What was Lula’s problem?
  4. For whom is the church collecting money? Why is Scout surprised?
  5. The church didn’t have hymnals (books for singing). How were the members of the church able to sing songs without these books?
  1. Why can’t Tom Robinson’s wife, Helen, get work?

Chapter 13

  1. Who comes to stay with Atticus, Jem and Scout?
  2. According to Scout, it was Atticus’s idea to have Aunt Alexandra come to stay with the family. True False
  1. Scout and Jem liked having Aunt Alexandra live with them. TrueFalse

Chapter 14

  1. What were Atticus and Alexandra arguing about?
  2. Who or what was found under Scout’s bed?
  3. Why did Dill run away from home?
  4. What reason does Dill give for Boo not trying to run away from home?

Chapter 15

  1. Why did Mr. Heck want to move Tom Robinson to the county jail?
  2. “They murmured and buzzed until Aunty said if Jem didn’t turn on the living room lights he would disgrace the family. Jem didn’t hear her. ‘…don’t see why you touched it in the first place,’ Mr. Link Deas was saying. ‘You’ve got everything to lose from this, Atticus. I mean everything.’” What does the “it” refer to in the quote above?
  1. Where was Atticus going with a long electrical extension cord which has a light bulb on the end? Why?
  1. Who prevented the group of men from attacking Atticus and Tom Robinson? How?

Chapter 16

  1. “Hmp, maybe we need a police force of children…you children last night made Walter Cunningham stand in my shoes for a minute.” What does Atticus mean?
  1. Few people from the town attended the trial of Tom Robinson. TrueFalse
  2. “…but around here once you have a drop of negro blood, that makes you all black.” What does this say about the values of Maycomb’s citizens?
  1. Where did Jem, Scout and Dill sit in the courtroom?
  2. Atticus had a choice in defending Tom Robinson.TrueFalse
  3. Scout describes Judge Taylor as mentally alert, but disinterested in appearance. True False

Chapter 17

  1. Did anyone call a doctor when Mr. Ewell’s daughter Mayella was “raped”?
  2. Why does Atticus want to know which eye of Mr. Ewell’s daughter was hurt?
  3. The Ewells were poor whites. According to Scout, what was the one unusual part of their house and yard?
  1. Why does Revered Sykes tell Jem that he should take Scout home?
  2. Why did Atticus have Mr. Ewell write his name on an envelope?

Chapter 18

  1. Who was Mayella afraid of? Why?
  2. Why didn’t Mayella like Atticus to call her “Miss” Mayella?
  3. Mayella had a good home life.TrueFalse
  4. Why didn’t Mayella go to school?
  5. When Tom Robinson stands up in the courtroom, what do we learn about him?
  6. Who does Atticus think beat up Mayella?

Chapter 19

  1. Tom had to go by the Ewell’s place to get to work.TrueFalse
  2. Scout thinks that Mayella is lonelier than Boo.TrueFalse
  3. Tom tried to kiss Mayella: that’s why Tom’s in trouble.TrueFalse
  4. Why didn’t Tom try to keep Mayella away from him?
  5. “Yes, suh, I felt right sorry for her, she seemed to try more’n the rest of ‘em.” In what way did Tom make a mistake when he said this?
  1. What made Dill sick?

Chapter 20

  1. Why does Mr. Raymond pretend he is drinking whiskey when, in fact, he is really drinking Coca-Cola?
  1. Why do you think Atticus unbuttoned his vest and collar and loosened his tie and took off his coat?
  1. The court has medical proof that Mayella had been raped.TrueFalse
  2. What was Mayella’s offense (according to Atticus)?
  3. What “evil assumption” does Atticus talk about?
  4. In what year does this story take place?
  5. Atticus believes that all men are created equal in the eyes of the law. True False

Chapter 21

  1. Why did Calpurnia come to the courtroom?
  2. Jem thinks that his father is going to win the trial.TrueFalse
  3. Why doesn’t Reverend Sykes think that Atticus will win?
  4. Why didn’t the jury look at Tom when they entered the courtroom?

Chapter 22

  1. “This is their home, sister,” said Atticus. “We’ve made it this way for them, they might as well learn to cope with it.”

“But they don’t have to go to the courthouse and wallow in it--”

“It’s just as much MaycombCounty as missionary teas.”

What does the sentence above mean?

  1. How did the blacks show their appreciation to Atticus?
  2. What was the difference between Miss Stephanie’s reaction and Miss Maudie’s reaction to Jem and Scout the day after the trial?
  1. Was Atticus the most likely person in town to defend Tom? Explain.
  2. What did Mr. Bob Ewell do to Atticus?