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Monitor and control food safety:Bob’s work tools

Where to start?

Bob used:

  • Decision tool
  • Action plan
  • Work instruction


Bob needs to develop methods to monitor food safety hazards and establish corrective actions.

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© ANTA 2004

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Decision tool

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© ANTA 2004

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My action plan

What I want to achieve
(Outcome) / How I will go about it
(Action) / Who I need to involve/ consult
(People) / What resources do I need
(Physical resources) / Finish by date
Involve staff in the process / Have a meeting / All chefs
Myself / Agenda
Paper / End of the week
Revise standard operating procedures (SOPs) / Gather current information / All chefs
Myself / Existing food SOPs
Current food safety legislation / Two weeks from start date
Develop work instructions for staff / Involve staff and supervisors / All staff / Current legislation
HACCP audit tables / One month from start date
Train all staff / Organise training sessions / All staff / New work instructions and revised SOPs / Coincide with completion of new SOPs and work instructions

Team’s newly developed work instruction for cooking

Work Instruction — Cooking


To define the cooking procedures that will ensure the safety of food.


Applies to the cooking of all potentially hazardous foods that will not be eaten immediately after cooking, ie food that is going to be held and then eaten.


  • Food handlers will ensure that personal health and hygiene responsibilities are met during cooking procedures.
  • All utensils that are used for cooking will be sanitised prior to use.
  • The following temperatures are the minimum temperatures that will be reached when cooking potentially hazardous foods:

Food type / Temperature
Beef, pork and lamb mince dishes and poultry dishes. / Minimum core temperature of 75C* and held at this temperature for required time.
Beef, pork, lamb and chicken and fish dishes that are cooked by wet cooking methods and rice and pasta dishes. / Minimum core temperature of 75C* for required time.
Whole pieces of beef, pork and lamb that have been boned or rolled, whole stuffed fish. / Minimum core temperature of 75C* and held at this temperature for required time.
Whole pieces of beef, lamb or pork that have not been boned or have not been rolled. / The outside needs to be well cooked providing evidence that the temperature has exceeded 100C. The inside can be rare. However pork should be served medium well done for good flavour.
Portioned meat cuts including beef, lamb or pork steak, chops, cubes or fillets that are cooked by a dry cooking method. / The outside needs to be well cooked providing evidence that the temperature has exceeded 100C. The inside can be rare. However pork should be served medium well done for good flavour.
Seafood and fish fillets / The product needs to be adequately cooked.
  • If cooking a potentially hazardous food, which by its nature, cannot tolerate a high enough temperature to reduce pathogens, the procedures outlined in the section on egg-based products will be followed.
  • The Cooking check sheet — wet dishes, poultry and boned or rolled roasts, will be used to record the temperature of each batch of potentially hazardous food that is to be held prior to consumption.
  • The Cooking check sheet — roast beef, lamb and pork will be used to record the appearance of each batch of roast meat that is to be held prior to consumption.
  • When a cooked product has not reached the required temperature, the item will be returned for cooking until it does meet the required temperature.
  • Faulty temperature monitoring equipment will be reported to the maintenance department to be rectified as soon as possible.


  • It is the responsibility of the chef to ensure compliance with the above procedures.


  • Cooking check sheet — wet dishes, poultry and boned or rolled roasts.
  • Cooking check sheet — roast beef, lamb and pork.


The decision tool really helped me to think through the different things I could do to help solve the problem. It made me realise that my solution involved delegating tasks to my chefs to develop appropriate tools for the correct monitoring and corrective actions staff have to take to reduce food safety hazards.
As a team we were able to develop the standard work instructions and revise existing standard operating procedures. It will be very helpful having the instructions clearly written and set out for staff to follow, and I know they are practical and accurate as the supervisors who are doing these tasks themselves have had a big hand in writing them.
By training all the staff they knew exactly what to do and it didn’t take a long time to achieve at all.

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© ANTA 2004