/ Sage MAS 500 ERP
Certified Student Curriculum Price List and Order Form
For Sage MAS 500 Certified Trainers

Return Completed Order Form to Fax: 949-753-0733, or e-mail to:

General Information:
Placed by: / Account #
Date: / Class Date:
P.O. # / Required Delivery Date:
SHIPPING METHOD: (Must be checked if ordering curriculum with assessment)
UPS® Ground UPS Orange (3-day) UPS Blue (2-day) UPS Red (Overnight)
DHL Ground DHL (2-day) DHL Express (Overnight)
Bill To:
Name: / Account #:
City: / State: / ZIP:
Phone (required): / Fax (required):
SHIP TO: (Same as Bill To address? Yes No )
City: / State: / ZIP:
Phone (required): / Fax (required):
Payment Method:
Visa / MasterCard / American Express / Terms / Apply Existing Credits
Account #: / Expiration Date: / Promo Code
(If applicable):
Card Holder’s Name (please print legibly):

Certified Student Course Curriculum includes:

§  Sage Software training documentation

§  Case study for the pertinent application – located on the under the Student Resource section of the Sage Software University Web site: www.SageU.com/MAS500

Required Delivery Date

Indicate the date that curriculum is required for delivery. Although every effort is made to ensure that you receive your manuals on time, there may be an occasion where manuals may be on backorder. Please allow one (1) additional day for processing and shipping for all orders.

Same-Day Orders

Same-day orders are those that are required to be entered into the system immediately upon receipt, in order to make the required delivery date of the shipping method requested. In addition, all same-day orders must be received by 11:00 a.m. PT. To request same day shipment, please note “Same Day Shipment required”

next to the required Delivery Date

Curriculum Exchanges

Certified Student Course Curriculum may be exchanged up to six (6) months after purchase (at a nominal fee), provided the manual is still in the original package (shrink-wrap). Access the curriculum exchange form on Sage Software University: www.SageU.com/MAS500/ Enter your Partner Logon and select Programs/Certified Trainer Program/Certified Trainer Resource Center.

Sage MAS 500 ERP Certified Student Course Curriculum

For Sage MAS 500 Certified Trainers

The curriculum is compliant with Sage MAS 500 v7.0 and v7.05.

Description / Part # / Qty. / Unit Price / Total Price
Intro to Sage MAS 500 (Bundle)1 / TCSAFCB / $245.00
Accounts Payable / TCSAFAP / $72.00
Accounts Receivable / TCSAFAR / $72.00
Cash Management / TCSAFCM / $36.00
Common Information / TCSAFCI / $30.00
Customizer / TCSAFCZ / $36.00
General Ledger / TCSAFGL / $72.00
Intro & System Manager / TCSAFSM / $72.00
Business Tools / TCSAFAO / $36.00
Sage MAS 500 Distribution2 / TCSAFWD / $194.00
Inventory Management & Replenishment / TCSAFIM / $72.00
Purchase Order / TCSAFPO / $72.00
Sales Order / TCSAFSO / $72.00
Manufacturing3 / TCSAFMF / $194.00
Order Totals:
Subtotal / $
(Order system automatically calculates per weight & delivery zone) / Auto
Includes applicable sales tax (Orange County, CA businesses add 7.75%.
All other CA businesses add 7.25%. PA and MI businesses add 6%) / $
For questions, please send an e-mail to:
Comments to appear on packing slip:

1 The Introduction to Sage MAS 500 class includes curriculum for Intro & System Manager, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Cash Management, Common Information, Customizer and Business Tools.

2 The Sage MAS 500 Distribution Bundle includes curriculum for Inventory Management, Sales Order Processing and Purchase Order Processing.

3 Available for purchase only if on an active support plan and are certified.

Processing is subject to verification that applicable partner certification requirements, etc. have been met.

Note: Prices are subject to change without notice.

Return Completed Order Form to

Fax: 949-753-0733, or email to:

Thank you for your order!