Georgia Institute of Technology

Staff Council Meeting Notes for June 21, 2017

Attendees: Anthony Bridges, Jeffrey Bridges, David Brown, Tina Clonts, Wansley Dennis, Debbie Dorsey, Leslie Hall, Ryan Lisk, Rudy Paratchek, Laura Pusateri, John Scuderi, Jenny Sheppard, Ericka Thomas

Guests: Cynthia Hutcherson

Agenda Items:

·  Call to Order

o  Approval of 4/19/2017 and 5/17/2017 Minutes

o  Introduction of guests

·  GTPE Town Hall Update

·  Recognition Update

·  Inform GT Series Update

·  Ad Hoc Committee Report

·  Committee Reports

·  New Business

o  Elections

Call to Order:

Chair Laura Pusateri called the meeting to order at 10:34 a.m. A quorum was not present, therefore the 4/19/2017 and 5/17/2017 meeting minutes were not approved.

The visitors present introduced themselves.

Pusateri opened a discussion around attendance at the monthly Staff Council meetings. She stated that we have items that need to be voted on but without a quorum the vote is not possible. She asked if there was anything that we need to consider to ensure members showing up because we do not want moral to fall. Jenny Sheppard stated that “this time of year” is difficult with vacations and people traveling. Sheppard stated that in Development there are no staff meetings in July. Wansley Dennis stated that many people are involved in close out during the month of June; however, Staff Council meeting dates are on the calendar well in advance. It is the responsibility of the member to let someone know if they will not be at a meeting. It was reiterated that when we accepted a seat on the Council, we also accepted the responsibility to show up. Anthony Bridges asked if it was possible to meet remotely. Ryan Lisk suggested that a doodle poll be sent out to determine when the majority of people are available. Pusateri thanked everyone for their input and asked members to send any other thoughts or ideas to herself, Cara-Joy Wong, or Leslie Hall.

GTPE Town Hall Update

Pusateri reported that several members of the Staff Council leadership team met with the staff at Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE) on June 13, 2017. The purpose of this meeting was part of the larger Staff Council effort to engage more directly with some of the units/departments on campus. One of the things GTPE asked about was where the successes of the Staff Council are posted. As a result of that question, we now have a page on our website with that information. In addition, the website has been updated with Inform GT Series information. GTPE thought it might be good idea to have a representative on the Council for those staff members who work remotely. Additional questions asked during the meeting included the following.

·  How are Council members selected?

·  Where are the affiliations? Where is the member representing women, LGBT, etc.?

Overall, we believe that meeting with GTPE was beneficial for them and for us!

Recognition Update

Pusateri stated that we have been granted the approval to move forward on the Staff Council award(s). Candice Bovian (GTHR) has taken the Employee Engagement Proposal and is working to apply it to the current staff awards.

Pusateri distributed a handout showing information about nominated and awarded staff awards for 2011 through 2017. We had been asked to create a survey to try to gather some input from staff in departments who have not been involved or represented in the awards nominations. A draft of this survey was reviewed during the meeting. The plan is to have all Staff Council members send the survey to 20 people and then those 20 people will be asked to send to 20 more people, etc. In addition, the Committee Chairs will send out to the committee members. John Scuderi expressed concern that receiving the survey multiple times could be viewed negatively. We need to state something that says, “forgive the multiple emails – only complete the survey once.“ Debbie Dorsey stated that what we put in the Subject line is important. In review of the survey question, Dorsey suggested that we add the question, “Have you ever nominated anyone? If not, why?” Ericka Thomas asked how are we going to get good data if we do not expand who receives the survey. Dorsey asked if we could use the Inform GT emails and/or work with our HR contacts in disseminating the survey. Continuing, Dorsey stated that if we reach out to the Business Partners, then it needs to be a personal communication. Pusateri will update the survey and send back out for review. The plan is to begin sending out the survey on Monday, June 26. Thomas suggested that a comments box should be included with each question. Pusateri will send out a revised survey today for review – members are asked to return by noon on Friday.

