
Professional/ Specialist Skills Framework

Effective from April 2007


Demonstrate detailed knowledge and experience of social research methods and practice; critically evaluates research data with accuracy and perception; shows an open mind and the intellectual rigour to develop original ideas and develop practical research solutions to them; communicates written and oral evidence clearly, concisely and persuasively.
Level 1 (RO) / Level 2 (SRO) / Level 3 (PRO) / Level 4 (SPRO)
  1. I have knowledge of research and analytical methodologies and demonstrate practical application of both qualitative and quantitative approaches through project based work or in-house work
  1. I understand the role and social research needs of policy divisions and can link that to my own output
  1. I make use of different sources of information and carry out basic analysis of key data sets and interpret key findings from this
  1. I have a clear knowledge of the format and style required to report research results and apply this appropriately for a range of audiences
  1. I define research questions, write and design research specifications for less complex project and am able to judge resulting tenders
  1. I have a working knowledge of ethic, legal and procurement issues in research
  1. I critically assesses research findings against an established standard or specification
  1. I persuade others to support the research process
  1. I have a through and detailed knowledge of quantitative, qualitative and evaluation research methods and experience of their use in more complex projects and/or in-house work
  1. I manage independently the entire process (e.g. specification, procurement and delivery) for all but most complex of projects in line with procurement procedures, to budgets and time
  1. I accurately identify where there are gaps in the evidence bases and make sound recommendations for how this can be managed
  1. I weigh up competing sources of data and balance conflicting information and identify a clear line to take with my own work or that of contractors
  1. I am aware of and apply the appropriate format and style for oral and written research communication for a range of customers and communicate professional judgements regarding the application of social research methods clearly to non-technical audience
  1. I conduct a risk analysis of the evidence base to ensure advice is sound and negotiate sound trade-offs between quality and timeliness in a credible way
  1. I take responsibility and action to ensure that the ethical and legal compliance needs of research projects are met
  1. I stimulate interest in social research and its application
  1. I have an established track record in designing, carrying out or managing social research and providing research based advice and briefings and use this to support other researchers without detailed knowledge of project
  1. I am proactive in helping policy teams identify their evidence needs and developing research co-ordination strategies.
  1. I am an enthusiastic advocate of social research despite resistance and encouraging greater cooperation and communication between researchers, other analysts and policy teams within and outside the department
  1. I report complex and often conflicting research information to senior non-specialists effectively and assists them in isolating key facts, discerning trends and drawing implications
  1. I manage independently the entire process for complex research projects and programmes in line with procurement procedures, to agreed budgets and deadlines.
  1. I take actions to widen and manage the research contractor base including denitrifying the appropriate contractor for the job and negotiating effectively
  1. I show a grasp of linkages between existing problems and applications from other situations and evidence
  1. I plan and deliver effective research communication strategies with appropriate liaison with communication colleagues
  1. I Work with other analysts and stakeholders to negotiate priorities within the overall work programme
  1. I grasp the big picture and work within the budgetary requirements at the overall programme level
  1. I develop a long term research strategy; defend and define the research programme, including budget increases
  1. I effectively challenge and shape research practices (including research output standards) where appropriate
  1. I actively explores different perspectives when evaluating data and consult widely to inform this process
  1. I actively encourages the use of innovative research methods and analytical techniques among team members to deliver results to complex questions
  1. I generates workable solutions to complex research methodological and practical problems while taking into account the full range of stakeholder perspectives and risk
  1. I demonstrates skill in negotiating and influencing views on social research to a range of stakeholders, in different situations and in overcoming resistance
  1. I actively promote internal and external knowledge transfer

Someone who needs developing in this area might do the following:
  • Failure to understand the role and needs of social research customers in the department
  • Outputs do not highlight key points
  • Is reluctant or unable to defined own position or decision
  • Overlooks errors and inconsistencies in research evidence
  • Fail to include best ethical and legal practice in research specifications
  • Fail to manage key components of research project management
  • Fails to communicate difficult messages; Uses extensive technical terms or jargon
  • Misunderstand data; misapplies research methodology
  • Does not conduct risk assessments
  • Need a long lead in time before they are able to offer constructive support to others
  • Gives too much weight to one research priority
  • Uses a narrow range of analytical techniques
  • Lacks assertiveness when defending own and teams position
  • Advice and judgements are partial and lack balance
  • Fails to think laterally when framing research questions
  • Over-simplifies issues, gives too much weight to one argument or gives insufficient regard to risks, threats and opportunities
  • Focus too much on detail; fails to see the big picture
  • Is not active in influencing the opinions and views of others
  • Fails to make impression on wider stakeholders; does not extend sphere of influence
  • Fails to make collections between problem, solutions and process

Examples of sources of evidence
Feedback from policy colleagues; specification, research outputs, CPD handbook / Feedback from policy colleagues, risk summary forms, / Programme of future research for different policy areas, increase in ‘new’ contractors, on-going contact with analysts in OGD. / Feedback from peer and SCS, rewarding those using innovative research methods, documents on standards and practice in research