Pusateri stated that the Staff Council will have some awards in 2018 and Staff Council will have representation on the selection committee. Scuderi said that the wording of the awards might help in the number of nominations. Pusateri said that the Awards Committee was working to develop awards that are more universal and GT HR is working to address the language around the current awards. The Staff Council awards will be more people and culture focused. The other staff awards will be more strategically focused.

Inform GT Series Update

Rick Clark reported that he is working on August Inform GT series. Clark also mentioned that Dr. Ervin, Vice President – Institute Diversity (VPID), has asked for our help in promoting the Diversity Symposium to staff because they would like to get more people involved. The symposium is scheduled for September 6, 2017. Clark asked the Council members to think about 3-5 people who do not normally get the opportunity to attend these events because Dr. Ervin is willing to assist in garnering support from management. After the symposium, the VPID is interested in doing a 3-part video series to talk about race and diversity. Clark ask if the Council would be interested in partnering on this event. Clark will work to gather more information to preview.

Ad Hoc Committee Report

Dorsey reported that committee is on target to deliver a report on June 30, 2017. The report will include ten recommendations. Some of the recommendations will not include changes, but things to consider. The report will be sent to Pusateri who will distribute to all Council members. We will spend time at the next Council meeting (July 26) reviewing this report.

Committee Reports

Health and Well-Being – Scuderi reported on the success of Health Trails in May and the President’s Walk and the awarding of grant money. Next, they will be focused on the Random Act of Health initiative starting with facilities. They will also be coordinating events on stress management with Scheller College of Business. The new committee members were at the meeting yesterday. Rudy Paratchek asked if someone was following up with the department who received the grants to know how the money was spent. Tina Clonts stated that grant money has been disbursed to only one group so far. Dorsey said that it would be a good idea to get a testimonial from someone in those departments about how the money was used. Scuderi said that he will work to gather this information and get it posted to the website.

Campus Physical Environment – Lisk reported that the committee met last week. The committee is wrapping up a draft of the memo to Capital Planning and Space Management (CPSM) about dangerous intersections. The committee is also looking into adding a layer to the map to bring more awareness to the history of the campus.

Employee Engagement – Paratchek reported that the committee met last week. They are still looking for a consistent meeting date/time. The one-year recognition program starts in July. The committee is working on logistics of assembly of the bags and distribution. The tumblers and the note cards have been ordered. GTHR is responsible for providing the list of employees. The hope is that an email will be sent to the employees to be recognized with instruction on where to pick up their gift. Staff members will have two weeks to pick up their gift at the Staff Council office. Gifts that are not picked up will be delivered by the committee. The committee will continue to work towards a 5-year recognition. In addition, they are working on ideas for informal recognition (thank a staff or spot award).

Compensation and Benefits – David Brown reported the team is working on consolidating information about summer camp options.

Communications –Sheppard reported that a training session was going to be scheduled for twitter. The twitter account (@gtstaffcouncil) is set up, we just need to launch it. The plan is to start out messaging a couple of days of week. The team is looking for ways to get information out to staff about diversity symposium. Pusateri stated that there was no need for a mass communication about the symposium. In addition, the committee is trying to identify ways to engage its members.

New Business

Pusateri stated that the elections committee will be ramping up pretty soon. Two issues addressed by the bylaws ad hoc committees were (1) should the election cycle be changed from a calendar year to a fiscal year and (2) should election of committee members be held at the same time as the election for Council members. The Elections Committee from last year met and believes that the council and committee elections can occur at the same time. If the elections happen at the same time, it would provide the Committee Chairs the opportunity to populate their committees in a more timely manner.

The table below shows the timing of nominations, elections, meetings and terms for elections held in the Fall and the Spring.

Nominations / Elections / 1st Meeting / Term Begins
Fall / September / October / November / January
Spring / March / April / May / July

Pusateris asked the group for concerns and/or benefits to moving the elections to the Spring. It would mean that the term of current members would be extended for six months. Dorsey stated that we found supporting details for Spring elections in our benchmarking. Pusateri stated that if we do want to change, we will have to vote soon. Paratcheck stated that moving the election cycle to the Spring would have a more positive impact on momentum. Scuderi suggested that the leadership team create a pros and cons document for each option. This will provide Council members with more information to make a decision.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m.